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Posts posted by Homer

  1. She paid in half cash and half from her paypal account. I have a signed receipt AND video of her picking the guitars up.

    She then went home and filed a claim with paypal stating we didnt ship the guitars to her. Of course we did not have a tracking number showing shipment to her address, and Paypal gave her the money back.

    Sorry to ask.

    Did this not seem suspect?

    Why did you not request full-cash or bank transfer etc. for such a high value deal.

    Especially since paypal does not cover cash-collect.

  2. Ebay has reached the 'holy grail' of any business plan.

    Their brand is synonymous with their product.

    People say "ebay it" instead of "auction it".

    Ebay is as likely to fade away as Microsoft... not gona happen.

    The vast majority of sellers are happy with using ebay.

    There will always be some that get stung and bad news spreads faster than good news.

    Ebay has allowed me to sell items to practically every country in the world.

    There really is no other way to get this much exposure in the market.

  3. i like to know, if i am starting to offer this one.. would you buy one?

    price would range from $20-$30 ... depending on the quantity that i can order

    here are some sample picture... not exact product


    those are all my photos off ebay

    I have all of these already if any1 wants them

    please dont use my photos.


  4. I've bought lots of reps from several of our trusted dealers over the years without any issues (including Paul) We all know about the Crazy Sale and quality issues he has had but he always responded to emails...especially the ones telling him he has a WU payment waiting.

    I emailed him Saturday, Monday, and today letting him know he has a payment waiting and still have gotten no response.

    Maybe he's out on his boat...

    Go ahead all you Paul haters...let me have it :wounded1::wounded1::wounded1:

    why on earth would you post this.

    can you imagine how many emails that guy gets.. not to mention all the other things he needs to deal with.

    if you cant wait just cancel the payment.

  5. Need a bit of advice. ! traded a watch with a friend of mine, I'm in the UK and he is in Switzerland. There was no declaration asked for when I sent it from the UK. It has arrived in Switzerland and customs there are asking him for a Proforma Invoice. What should he do? I'd be inclined to say it's a gift from a friend.... not sure if this is the right advice though! There was nothing but the watch in the box. The watch was a Panerai Daylight Chrono by the way. Suggestions would be most grateful.

    how did you send it?

    courier or royal mail?

    Switzerland is not in the EU.

    so you should of attached customs info.

    send a invoice.. repaired watch (personal item)

    use this form: http://www.interparcel.com/pdf/invoice.php

    depending on whos dealing with it... they will let it through. good luck :)

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