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Posts posted by statikman

  1. The 172 was super hot when it was released and many of us have one in our collections. I also have the chrono version on a bracelet and it looks amazing.

    What has happened is we are not as excited about these older models as we are about potential new ones so they get less discussion here, though they are still highly regarded. Also, this watch is a rep of a very expensive genuine. Many people prefer to wear a watch that is believable on them.

    Most dealers do carry the 172 and it does have the blue hands. At certain angles they appear black, but believe me, they are very blue. PM any of our dealers and you will track one down.

  2. first of all, some of us know the entire story, and were present when you fools gave your money away (wasn't to blade in the first place). Others, after seeing you originally throw your cash away to paul for months, warned you what could and might happen. I will not own responsibility or defend anyone's actions but my own, but you can play the victim long enough to where you actually believe it's true, but in the end, there are others who actually saw what happened. In closing, 200 bucks would be a small price to pay for the hours of enjoyment that has been brought to us free of charge IMO. In los angeles at least, 200 dollars will get you a cup of coffee and a bucket of gas. How soon we forget.

    I have to admit, I loved the fact that Rya disappeared for a while. He takes life way too seriously and is a bit of an [censored], enjoying stirring the pot more than talking watches. I thought it was hilarious that Rya came back to RWG1 only after the collapse.

    I truly hope he grows up or disappears again. This type of post isn't really in line with the direction of this board. Remember, we raised money for those who lost theirs' in Blade's scam. I don't think anyone here appreciates being called fools.

  3. I am thrilled to be here am very much at my replica watch home as long as I am welcome here.

    I do however remember the weirdness surrounding Paul's Crazy Sale (not to mention Elliot's recent brief appearance). He disappeared for nearly a year after that and never did explain himself or apologize and here he is, doing business as usual. Every politician knows that people will generally forget the bad stuff if you show them something shiney.

  4. Last spring my beautiful white dial Ti Chrono Avenger died on me. I tried everything ( I shook it and tapped both the chrystal AND the caseback a lot) for a few days before giving up. I figured the cost of repair would be higher than the watch so I put it away, finding it every few months while searching for something else. I would always give it a shake, turn the crown, tap it etc only to put it back in the watch drawer, dead.

    I just found it in a box from my February move while looking for straps and I decided to try my luck again. After setting the date and the time, it started run!!!

    Now, 20 minutes later it is still working. I'm afraid to take it off as it's not fully wound and I still haven't bought a winder (damn Unitas handwinds!)

    The only problem is, my zombie Breitling now has an insatiable appetite for......human flesh!

  5. Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind Tour, backed by Saxxon and Fastway in 1982 or 83. I was 13.

    Second was Ozzy backed by Motley Crue for Bark At the Moon in 83 or 84. On LSD for the first time and an absolute wreck.

    Last show I saw, Michael Buble (hey, I'm an adult now). Awesome and if you get a chance, go.

    Oh yeah, all in Vancouver BC Canada.

  6. Catch it???

    It was like the whole movie was an ad for Panerai (as well as an excuse to make a soundtrack of Cameron Crowe's favorite music). He was wearing a 1950.

    Overall I disliked the movie but I liked the last 15 minutes even though it was cheesy. Was it me or was there zero chemistry between the 2 leads?

  7. I have a new client ( I'm a hair stylist) that noticed my 212 4 weeks ago and complemented me on it. Normally I will let most people know my watch is a rep if they express any interest but this guy was wearing a Santos and said he had a Panerai as well and named the local jeweler he bought it from. We talked watches a bit and I allowed him to think mine was gen.

    He came in this evening wearing a beautiful 125 and I happened to be wearing my 118 (on bad python) with the flimsiest lever in the world. You know, when it opens a little on its own just by moving your wrist. He says, "Man, how many Panerais do you own?" and I tell him "just the two." and I go on to change the subject, while trying to keep my left arm from being too close to his sight line.

    Throughout the appointment, he talks about ethics in life and business. He is from India and is an MIT grad, and just a little bit of an elitist. I can tell that he would have no appreciation of a fine replica or the type of person that would buy one so I continue to allow him to think it's genuine.

    I have truly never implied my watches were anything other than reps but I know I would lose this guy and his wife as clients if they knew. I've always been quite proud of my reps and have many clients with gen Pannies who know my hobby but I feel like an [censored] perpetrating in this case. Now it's gone too far to come back from so I'm going to have to watch my book for his next visits and make sure I'm not wearing a different Panerai than he's seen already.

  8. I think a 187 or a Mare Nostrum is what is needed to shake things up a bit. I agree, I've hit the wall with 44mm CG watches. I've ordered a few BOBs and I will put the 029 away until I try the new straps on it. If I still feel over it I will put it up for adoption and get an IWC Chrono.

  9. I think I am over Panerais. I just recieved my EL 029 and for the first time I unwrapped a watch and went,"Meh."

    I have a 217, 111G, 111H, 117, "PVD" 111, 192, 212 and now an 029 and I have to say I think I have reached critical mass. Either that or the 029 just doesn't sing to me the way the other ones do.

    Maybe a Submersible or Arktos will help but I think the love affair might be coming to an end. Maybe I will try some new straps to try to rekindle this relationship.

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