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Everything posted by JBoy

  1. Hey - just a big congrats to everyone that entered. Nice to see some real passion out there. And PT is a big winner no matter what he chooses. JB
  2. I would like to chime in here (as I'm the one that had the most to say on the other thread regarding servicing a 7750). It is MY understanding from my back and forth with The Zigmeister - that the Asian7750 is a flawed movement. But only in that they seem to come either dirty or dry from the factory. He says that if you fully service it - it should run for years and years with no problems. My understanding is - that if you DON'T have it serviced early on, then it becomes a ticking bomb waiting to fail. Not to stir things up - but I spoke with a local watchmaker who has also worked on many of these movements and he told me in no uncertain terms to NOT service it until it breaks down) or at least wait a year. But it sounds ike it may not LAST a year before it breaks. So - I've decided to wait a few months (I have a new 7750 on the way) and see how it runds. See if I like the watch - and then send it in for a service. My local guys CLAIMS that he offers the same type of service as The Zigmeister - taking the movement apart, cleaning and oiling it and putting it back together. But he only charges about $65 - and has no problem working on a replica. Until I actually use his services on this I cannot comment on the quality - but I know of other people that have sent him many watches - all with great results. Not sure if this helps clarify anything - but there you go. JB
  3. I would like to chime in here (as I'm the one that had the most to say on the other thread regarding servicing a 7750). It is MY understanding from my back and forth with The Zigmeister - that the Asian7750 is a flawed movement. But only in that they seem to come either dirty or dry from the factory. He says that if you fully service it - it should run for years and years with no problems. My understanding is - that if you DON'T have it serviced early on, then it becomes a ticking bomb waiting to fail. Not to stir things up - but I spoke with a local watchmaker who has also worked on many of these movements and he told me in no uncertain terms to NOT service it until it breaks down) or at least wait a year. But it sounds ike it may not LAST a year before it breaks. So - I've decided to wait a few months (I have a new 7750 on the way) and see how it runds. See if I like the watch - and then send it in for a service. My local guys CLAIMS that he offers the same type of service as The Zigmeister - taking the movement apart, cleaning and oiling it and putting it back together. But he only charges about $65 - and has no problem working on a replica. Until I actually use his services on this I cannot comment on the quality - but I know of other people that have sent him many watches - all with great results. Not sure if this helps clarify anything - but there you go. JB
  4. OK - last of the last for me here. I really must stop. It's been fun. PT - I hope you find what you're looking for. Cheers, JB
  5. Hey - even if I don't win - I'd be happy to make a final logo for you based on the elements from the different ones you like. But I'm still working on one last design that will blow all the others away.
  6. Oh yeah!? Well - I'm willing to wash his car too. And shovel the snow off his walk in the winter. Beat that. lol Seriously - I don't care who wins. Just having a few slow days at work and this is fun for me. It would be nice if ALL our clients sold watches and cool stuff - instead of ovens and hiking boots and boring stuff like that.
  7. Thanks. PM me if you have any questions. As for everyone else - I will only say I specifically avoided using any specific watch as the basis for a design. I see a lot of designs using Panerai or Rolex as their basis (ie. LeGambleur embossing the name into a Panerai back). I think that's just a BIT too easy a choice - plus for a website/dealer that sells many brands of watches - I didn't think it appropriate. End of day - PT will decide what HE wants. And PT - if you want a complete overhaul of your website, business cards, etc. I'm for hire. Watches and straps as payment. Good luck everyone in the final stages! JB
  8. OK - last ones for me as I have actual work to do now... (One new one plus showing how my favourite would work on your web page.) Best of luck to everyone and congrats to the eventual winner. JB
  9. This is not to stir things up - but I'm asking a serious qustion here... I've been back and forth with my watchmaker over this service issue. He actually refuses to service it while new - saying it doesn't need it (and has a lot of experience with these movements - and over 30 years in the business). He WILL service it - but says there is NO POINT from new. I also asked what type of service he does (price and what you get). His answer: "It would cost £35 (That's about $65US) I do not quote a cost for cleaning - only overhauling, which includes: stripping, cleaning, adjusting and lubricating, but does not include any parts or materials used. There is no point in doing this to your watch." So - if I DO want to get the watch serviced (by him) – is there anything missing from his quote that I should ask for? This certainly looks like more than just a simply splash and lube... but for that price I must be missing something. I'm no longer debating whether or not it should be serviced - but rather what to get done and how to get a good deal vs good service. Thanks, JB
  10. Slow day at work - so here are some more....
  11. A few quick questions if I may (that will help me and others....) Do you prefer a "graphical" logo? (One with a picture of some sort in it) - Or just a straight type logo (words only)? Do you want the logo to fit any particular format? (eg - as a banner on your wesite and at the bottom of posts - or do you want something that can be an avatar too)? Will it be ONLY for web applications - or do you want something that can go on letterhead, etc? And yes - I do this for a living. The more info you provide, the better designs you end up with. Thanks!
  12. Look - I"m sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you are over priced or unworthy in any way. I spoke with a FEW other watch servic people and they all say NOT to service the 7750 (Asian) right away and that there's nothing wrong with it. However they prolbably haven't taken it apart the way you have. I think there is a happy middle ground. Service it after a year, but maybe not right away? I duuno. If I (personally) love the watch, I will keep it and keep it running well. In the future I WOULD like to use your services, but maybe not on a full service on a new watch I just bought unless I KNOW it's perfect and the way I way want it. I sincerely hope people take your ADVICE and take better care of there watches.
