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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Nice one Hike, nice photo's too by the way! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    The next watch I will add to my collection will certainly be a UN, yours is beautiful!

    @PS ...thanks! Hope you're not buried in snow......like I was for a few days!

    Still Sunday night, but I will probably continue to wear this Sub for the next day or 2

    @freddy....I gotta learn how to re-create those yellow........I have an incoming COMEX SD......I mite play with that!

    I work in the dark so it's the Junkers beater for me

    ( It's been zigified...:) )

    @Bill.....what happened to the SINN U2? :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. A GGG section by Gio and Hike perhaps?

    +1 :whistling:


    2 weeks Hike.. if all is done before then .. we can go ahead with the first edition..

    take charge of the GGG section while working on your daily thingi.. suggest making it a "link" so peeps at work will have the option of viewing boobs... err.. I mean Bods........ that is your nitch .. good call Halo.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Got it Sirs.....and it shall be done!

    Attn Gio and sqlpl.....I need your help/contribution.......and of course anyone else who can provide....... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. Would love to

    Vidz, Mp3s, Recommendations, or even Top 10!

    I could start with mainstream music that everybody would listen to, then get more specialized after i figure out what the members preffer

    Wouldn't be fair if i keep posting Heavy Metal tunes! :punk:


    @MOP........don't forget the Jazz arena.......smooth, Latin...and BossaNova and Blues......hey I'm in for Hip/Hop, Too! Oh....don't forget some Workout tunes! I'm always in search of that and I beat, some here, are, too!

    I could share some Chill tunes I captured all over the place if that's of interest!

    @Lani....reporting for duty, Sir! Though my professional life is really boring....and so is my personal life......in the winter! I couls do research, though on any topic.......except Sex :pardon: .... :Jumpy: !

    I could host the "Porno of the month!" column if need be! :clapping::rofl:

    Anyho....throw me some more ideas! If not.....I've got some upcoming projects and assignments that might be interesting for everyone....!

  4. WTF!!! Holy @#$%&$hitnirand ay caramba con putang ina! Holy ........Jezzzzzzz! :shock: That's friggin lotsa straps Dude! Damn........you should share 'em......and you could start with me! I won't mind having one of those beater ones! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Those are friggin awesome!!!!

  5. :band1::band1::band1:



    The POWERMAX - - - that is!

    Thanks RWG for giving me the venue to learn so much about watches (GEN & REP), develop what little skill I have in watch repair and mod, challenge me to take and develop better pictures and having a place to show off ;) the results!

    I have tried other Foras, but the caliber of our ADMIN and members here are second to none, that's why I stayed! We have members here from all walks of life, all over the world with different races and religion, different jobs and financial standing, but overall......we try to live in harmony and understnding (I understood Woodstock by the time it happened!). For sure we have some mis-understanding, but....hey, who doesn't, it's never a perfect world, but we understand each other!

    This place is like a home for most of us! A place where we could vent, share, help, get helped, analyze and get analyzed; earn.....spend...get broke :crazy::cryss: , get excited (not just by watches, but some boobies and if we get lucky, some beauty muff worth diving for :snorkel::fish: !

    So, folks; my Hearfelt thanks and Kudos to everyone! To those I have slighted or have misunderstandings with, my deepest apology :sorry::give_rose: !


    RWG Rocks!


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