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Posts posted by cc33

  1. Quote I like

    "Whenever I use an android phone, I get spikes of random lag, and an overall inconsistent experience. No matter which phone I use (I tend to buy and try then return if it doesn't meet my expectations), from the new S4 and HTC One to The new Galaxy Mega I always run into those same issues. It's not fun, because as a tech obsessed, new and greatest gadget loving man, it's a let down to try the best and new and have it feel like it was released last year. So far the HTC One was the closest to everyday usable to me. I love all the features that android has, and I do love how open it is and the customization, but I'm continually let down by the performance.

    For iOS it's almost the opposite. I am frustrated with the lack of customization, and over all lack of how open it is, but I have never in my life had a more reliable phone. It has been hands down the fastest, most consistent phone time and time again."

  2. The thing is there are two operating systems that are relevant to today's phone users, android or apple ios. Windows based phones suck imo. There's a huge difference between an iPhones experience and that of an android based phone. I can't really explain it well but basically the big point for me is that apple doesn't allow faulty apps or apps with hidden viruses to get into their App Store. My gf has an android phone and has problems because of this. I don't have to worry that an app I download will break my phone or steal my cc # or other info. I don't have to have an app to check for viruses or clean my phone because it's full of hidden crap. The iPhones experience is polished and intuitive, miles ahead of android in terms of user friendliness. They can charge me whatever they want as far as I'm concerned because I'm getting a better product. It holds it's relative value if I keep it in good shape and can be sold to fund my next one. There are some jokes circulating that the new iphone is comparable to android phones that were available two years ago.. That's nonsense.

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