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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Normally my super competitive nature, would have me lodging a protest with the judges over "voting irregularities" or some other such nonsense; however to be beaten into 2nd place, by none other than "Dems", for the title of Crusty, is in fact a supreme honour.

    Congrats to all the winners, and specifically to Demsey, wear the title well, and with distinction.

    (Whew, escaped the "ole" and "vet" tags once againwhistling.gif)


    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

    Joseph Stalin

    Congrats to all the Winners!!! What a deserving Bunch! :1a::1a::1a:


  2. Where in Thailand?

    Bangkok......great and fun city! Pretty cheap, too........and that covers almost everything....wink-wink! Find a nice Tuktuk driver and for 400-500bhat, you could see the whole city the whole day! You could also hire a taxi for around 1200bhat for the whole day! Check-out Pattaya if you have the time and the weather is nice! Maybe you'll bump into TTK! He's the expat in the corner street managing a few Boy-Girl! :lol: and selling Fake Watches! :serenade:

    So much to do......Elephant Farm, river/nite market and don't forget to check-out MBK, you find some stuff there in our hobby!

    Lot's of nite activities, but forget the Sex Acrobatic show.......not unless you wanna get ripped off and watch the faces of young/teen Norwegians seeing their first stage show! If you do, watch out for the flying ping pong balls, you don't wanna get hit by one of these!

    Enjoy and have fun!

  3. This is it guys, I promise :rofl: .....too much idle time this last day of 2009, so here goes!

    Since I got this 6263 from Josh over a year ago, the sharp pointed "A" always bug the crap out of me:




    so when this came on board for sale by Marty:


    I thought this might be the answer to my headache.....and here it is:








    Oh.....I forgot, here's the GEN:



    and some wristies:




    My Thanks and Appreciation to freddy and ubi and others for their tip.....that darn stem release button was stubborn!

    Thanks for looking!

  4. I to, would love to see a new PAW.

    The old one/s never made it downunder, so we here would like to take it on a few travels and adventures.

    (And if one doesn't get here soon, I will be too old for titty barswhistling.gif)


    Oh common.....nobody is too old for a Titty Bar!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: My Dad is 82 and he loves a trip to the Titty Bar whenever he can! :rofl:

  5. ....and the feeling is mutual my Friend! It was great knowing you and adopting some of your collections! This was indeed a busy year for me as well.....and meeting and knowing new and old members.....it was such a pleasure!

    Here's hoping and praying that 2010 well be as good if not better!

    Cheers RWG and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous new Year! :drinks:

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