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  1. Hi all, first of all, I want to apologize with all of you who tried to get in touch with me during the last month. I had some troubles with my work recently and I couldn't find the time to follow this up. Right now I just answered to the messages I found in my mail box here on RWG, but some others surely found the mailbox full and couldn't even write. However, I'm very sorry to be obligated to communicate, that all DWs production is stopped at the moment. The reasons for this to happen, are few, part is because my printer never made them totally correctly and often obligated me to make several replacement, with loss of time and money. Although I have to say that during the last months, issues were almost all resolved. One of the main problems was that my printer didn't want to take his responsibilities and asked me to pay for all printed DWs, even the many being re-printed because defective. This is causing to me a tremendous loss of money..., we are talking about thousands of Euros. This situation doesn't allow me to prosegue any relationship with this company. Hopefully I will find the way to solve this controversy with them in the future, if this will happen and I will have the chance to start again the production, I will post right away here on the forum. There has been also another fact, which pushed me to quit and I want you all know about it. The "sanctified"The Zigmeister, for some obscure reasons that only he knows, decided to sabotate all my efforts, saying he refused to install any of my DWs, indiscriminately,no matter if they were good. I never understood why he behaved that way, but I don't care much about it. But I want members to know who they also have to thank for this end of DW story. Right now guys, I have lost also interest in replica watches, but I know this is just a temporary feeling. I hope soon I will come back here, sharing with you what I can, on the board, as I was doing in the past, before I started the DW odissey Surely sometimes I miss all this, so I'm optimistic. I can also promise that I will try to fix my problems with the printer and if I will have any chance to start againg the DW production, I surely will and will post about it right away. Now I want to let you know, that I still have some DWs left here, but just a few and only for few models, which I list here: - Eta 2892 (for Pam) - Eta 2893 (for Pam) - Ingy 2824 They work well. If any of you need one of those, just let me know and I will send them to you. Just Pm me, as I don't have the meilbox full anymore now and will be checking it. Thank you very much. -- Lello.
  2. Hi guys, just to inform all of you, that I have ready to ship, the following DWs: - Pam 7753 (a few white and only one blk) - Pam 7750 for all kinds) - Breitling (some left) I will receive the Ingies and Pam 2893/2836 and 2892, in a few days time. Members who made preorders, please proceed to purchase, as I did order these DWs, basing on these preorders. Today I'm leaving to Canada for a few days for work, I will be back on Thursday. Thanks all, -- lello.
  3. Hi Guys, just an update, which unfortunately it is something nice: This morning I was called be my spare parts supplier and they informed me that the blank DWs I ordered to make these new run, were ready to be shipped from ETA. But they wanted to make sure I still wanted to order all of them, because ETA increased all DWs prices. For the 2893/2836 and 2892/2824, the problem it's very little and I can afford it and don't need to rise the price. But for the 7750 and 7753, I'm obligeted to increase the price, at least of a part of this price addition I have to pay. 7750, that are the most used DWs, will have a three Euros increase for you, so I hope it is still an affordable cost. The problem is for the 7753, because ETA incredibly increased its price of 2,5 times! 7753 was already the most expensive DW, because ETA don't sell it blank, but only already printed with standard ETA font. So the price of these DWs, will be seven Euros more expensive for you guys and at the end of the day, I won't earn anything on those. If some of you sometimes have access to ETA price lists, you can verify what I'm saying it is true. Another information they gave me, it is also quite not nice, because they told me that also for 7750, ETA took out from spare list, the blank version, although they are now selling what I have in stock. This mean that soon, also 7750 DWs will be only available with standard print, which mean that they will cost to me at least 5 - 7 Euros more than now. I decided to confirm the whole order I made, so I hope that members waiting for the 7753, will be still willing to buy it, even if it will cost
  4. Hi Guys I was trying to update the list, with some of you added and some taken out, but it seams it is not possible anymore to edit the posts... So I will re publish the list further on, when we will be closer to the DW printing. For specific questions, please PM me, rather than post a reply here. Replies here are good for those who ask to be removed from the lists. Thank you.
