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Posts posted by wadan

  1. Yes the size of it and the date wheel placement, also the power reserve there was a long thread on it on TRC. Every one was raving about it but it could not be made with the movements that are available.

    A shame but i am sure that the project has not been forgotten it just remains as a project for the rep makers.

    This is my point Exactly :) ,

    The only thing standing between us and a an amazing Big pilot watch is the fixation on the brand :bangin: ,

    Why do not we just forget about Replicating an IWC BIG PILOT , and just make a decent good quality Thick Big Pilot of our own ,

    I am for one do not care if it reads IWC on the dial or any other Name ,or brand

  2. Hello to you all and a Happy new year :D ,

    Here is the thing ,,, because of the nature of my job I am in a suite 90% of the time ,

    Up till now I never let this fact affect my choice of watches :yu: , I wear Pams , Navitimer and even a Chronoavenger with suites an Tweed sport Jackets ,

    How ever I am in the market for a dress watch

    Any suggestions are highly welcome and most appreciated :D

    Thanks in advance and cheers

  3. Wadan, I assume you have seen the Steinhart Grand Marquis since you've been through the Jagdbomber and all, but in case you haven't, it's a nice watch :)

    At 13,8mm I do not know about its thickness compared to the Big Pilot's 17,5mm though, how bad it will look..



    Thank you for your replay :) ,

    Yes I know about it , unfortunately the Steinhart uses the same case dimensions “ Actually I think it is the same case :g:

    The thickness Issue is real , I know I am not the only one complaining :huh: ,

    Kindly follow this link , http://www.network54.com/Forum/246576/mess...muth+JagdBomber

    What can I say , nothing is perfect <_<


  4. I am writing this post to see who many of us would agree with the following Idea .

    First of all am not talking about reping an IWC , I am talking about a non branded “or brand it with the name you like :D “ Big Pilot watch .

    Personally I cant find any decent one on the market except the the Gen IWC PB. I went a head and bought a jag Bomber kept for a week and sold it , it was too thin, so thin that the crown digs in your hand kind of thin :( ,

    So here is my Idea :

    Use the currently available bad IWC BP rep “ it is only bad because it dose not match the real one “

    Change the dial to a standard Pilot “ no brand , no date, no power reserve “ dial with a nice lume job , Change the back that says IWC .

    Put a nice strap and walla

    I am thinking maybe we can convince Davedsen with the Idea “ we all know how talented he is :D

    So…What do you think ?

  5. acutally, i think those are damn nice. very classic and old school looking, might wanna take some of the blur down a bit (dont know if that was done with the depth of field of the camera or photoshop) but all and all i really dig em, nice job!!!

    Thank you so much , :D

    That really cheered me up ,

    I haven’t made any alterations with photo shop ,, can that help ? I have no Idea :blink:

  6. I will go for it in heart beat , :Jumpy:

    besides it is very simple to produce

    we already have the case , the movement is not a problem , It has a white date wheal so it makes life easier

    the only thing they have to do is the dial

    they can start production in no time and without investing in an original piece

    this is very simple right ?


  7. Actually it did happen to me ,, :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I was wearing my Gen Pam 001B when some one came to me and said is this is a panari “ he was wearing what looked like a pam 111,

    Anyway I said yes it is . and he asked to see it , I gave it to him and he gos : that is a fake man !!! this model should have a clear case back like mine “ His was wearing an earlier model Rep with the wrong bridge “ but he thought and paid for it as a gen .

    I ended up explaining the difference between Pam 001 and a pam 111 , and sticking it in his face that he infact was the one with a Rep . :yu:

    Poor guy , I which he would not had to be cruel to me , I would have figured a more gentle way to till him he was ripped off. ;)

  8. I am in for the ss version as it is , please conceder me for the group buy

    “ I assume the group buy watches will be individually inspected before shipping , right ? “

    I do not think that stick markers will cause a problem , I had many experiences where blue screws from my Pams had fallen into the movement causing it to stop but never damaged . you take out the screw put it in its right place and walllah good as new .

  9. I know it is maybe a little to late to suggest I a new option , But I am just wondering how did we miss this one :g: !

    It is very easy to replicate , meets the movement restrictions , not too dressy , not to sporty , 42mm so not too big , and it well known brand ,

    and it is a perfect alternative for those of us who thinks that an F.A Johns is not credible or to flashy

    Bitty we have missed it :(

    is there a chance to get it replecated ?? :bounce:

    What do think


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