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About flash515

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  1. I just picked up a metal strap for my 29 and noticed 2 things, one it has sharp edges so its not as comfortable to wear as it should be and 2 on close examination not all the detent check balls are staked properly. So before I lost a spring and a check ball I we staked the strap. For those not familiar to what I am talking about the detent springs are in blind hole with a tiny spring and a check ball then the edge has a punch mark that deforms the edge of the hole so the ball stays in place, check yours carefully as the mine had 2 that where not staked right at the edge and eventually I would have lost the spring and the ball and good luck trying to find replacements. I used a small Philips screwdriver and a hammer to stake the edge other punches will do. To fix the comfort problem a white small stone in a Dremel and slow speed and about an hour later and now its as comfortable as my old full polished Breitling strap to wear.
  2. I have been eyeballing one of these http://www.1-pc8838.com/co10141-admirals-chronograph-ssss-blue-p-5809.html there are other dial colors available and also another model with a rubber deployment strap with chrono function
  3. I want the new Samsung note which is a 5" phone with auper amoled screen or the new Samsung 7.7 which also has the new super amoled screen in a 7" tablet format but the assholes at crapple are suing Samsung so its delaying the inevitable, then I can ditch my crapple i4 and get apple off my desktop. That picture is very good for a phone by the way.
  4. For those who wish to resize a leather band and dont have a leather punch, I have a way of doing it to get good results. Take a piece of brass or aluminum tubing from a hobby shop of the appropriate size and make a cutter by filing the end so the circumference is sharp all the way around. Now put it in a dremel tool and use it like a drill bit. The sharp edge works like a circular knife and leaves a nice clean cut hole in the leather. DO NOT USE A REGULAR DRILL BIT AS IT CHEWS UP THE LEATHER AND LEAVES A RAGGED EDGE. And no I dont have any photos.
  5. Also am debating if I should polish the crown guard it has a satin finish at the moment seems from what I can find the real would be high polished. What do you guys think.
  6. Its a Bob alligator 24/22mm and is marked ECHT LEDER 24 on the back cannot remember the specific color but think it was Honey but not sure. Bought it about 4 years ago for my Breitling Bentley
  7. some more pics with the strap on
  8. Just got my first Panerai think I may be acquiring more in the future. Here is a pic with the strap I had on my Breitling which I will be puting on shortly.
  9. Thanks to everyone.
  10. Would like to know the lug width on an 029, did a search and it doesnt seem to pop up anywhere and the various web sites leave out that info. I assume its 24mm but am not sure.
  11. dont know if this will help but locally where I am is a company called watchpartsdistributors.com that deals in swiss watch parts with really good prices. They may be able to help check there web site. They are in Vancouver British Columbia.
  12. anybody know of any suppliers of stainless band that have end links that fill in around the case. Found 1 supplier on ebay but he wants a stupid price. I am not super concerned about it being an exact replica. Have a 029 coming dont like the bracelet on the 161 like the 297 style but didnt order that watch as I wanted the thinner 029. Any ideas.
  13. Today at 1:00pm Pacific time on Discovery channel in Canada not Discovery World HD is a show called How It Is Made. The episode features turbochargers, Burritos, and watches, the watch portion shows the making of a Panerai. It was also on last night so dont know how many more times it will repeat and or if it is on in the US etc.
  14. There is a HUGE variance in the quality of watch batteries. Locally the dollar store sell really cheap batteries that go flat really quick and I would guess the reps come with something like this stock. Look for a good name brand but there is a big difference in price the Chinese cheapies are 4 for a dollar and a premium is about $8.00 ea
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