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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. I would say that almost certainly somebody in this forum believes in at least a kind of God.

    So does "anyone in this forum believe in God?" I must say yes.

    I personally do not. Similar but opposite to Pug I used to be Athiest and am now Agnostic, simply becuase I expanded my definition of what "God" means and I am a firm believer in anything is possible and I don't know for a fact that there isn't some kind of God out there.

    Not that it necessarily pertains but I always did like this one.

    There are two ways to live your life; One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

    BTW I am usually polite to religious door knockers on their first time about and make it clear to please not come back. If they come back, I don't feel obligated to show courtesy.

  2. ..but then again.. We don't have laws against drinking chlorine either..

    I guess they just trust you to have some kind of common sense over here. ;)

    Such misguided trust I have never seen...

    Actually I believe since drinking chlorine in volumes enough to kill yourself would be considered an attempt on your own life, it is technically against the law since suicide is against the law...

    The funny (if you would call it that) thing is I was watching a show where they were showing new cop weapons, one of which fires bit plastic things instead of bullets. It had been used in a situation to disarm someone who heald a gun to her own head. The cop was all happy because the other alternative was to kill her...

    The irony there is so strange...

  3. Yup, exactly that happened to me... I cut out junk food and fast food entirel, lost weight like you wouldn't believe... but it tapered off... now I have to keep my good diet and go to the gym regularly just to maintain.

    My advice... excercise... the only way to keep loosing weight and keep it off is to keep burning as many/more calories as you eat.

  4. I always try to allow a leeway for people who's ideals don't mesh well with mine and remember it's a big world and we are all unique...

    but this just defies reason...

    I mean dog humpers... ok I really don't like that but sexual satsifaction comes in many odd ways...

    Nechrophelia... again... I think personally it's pretty sicko... but that's me...

    But week old? That's just... FTW?

  5. No need to thank...

    there was no pleasantry given.

    But thank you for the answer...

    it may save me from assuming.

    And perhaps you missunderstood or assumed...

    either way permit me to refresh; the terms were "suggestion" and "noted"...

    Not "reuquirement" and "agreed".

    And with that I think it comes now not to check and mate...

    But rather to draw and well played :thumbs:

  6. Well then quit slinging the damn poop then Dave...

    Like I said earlier...

    Relax, take a pill, have a Toddy, and get laid...

    Life ain't all that bad...

    Even if you did grow up the "Runt"...


    That's why I try to fling only the truth...

    What others fling is not always so pure.

    Believe me...

    As for how worked up you clearly think I am...

    You only move further from base.

    But I will take your advice on getting laid...

    As I find it's pretty solid advice in any situation.

    The pill and Toddy I will leave...

    But my curiousity does peak...

    Does your insite into growing up the runt...

    Stem from personal experience?

    Life is good.

  7. I try not to imply...

    Because with implication comes assumption...

    And you konw when you assume what comes.

    As for respect...

    A monkey who flings poop may never realize...

    That in the end it is his own hand that gets covered in sh*t...

    But at the least...

    His determination I can respect.

    Holly sh*t I have channeled the spirit of Klink...

  8. You're Ok in my book Dave...

    You hold your own...


    PS: Consider Upgrading...

    We might not agree TT, and we might not like the same people... but I firmly believe respect doesn't need to go hand and hand with agreement... glad to know your impression of me and cheers to ya!

    I still don't like it in public, but comming from a member of the mod team, suggestion on upgrade noted.

  9. Listened to the song one more time just to give it a chance... sounds like something that would have got cut in round 2 of American Idol or something...

    Anyhow... I will overlook the obvious insult and forgoe the fact that should I even come close to claiming to know so much about TTK as to make a statement as to how he grew up the sh*t storm would rival Katrina...

    And just say... couldn't be more off base... but (and get this) I can see why you might think that way.

    You like apples?

    PS My names still not Dave.

  10. Tried to look up kacey crowley badass lyrics but no luck... feel free to link to them... I don't think I have ever tried so hard to help someone insult me...

    BTW I should rephrase that part about the song sucking... I think it sucks, but to each his own, someone out there probably thinks popo zao is a good song... I tend to like a pretty broad variety of music but something about it just felt like elevator music... an elevator I very badly want to get out of...

  11. TT I already listened to your song the first time you linked it... to be honest that song sucks so badly I couldn't actually get meaning from it... it's like my mind put up some kind of block to it... you know like when you are at a bar and some very unfortunate looking young lady strikes up a conversation with you? She could be talking about the most interesting thing in the world yet somehow your mind puts up some kind of deflector shield and her words just all bounce off into the ether?

    I have to go to work so I will look up the lyrics later so I can fully bask in what I am sure is some kind of lightly veiled insult.

    BTW My name is not Dave.

  12. Devedander,

    Even though you attempted to invalidate my response, based on stipulations that were not included before the guessing began, I want to show you there are no hard feelings by sharing my love of Ninja's with you. Check out my favorite site on the net (Besides RWG): http://www.realultimatepower.net/index4.htm



    TB I give you honorary mention for your outside the box solution! Yes, technically it was not stipulated that eyeball reflection reading was not allowed :p

  13. i suppose i'm just one of those people who never got klink. frankly i never cared to.

    Glad I am not the only one who felt that way... I tried to understand him, and I think I actually got what he said sometimes, but those times were pretty rare... and I was probably just guessing more than actually understanding anything :black_eye:

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