  5. Hi friends, I would have preferred this time, to collect advanced payments, as in the past, several people whom made the preorder, didn't purchase the DW, once ready. But this would mean wasting several days, to make sure all members were aware of the new production. So what I'm going to do, is ordering the DWs of which I received pre orders (purchase intention), during the last couple of months. Below, I posted the list of members who did the pre order. It might happen that some of you who made the pre order, won't find himself in the list, this could happen because I'm considering only recent orders. Also it is possible that I have somehow missed a few orders, or that I include a few who already buy it, in this case, please advise me asap. Members in the list who changed their mind and are not going to buy the DW, please ADVISE ME RIGHT AWAY. The others in the list, who are intentioned to make the purchase, DON'T NEED to PM me, otherwise my message box will be soon full. Only new orders and cancellations please PM me. A few people, didn't specify the exact type of model, so please do it, if you will see the ? besides your order. These new runs, should be ready at the end of this month. DWs type are: Pam: 7750 date @ 3 and @ 4/5 (white and black bkg) 2893/2836 and 2892 7753 (black and white bkg) Breitling: 7750 black numerals on white bkg, for different models, such as Evo, BCE etc... IWC Ingy: both, 2824 and 2836. It is also possible to get the standard ETA DWs, already printed by ETA. Payments can be done any time, but you can also wait after I will communicate DWs are ready. It might happen that the DWs I'm going to produce now, won't be enough for all future orders and so, there might be the need of a second run, which would be ready not before mid Oct. Of course, I will be obligated to give the priority, to members who paid already. One more thing: Please remember when you will PP, to include your NICK in the subject and also the type of DW. Here is the list of preorders I'm considering at the moment: PAM 7750: LegendofSpeed 1 x 7750 @(3) jds 1 x 7750 blk @(4) Kool_Watch 1 x @4 beano2004 1 x @ 3 medphreak 1 x @3 Jonathan 1 x @3 Fido 1 x @4 bklm1234 1 x @3 blk porsche356a 1 x @? veja74 1 x blk @ 3 SLAI 1 x @3 magstr 1 x @3 statos 2 x @ 4 (avuto uno) 82KUBA 1 x @ 3 a german in denm... 1 x @ 4 Zypher 1 x @ 3 kye_lin 1 x @3 swissaddict 1 x @ 3 shura110 1 x ? Tourbi 2 x @3 sander 2 x @ 3 ReMo 1 x @ 3 TheLightRoom 4 x ? fresh 1 x @ 3 veyron 1 x @ 3 kye_lin 3 x @ 3 mwee 1 x @3 stevie7s 1 x 7750 blk @ 3 (PAID) -------------- Pam 2893/2836: jleraflo 1 x 2836 Pam1a 1 x 2893 medphreak 1 x 2836 bklm1234 1 x 2836 Kollektor 1 x 2893 Kruzer 2x 2893 Pam 7753: Porsche356a 1 x ? DuDro 1 x wht vlaletom 1 x blk boston21 2 x white (1 paid?) beano2004 1 x white centrino 1 x white dave_nyc 1 x 7753 white + 1 x 7753 blk jaykeem 1 x 7753 black Frog 1 x wht 7753 Gil calzon 1 x wht Breitling: mtb1979 1 x bwhitesox 2 x epetku 1 x rocky78 1 x r2d4 1 x szumi 1 x sconehead 1 x rocket754 1 x dluddy 1 x 120min 1 x zinberg 2 x windyzz 1 x Odinizm 1 x red 1 x Jawo 1 x BCE Concepta 1 x BCE bluerex 1 x BCE MrC 1 x BCE Javelin 1 x navy docblackrock 1 x chieftang 1 x BCE Here we go. Who is up there for my error, please advise asap. Who is not there and should be there, please advise asap. Thanks very much.
