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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Replica, a bad one...


    Hands, dial, bracelet, case, bezel, all with flaws.

    its people like you, armed with such knowledge, who amaze me, honestly.

    To me, it looks good. Can you please share whats wrong with the parts you mentioned, so I can learn a little please?

    Thank you kindly in advance!

  2. Getting some more input via pm guys but everyone's views are more than welcome the more the merrier   :inverted:   post on the thread though so that we can all have input on this. I hope that some noobs have been reading the list today, if so could any of them comment, so we know the thread is working for them and is a useful exercise ;)


    I'll do my best to update the list with James on the other RwG asap :)       

    which brings me to the perennial question S... who has the best sub please? :lol: :lol:

  3. Oh I should also clarify the term "super rep" isn't used in my list as strictly as it is in say ALE's PAM guide. The main reason for its creation is to point noob members who may not know a thing about reps in the generally correct direction.

    this is the reason I'm using the *under review* system/notification rather than just removal, so noobs can see that yes, xyz watch may not be as 1:1 as another on the list but its still a pretty damn fine watch.






    Thanks J!! :)

  4. OK could be old news to you guys but

    I got the news of Toro's AP ROO 57th Street from Semaj's post, and did some research on the replica. 

    From the sneak pics, It looks good to me, despite the usual ROO flaws. One interesting thing I must say is that due to the black dial and black datewheel base, the date window placement flaw does not seem as obvious to me. 


    Anyone pre-ordered this yet? Also any information on this model would be much appreciated, guys! :drinks:



  5. Interesting, great info ill have a look over when I'm at a computer, I'm interested to see whether similar issues, the dw placement is more of an issue than the cp imo, whether it applies to all roo models, upcoming 57th included, which btw Toro just posted a sneak peak photo of on the geek :D

    damn it! My cover is blown and name is known :lol: you'll be surprised how few people pick up on that though.

    can you grab that sneak photo and post it here dammit!! :D

  6. Interesting, great info ill have a look over when I'm at a computer, I'm interested to see whether similar issues, the dw placement is more of an issue than the cp imo, whether it applies to all roo models, upcoming 57th included, which btw Toro just posted a sneak peak photo of on the geek :D

    damn it! My cover is blown and name is known :lol: you'll be surprised how few people pick up on that though.

    you're a cool cat. Yes SEMAJ looks familiar and I wondered about it for a while.. then it hit and I just had to ask! :lol:


    A lot of guys would still find the regular ROOs a super rep. Just not me, and I think I am the minority. 

    Some ROOs, like the diver, Survivor, some variations of the GP etc, I consider to be closer reps than the ones like black themes, navy, etc. 

  7. hey mate, can you elaborate a little on the themes? Having not (yet) had the privilege of owning all of these I'm basing a lot of the list on info I've seen online and sometimes those sources aren't as refined as they could be. The more input from those amongst the multiple forums, the better.

    and just to venture a bold guess, is your name James by any chance :D

  8. hey mate, can you elaborate a little on the themes? Having not (yet) had the privilege of owning all of these I'm basing a lot of the list on info I've seen online and sometimes those sources aren't as refined as they could be. The more input from those amongst the multiple forums, the better.

    Hello Semaj


    Firstly, thank you for the efforts in generating this list! It is easy for everyone else to come and throw comments and forget that without such a list, there would not even be a platform for those comments! So thank you kindly to you. :thumbs:


    The AP ROO reps are good, in my opinion, but not super reps, given the fact that the hand pinion and date window placement and depth are dead giveaways upon casual inspections of the dial. Please see the attachment, gen on left, rep on right.



    The hand pinion tell is hard to avoid when its smack dead center of the dial. Also note the datewheel position of the rep, its further to the ring, closer to the tachy ring, and the datewheel having not as much "depth". From the pusher/crown side, the linear alignment of the crown with the pushers on the rep, compared with the non-aligned crown and pushers on the gen, are also fairly obvious tells. The gen case is also thinner by about 2mm for most of the rep ROO models.


    This is just my humble 2 cents.. many still pull off the rep ROOs well.


    Once again thank you for generating this super rep list.. it is very informative for me. :)

  9. Thank you legend for your generous understanding. I don't mind occasional good kick on the ass as long as the intension is for the good lesson! :p

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2

    Dear P, 


    nobody has the right to kick your ass just because they are around for longer. But when you have been around as long as some of the veterans here have been (I consider myself an experienced noob, not a veteran), the fact is, people are generally more forgiving or understanding toward you, having interacted or dealt with you. 


    Thank you for showing class, and thank you for your courtesy. Newbies with manners are rare as hen with teeth, and I am very happy to see that you have the decency to both PM and reply me. In this way, the wheel of goodwill continues to turn. I got my eyes on you mate! 

  10. And pardon me fellow ap forum members for clogging up the forum with other brand issue. I'm just so newbi and still going through my learning curve here. (But hopefully I learn quick! ;-) )

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2

    The way I see it, yes you have 100x more courtesy and grace than a lot of newbies. Good on you! :thumbs:

    Hang around and I'll see you blossom yet! :drinks:

  11. I'm sorry, I know this is AP forum .. but I feel more at home here to ask any questions re reps.. 


    After having collected APs only i though I might diversify a little (just a little ;-)) and looked at Panerai.


    These particular Panerais caught my attention and I thought it fitting to ask you guys' opinion first.







    What do you gents think about this one; movements & overall quality. (not too worried about the strap) :g:


    I appreciate your opinions.  :good:

    Honestly, what Martijnp made sense. This belongs to the Pam section. Remember that and don't crowd up the AP forum with irrelevant questions.


    However, I happen to be one of the members who collect both APs and Pams, and I happen to have the 127. I can point you in the right direction.

    If you are serious about a very accurate to gen 127, look for member marlin22, he builds a very mean 127 (and other 6497 movement pams). They are more expensive but worth it.

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