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Posts posted by cc33

  1. Thanks mcotter, I really appreciate the offer. I found an easylink clasp in my parts drawer and have used that with my 16610lv instead of the glidelock. The coronet has the right basic placement and it's still a modern clasp even though it's not as cool as a glidelock. I'll try it out for a while before I take you up on your offer, it feels 10x better then the tuna can, it adds the right amount of weight down low to help balance the watch on my wrist, pretty cool!



  2. Hello, I was wondering if any of my fellow members could help me track down a gen glidelock clasp. I'm seeing them online for rediculous prices but when I called my local ad they told me that the price is 450$ canadian but that I would need a gen sub c to bring them and that they would have to remove that clasp and send it to rolex in order to be able to sell me the new one. Anyone have a way around this? I have contacts for vintage stuff but I'm not sure if they can get new items. Help! :)

  3. I've never been asked if my watch was fake, I have the lifestyle to pull of whatever I wear and I guess that's the key, if you are a student driving a Camry and wearing a 20k watch it may not make sense.. I was watching the World Cup the other day when a player was cramping, 2 medics came to his aid, one of which was wearing an ap offshore. I started to think, is that real? Can his salary possibly be enough to afford him a 20k watch? I wouldn't have asked myself that if it was a rolex or something a little more modest. I've only seen 5-6 guys wearing ap offshores in the past few years, and they all looked like they could easily afford them.

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