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Mendota Explorer

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Posts posted by Mendota Explorer

  1. Another thing about the hand stack is that no gen owner even knows what it is or what you are talking about. They have no need to - it is what it is and it is a non-issue for them. So really, the only people even looking at the order of your hands are other rep guys who know enough about reps to see it. Quite frankly, that is a great opportunity to make a new friend!

  2. I think you are thinking of the Cartel 1680. Those cg suck monkey balls and no matter how much you rework them, they are always going to be too short. So the more metal you take off, the shorter they become. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The cartel 5513 is a different case.

  3. I was told by my ISP that ICANN changed the rules for all domains this year and now you have to physically confirm all admin details or they will block the domain until you do. I'm not sure why, and it's really easy to do it, but if his site is still up then someone did this for his site. Even if you prepay years ahead with your ISP you still have to go into the ICANN site now every year and confirm you are a live human.

  4. Here's what I'm wondering. If he's truly out of business how did his website make it past the ICANN renewal this year? My website got blocked by ICANN for a few days because I didn't realize that I actually had to physically click through and confirm my contact info even though nothing had changed. Some of my clients told me that their emails got bounced back to me. Since 2004 I never had to do that before. You only had to update the admin info if something changed.

    So someone or even he himself is keeping it active.

  5. Of course. There are tutorials that members have posted on all of the various forums on how to improve the finish on the case and bracelet. Just cleaning them makes a big difference. They are usually filthy.

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