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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Pow! Kaboom!  :blowup: Damn, I can't believe I lasted this long :play_ball: .


    It's been good, though. I learned a lot.....and not just about watches. Made some good friends....and maybe a few Frienemies! Overall, it was worth every minute of it.




    Peace out and God Bless! Thanks for a good ride all these years!



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  2. It's pretty hard to beat offroad mountain biking, when you get off the main trails into the tough singletrack. You'll be standing up pedaling most of the time with hard climbing bursts, and it works your core, upper and lower body. Plus added sprints when you smell a bear! :tu:

    Add to that the beauty of Nature + Fresh Air......best workout ever!

  3. Got me a Polar Ft7 and now on my 4th week of HIIT. Never felt better. Here's my routine 3x a week:

    5 min warm up

    20 min 40/20 sec HIIT to between 85-90 Max HR (mine is 162 according to the standards) 3 diff exercises

    2 min break

    20 min 40/20 sec HIIT  (another 3 different exercises) 

    all exercises hit upper/lower body

    5 min cool down

    thats it.


    I lift heavy 2x/week - upper/lower body - walk 4 miles post (can't run anymore)

    also walk 4-5 miles on 2 days of no HIIT and Lift


    So far so good!

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  4. If this model is not water resistant at least for swimming, then it's a major Phuck up....for me at least. I just hate it when the Model says "Diver" and then you have to take it 

    off when you take a shower koz it's not water resistant....duh! If it's a "Diver", then I should at least swim with it.....this particular model looks awesome and the maker and dealer

    spent so much time and effort trying to make it as close to the GEN as possible, and market it as "1 on 1", but in the process forgot the real purpose of the watch, that just doesn't

    make sense to me. I really want to buy this model, but no water resistance is a major deal breaker for me!

  5. Anyone into HIIT? Any recommendations? A trainer suggested me doing it to increase my chances of making it to Mt. Everest next year (as you may all know, I was halfway last year).


    Also what's the best heart rate monitor for under a $100 bucks!


    Help help~! 


    Thanks guys!

  6. You can't be serious???? Have you seen the number of parts a 7750 have??? This is a very complicated movement.....it's tough, but you can't screw around with it if you don't know what you're doing. Believe me, I'm like

    you when I started, but after a few phucked up movements (now they're good for parts) I give up! Let the likes of MD2020 and some on this board do their thing and you stay with a head full of hair!

  7. "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"    -Robert Browning



    I bet you saw Heaven when that needle jumped over the previous record!  Well done.  :tu:

    He always sees Heaven.....that's why he's doing all this crap! Lol! Great Job Mate, I know you always have it in you! Well done!

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