  6. Hi friends, you are very kind to show your gratitude for my hard work on DWs and I appreciate your words very much. If this new bunch of DWs won't create problems, it's possible that I will start again making them in September. I don't care at all about what somebody says or does to bohicott my service. As you spotted right, I don't really need to do this, as I rather waste money on it and please don't doubt this. I luckily do a profession which let me have good profits and all the time I spend after DWs, it's stolen to my real job and at the end of the day DW service it's profit free, when not a cost. On a side note, I made an update to the DW current service: I have to remind all, that several members who ordered a DW, after five days from my post, didn't proceed to purchase and so, I now feel free to sell them to anyone who ask for a DW. I'm sure several of you, didn't even noticed my new thread, but I can't do much about this... After tomorrow I will be leaving for a ten days vacation. Maybe I will be able to check mail from there, but of course I won't be able to ship DWs around. As you know, I always preferred do not getting advance payments, but in this situation, the only way to make sure to get a DW, is proceeding to payment, even while I'll be away and I will ship it at my return. Of course before doing it, make sure I have it available. Thanks guys
  7. Hi all, finally I just got some more DWs. They seam all issue free. Unfortunately some of them are less than I asked for, but it didn't depend on me..., so I apologize if I told to some of you that you would get the DW and you won't. As many of you know, I did have to decide to stop producing them and this was supposed to be the very last runs. However, if these new ones will be all fine and won't create me any problems of replacements etc..., I might decide to start again making DWs on September then. Please bare in mind that one of the most known watch modder of the board, some time a go decided to refuse installing my DWs on any watch. I tried to send him a message to know why and to apologize If some of my previous DWs had issues and created him troubles, but he even didn't answer to me. So, for those of you who are thinking to send their watches to Canada for the DW swap, please give up and let the next in line to get the DW instead. Here is the list of preorders I had, for each of the DWs made. Who of you made the preorder and don't see himself in this list, it's because the number of DW produced wasn't enough to reach your place in the list. I will wait two days and then i will give the DW to the next in line in the list, if purchase won't be made. I apologize for all the others who won't get the DW this time, but i really hope I will make them again in September. I also apologize if there will be eventual mistakes in assigning these DWs, but I swear I did my best to try following the waiting list sequence. It might happened that if I had a very old preorder (more than 6 months old), I did reset and are considering the preorders received during the last couple of months. Thanks very much for your understanding. The ones of you who will find them selves in these lists, but don't have the intention to proceed to purchase, please advise me right away. Please consider also that I will be leaving for around ten days time, on next wednesday June 18th, so I will be able to ship only until tuesday the 17th. Pam 2893/2836 preorders list: deepitch 1 x medphreak 1 x bklm1234 1 x Kollektor 1 x Pam 2892: deepitch 2 x promotersf 1 x PAM1A 1 x shura110 1 x jitai 1 x Pam 7750 date @ 3, black background: beano2004 1 x veja74 1 x SLAI 1 x magstr 1 x 82KUBA 1 x Pam 7750 date @ 4/5 black background: Kool_Watch 1 x jds 1 x statos 1 x Breitling: tazzman 1 x Jay Lee 1 x + 1 replacement JD 2 x antochat 1 x stevethebest 1 x cookiern 1 x Fidestro 1 x bwhitesox 1 x Pam 7753 blk bckd: vlaletom 1 x Ingy 2824: mwee 1 x apowers 1 x watcher 1 x martiniman 1 x This is all. Just wanted to let you know, that I do have a few more Ingy 2824 and also Ingy 2836 DWs in stock. And a few Pam 2893/2836 are available and a couple of Pam 2892 too. Also 3 x pam 7750 white background date @ 4/5 and 2 x Pam 7750 white bckd date @ 3. Thanks all!
  8. Please, go on the first page of this post, to read important update on 7750 and 7753 Pam DWs.
  9. DWs arrived today! See details on first page of this thread.
  10. If you like guys, I can show you the pics with the grid proving the right alignment for each of the new DW series. The grid was made by the computer and divide mathematically in 31 identical parts, the wheel, so this is a very reliable test. Obviously I also tested the DWs on the movements, but this is a good way to prove it. Consider that the windows on the grid, are much smaller that the actual ones, but we can see well if and how numbers fit on it. Here is the Pam 2893: When I will get the other new DWs, I can display each of those, so that anyone of you can be sure that there won't be any further misalignment issues. Hope you appreciate.
