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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. How do you like the UN, Hike? It's looks dynamite in your pics! Has the movement been good? I've heard things about it.

    Hey Doc!

    So far so good! Been running +-sec/day! A I also have the Black Surf with the same engine and running about the same......so far!



  2. I can't believe that those who are into GENS (meaning they have the funds koz they could AFFORD da GENS) are the ones complaining about supporting RWG....this place.........I say: "AMEN to Lani!"

    You all are always welcome to visit and browse, but please quit whining~! and nobody is forcing any member to "pony up or donate"! It's more of how much value you put into this place and how you feel you could contribute......wether it be financial or contribute your knowledge and skills! If you can't, you're still welcome to stay, but please respect the place!

    My 2 cents.....pennies......EU, whatever!

    ViVa RWG :thumbsupsmileyanim: BanZai RWG :1a: Mabuhay RWG! :drinks:

  3. Snow...snow......snow! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Don't get Nanuq started on snow! We all know what he's got in Nanuq Land!!!

    Had to take this baby out to install it's new sling and Friday is good day to wear it!

    Chopard MMXL Ltd! With Chief's Magic!




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