  13. No - I'm not arguing just for the sake of arguing. I just wanted to be clear on the costs and risks involved in servicing vs non-servicing. I've never had ANY watch serviced - and with the exception of ONE (a REP that broke a spring) - none of them have caused me any problems. That goes for GENs and REPs alike. Having read your reviews and arguements I'll certainly be more wary in the future and will take greater care. But I also think you are mis-leading people when it comes to this subject. You make it sound like if you do NOT service an Asian 7750 movement (and within days of receiving it), then it will unequivocally fail. What about all the people that have NOT serviced their watches that still work fine? I don't consider my watches throw-aways either - I simply cannot justify doubling the cost of a watch simply because it MAY last longer. Especially these days when there are so many nice Reps to chose from. I don't want to be stuck with JUST one for the next 5 years. As for the cheap service I was directed to - I will check with them to see what their service offers. All I can go on is what is advertised - and that is a service on a chrono movement (starting at) $50. Fully guaranteed. But if you say that is impossible - then I will defer to you on this.
  14. I could say the same to you. At least I READ what you write before replying! I DON'T expect t a Rep to be like a Gen. I never said I did! In fact - I keep repeating over and over that I know they are different. GEN'S COST MORE AND GENERALLY WORK FOR MANY YEARS WITH NO PROBLEMS. That's part of the reason they cost so much. PART of the reason. I also NEVER said that I expected a REP to cost any less to service. I simply said I didn't think it was worth it. And lastly - let's be honest here. They do NOT have the same engines powering them - do they? Show me a GEN watch with an Asian 7750 in it and I'll shut up. I think your whole point is that Asian 7750's are cheap movements - no? If I purchased a new, raw ETA 7750 - would I still have the same problems? Or would it work for years to come? Listen - end of the day I completely understand that a REP is a REP. It's pretty and it's cheap. I don't expect much from it. If it works for a year - I'm happy. I hope that next year at this time the watch I just bought will be a lot more fine-tuned (flaws fixed) and if so - I'll gladly pay the extra cost to keep it running.
  15. I think you're just repeating what I said. I didn't say YOUR service was as simple as an oil change on a car. YOU asked if I would change the oil on a car if there was no guarantee that it would stop a rod from throwing, etc. You compared an oil change on a car to YOUR service. Not me. I agreed that these are cheap watches - and couldn't be expected to perform to the same standard as a Gen. I also understand that servicing a movement is akin to stripping and rebuilding an engine. But I simply wouldn't have an engine rebuilt on ANY car. It's always cheaper and easier to buy a new car (or even a new engine!). Can we agree to disagree? I suppose if I ever come a decent rep (one worth keeping and wearing for many years to come) then I will certainly consider paying those kinds of prices to keep it running. As it is - someone emailed me a link to a watchmaker (local to me) that will do the service for about 1/4 your cost. Will I get the same level of service? Probably not. Will my watch last 4 times longer with your service? Probably not.
  16. Actually I DIDN'T miss the point. I said that's part of the reason why they cost more.
  17. P.S. The last Rep I bought DID break. Looks like a sprint exploded inside. Doesn't wind any more. Would a cleaning have prevented that? I doubt it. (And no - I didn't drop it)
  18. I'm sorry - but YOUR analogy does not work. If I bought a Ferrari (or ANY car) for that matter - and the cost to make it run was the same as buying another car - then I would simply buy another car. I wouldn't think the dealer was ripping me off. I'm also not suggesting that your prices are too high. Your price is your price. There's just no sense in paying that much money to service a watch when it can be replaced for the same cost (or less). Besides - if I bought a GEN watch - I would expect it to run WITHOUT having to have it cleaned first. That's PART of the reason why the prices are higher for Gen's. Just like if I paid $150,000 for a Ferrari - I would expect it to run (or at least have some sort of warranty?) Lastly - the cost of changing the oil in a car is a very small percentage of the overall cost. I can get an oil change for $40 or less. And that's on a $40,000 car (or even on a $4,000) one. If it cost me $4,000 to change the oil on a $4,000 car - I probably wouldn't bother.
  19. OK - maybe I'm missing something - but if you charge $200 to clean an Asian 7750 (and others may charge up to $750!!) I don't really see the point of servicing it at all. Even if it's cleaned and serviced - there's no guarantee the watch and/or movement will last 5 years. Other parts of the watch may break, etc. If I only pay $250 for a new watch (shipped, etc) then I'm having a hard time justifying getting it cleaned. Might as well run it until it dies. Unless, of course it will have to be replaced every year. Are you saying that if I don't clean/service the movement while new that it WILL die in a year or less? Or is it just luck of the draw?
  20. It celebrates Columbus landing in America (and kicking the sh!t out of the native Indians). Ok - that's a joke (the Indians part) - but it's just a day when people get together and gives "thanks" for what they have. It's also the single busiest travel day in the US. Most folks sit around and watch NFL football and have a big turkey dinner. It's not a religious day at all. And yes - they DO celebrate it in Canada - but it's in October instead.
  21. OOPS!!! Didn't read the part where you said you bought the 112. Good choice. Now re-post in a few more months when you decide to trade it in for another one!
  22. Having owned them all (the real ones - not reps) - I can tell you this: buy the one YOU like. There's no point anyone else telling you what to buy. If you prefer the base - then buy the base. Don't worry about the lack of a COSC - it means nothing anyway. Me - I prefer the 111 or 005 - because I like the second hand. I like seeing that the watch is running, etc. The 112 or 000 are really nice watches too. just depends if you want a logo on it or not. I personally like the logo on the dial. Do you? No point running a poll if you want a logo, etc. They are all great watches and no matter what you get you can't go wrong. I found that once I owned one - I wanted more and more - and just kept selling or ttrading, trying different things until I found one I like. I ended up with an 87 - because I liked the size. Good luck!
  23. Can someone tell me roughly how much I should expect to pay for a service? (When I get a new one - not when it breaks)... Just curious.
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