  11. Hi all, first of all I want to publicly apologize with you, for this long dalay in printing these new runs of DWs. I won't bother you detailing what happened, but in a few words, there was a problem with the fixture where the DWs are placed and suddenly almost all DWs started to come out wrong and it was difficult to spot where the problem was. Finally my printer decided to re build this fixture from scratch and not it seams problems are solved. However, in the meanwhile I've got a few Pam 2893/2836 and Pam 2892 DWs. They are tested and work fine. I also have three Ingy 2836 here. And two Breitlings. Tomorrow Pam 7750 and a few 7753 will be printed. The following day, Breitlings and Ingys will follow. On next week, another bunch of 7753 will be printed too. If this time all will go smooth, as I hope, on next tuesday I should have all DWs here. So, the ones of you who are waiting for Pam 2893/2836 and 2892, please confirm me your preorders by PM. Thank you very much for all your patience. -- Lello. -------------------------------- UPDATE APRIL 10 Hi all, finally I've got the DWs! I apologize with all of you, for the long time it took this new run, but me and my printer, met several technical troubles, in order to avoid any residual misalignment issue. Especially for some of these DWs, the requests are more than the availability. (i.e. Ingy 2824 - Pam 7750 date @ 4/5 and maybe also others) As the previous times, I will give the priority to the members who made a preorder. Please, those of you who made pre orders, confirm me you still want the DWs you preordered and proceed to purchase. If after a couple of days I won't hear from you, I will feel free to give the DW to the following request. Here you can see the pic of each of these DWs, so that you can have an idea of how they look: Pam 2892/93 Pam 7750 Pam 7753 blk Pam 7753 wht Breitling Ingy IMPORTANT: When you PP, please include your RWG nick name and the DW kind. Thanks! ---------------------------------- UPDATE APRIL 28 - 2008: Dear all, I finally got also the new run of Pam 7750 and 7753 DWs. They are good enough to worth to get them in my opionion, but as they are not perfect, I prepared some shots for each type. I'm showning eight numbers for each DW, so that you will have a clear idea of how they will look on the watch. It is a simulation, but it is very reliable, believe me. If you will decide to get the DW and then it would look worse than it is shown on these pics, you can ask for a full refund, shipping included. I'm doing this to avoid returns and complaints, so I did this in full good faith and not cheating anyhow. Of course, if you don't like them this way, you are totally free to do not get it. The ones who already paid, can ask for refund, if they prefer do not get the DW. IMPORTANT NOTE: Consider that this is the LAST TIME I make these Pams DWs, so there won't be other chances to get them better..., not from me at least. I might decide to keep producing the Breit and Ingy DWs, but I'm not sure if i will do it yet... Please, the ones who paid, or also who made preorders and the ones who would like to get, or not to get the DWs, please PM me asap. Thanks very much. -- Lello.
  12. Hi guys, I would like to remind to the ones who made a pre order, to proceed to the purchase. However, now I will sell the DWs to anyone who ask for it. Thank you. One more thing: PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO INDICATE YOUR RWG NICK ON PP DETAILS.
  13. Just to remind you that tomorrow I will have to start selling out the DWs to people willing to pay, despite to the pre order list.
  14. I'm wondering if anybody of the buyers of a white 7753 DW, could be willing to sell it to another member, for the same price he paid... I'm asking because there are a couple of members who are waiting to get a replacement of this DW, for a long time and my printer incredibly keeps making them wrong... (only them) Now he is going to re print them, but if in the meanwhile some of you is not using it, there would be a member who would get it right away from you. Let me know, thanks.
  15. I noticed that there are some members whom think I'm also printing the DWs for the Breitling SFSO. But this is not the case. SFSO it's different and it is on 2824, while the Breit DWs I'm making, are only on 7750. One member a few days a go, told me he would have made a poll, or opened a thread, to see if there were at least 20 people interested and so, I could start a production for this DW.
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