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Posts posted by Bearcat

  1. Hi guys, how did the crown ended up like that? Is this problem in particular to UPO or all reps? And how do we prevent this from happening?

    My UPO is on the way, and would want to take real good care of it...


    Happens on about 90% of the asian-movment UPOs eventually. Problem with manufacturing source for the Asian models (UPO lite). The Swiss UPOs are mostly OK, although this problem has been reported on a few of them. Depends on the Source.

    All the more reason to wait a while....Your 4th generation PO is still a mighty fine watch.


  2. When a dealer sells you a "1:1" or "Perfect" watch with a "Synthetic Sapphire" crystal and a "Lemania" or "Asian ETA" movement, what are you actually getting?

    These are amongst the most common lies told by dealers. It's a war of escalation where one dealer mislabels something and then the others have to follow suite or else have a product that's perceived as inferior. Well, it's time, as a community, to stop the [censored]. We're here to stop people getting scammed, right? Yet we tolerate some lies because we assume people will realise the dealers are just using marketing language.

    Here's the truth: There is not a single replica available from any of our dealers with a Lemania movement. Asian ETA movements, as sold in the new generation of reps, are not ETA movements at all. There is simply no perfect 1:1 replica of a Rolex Sub. The term Synthetic Sapphire should mean real, lab-grown Sapphire as found in genuine Rolexes, Omegas and the likes, but in some dealers cases, they use it to mean Mineral Glass, as used by bloody Timex.

    I'd hate to have to ask every time I bought a watch if what they advertised was truthful or mere advertising, so please try to convince your friendly dealers (It's mostly Josh and Trusty, the most prolific sellers here, that use these lies with abandon) to stop bullshitting us. Using words like Ultimate or Best Ever is understandable, it's the usual hyperbole required to show your newer model is better than the last, but perfect and 1:1 mean something absolute.

    They're getting worse and it's time to stop.

    I'd love to hear your opinions on how we can deal with it, but we need to do something as just telling the dealers hasn't worked for me..

    "Little White Lies" is far too kind a description. Most are outright fraud.

    My suggestion is to start a new topic called "Dealer Lies" and have everyone post the truth about individual models being offered by various dealers. Then the buyers can decide for themselves. After all, isn't that one of the main purposes of this forum and the others???

    Start with Josh and Andrew and then take on Paul at W0-Mart........It would be great reading.


  3. so - i was drooling over the zenith i posted about when swdivad posted this link to some for sale


    at 3600 they are very atractivly priced - The one i tried on was selling for 6100 - most on the bay are around 5k

    i can't spend 3600 on a watch right now - in fact i don't think i can spend 360 on a watch right now - but i had this idea - what if i buy like 4 or 5 of these and sell them on ebay for 4500+

    i could make enough $$ to keep one. - Am i nuts? i have an ebay feedback of 100% with 101 unique ratings and 115 total - so i mean, i'm not a total scammer -

    also - i take really good photos (relatively speaking, i'm no ttk) and usually write up good auction descriptions.

    Its my experience that he same item can be sold for signifigantly more $$ based upon how you write up the ad.

    I have never sold anything worth more than a few hundred dollars on ebay.

    ok- so, i'm i nuts? my wife wanted to kill me when i mentioned this - but said she would back me if i am certain i know what i'm doing.

    and yes, i can write the check to buy the watches initially.

    one other thought was to buy 1 - try to sell it on the bay and see how it goes. I'm almost certain i can sell it for the 3600 i would have paid.

    thanks for your thoughts


    I'd recommend that you try Timezone or Poor Man's Watch Forum first and save the eBay fees.


  4. Hi guys,

    I'd like to ask what is the accuracy you managed to get from your automatic rep so far?

    (thinking that many people have many reps for long time, up to now, so it's a good time asking :) )

    I managed to reach a good +6" on ETA 2824-2 and 2836-2 and no less than +/-20-25" on asian movements.

    how about you?

    I am getting similar results on many of my reps. The Swiss ETAs can be regulated to reach COSC standards. Great movements.


  5. Hi

    I need to get a nice watch fo the Mrs and was wondering whats the most accurate Womens Watch on the market?

    Any ideas? preferably NOT Rolex (too common) and NO Diamonds (too blingy)



    The perfect watch for any women is not the most accurate watch. What you want it a watch that gains about 30 minutes a day. That way, there is a better chance that they will be on time....... :whistling:


  6. I have both the Seamaster GMT and the YM, although the YM is about 18 months old, so a different generation and has the flaws current at the time.

    If you only have one watch, it would be the Seamaster all the way. No comparison because it is the most versatile in different circumstances and is simply the superior watch.

    If you really want to supplement an existing collection with something more dressy, then the YM might be the way to go -- a bit blingy for some dressy situations, perhaps, but definitely an elegant statement.

    I prefer wearing my YM in "sport-dressy" occasions such as going out to dinner, etc. If it's a more serious dress-up situation, then I would probably recommend something a bit more understated such as a Patek or VC.

    For a recent two-week trip to England I took my Seamaster for every day wear, and a VC Overseas for my brother's wedding and a few other suit and tie occasions.

    That's exactly what I am looking for....something for those "sport dressy" situations. Looks like the YM is going to win this one. And it seems Eddie Lee has the best one? Never ordered from him before. I have had excellent service with Andrew at trustytime. I am waiting and waiting on an order from TTK...although he has communicated with me very well. So I may try EL for this one.

    Thanks to all who commented.


  7. Hi folks !

    I just returned from a short vacation to Turkey this weekend. There are a lot of watches around there but it is very hard to find something interesting.

    But then I found this unique watch and had to take it home. It looks not too bad, has a sapphire crystal and a chinese GMT movement. The bezel is uni-directional, the bracelet has solid polished midlinks and a divers extension. The datefont is green with open 6 & 9.

    Look for yourself and count the other flaws...





    But somehow I like it...



    Nice looking watch, actually. What was the going price for this item in Turkey??


  8. Lovely watch, and I am so happy to see it comes standard with the obligatory TRL :p

    Must say its VERRRRY tempting, and I haven't bought a rep in years!


    Fantastic watch. I am also going to have to try to source one.

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