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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. I feel your pain! This happened to me once so far! Ronin send me a Daytona about a month ago shipped from Denver via USPS Priority and when I received it, the box shows that it was opened and re-taped! After opening, viola........the Daytona was gone! Only thing left inside was the spare links and a spare dial! Reported it to the USPS customer center, but until now I have heard nothing! :black_eye:

  2. Thanks to all who contributed! Sixx sixx.jpg will surely appreciate all your kindness....you know who you are!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim::1a::1a:

    The package as describeD on the two links above have been sent........just missed the weekend deadline though! Should be at his house first thing Monday!

    The Port and Red Wine should help wean him from all the pain killers he was pumped with!


  3. Hi all.

    I've just had an e.mail from him. He's still in hospital. I'm trying to find out which one.

    I joked about us organising flowers and strippers.

    He said flowers was a nice thought, but given his eye condition he has very heightened sense of smell. Consequently flowers drive him nuts....

    So maybe chocolates and something he'd appreciate??? The wine may be a good one.....he's bored where he is and desperate to get home.....

    I'd be in for a donation too. I guess depending on how many donate, the final cost would be split.

    @Hike - can you check options without flowers? You've got 2 donors here so that's the cost split 3 ways. The more people the merrier....How do we get funds sorted out?

    C'mon guys - cough up.

    OK! Found a UK online giftcenter and I found two items with wines and cheeses and fruits delivered to his home address for about $130 total:

    with PORT check here:

    with Red Wine check here:

    I plan to send both!

    Let me know if this is ok!

    Those who want's to participate, PM me and I'll send you my PayPal Account info!

    Thanks all!

    BTW: If I get more folks to join, I'll get a much better and more wine gift hamper! Cheers :drinks::drinks::drinks: !


  4. Okay.....I found out that we could send via FTD; Flowers with Chocalates and white wine. Cost is $90 plus shipping.....I figure another $20! Whose in??? If we do this today, he'll get it tomorrow!

    I'm in.......Depending on the response, I'll cover the rest! I'll give this till about 3 PM US Central Time!

    Here we go .............................RWG for SIXX!

  5. Thanks a lot for posting this! Somebody will thank you one day!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I myself is a candidate.....my father was diagnose with Prostate Cancer 15 years ago.......but luckily for him, it's one of those slow PC kind! And since my Dad is one of those who hates Hospitals and Doctors, he won't budge on having it removed or undergo treatment! "I'll die first before those basterds touch me!".....LOl! is his mantra~! You don't wanna go on a very long drive with him, you'll go crazy with all the frequent stop! We all accepted it in the family!

    Because of this, I have had prostate check and PSA test annaully since I turned 45.......my Doctor knows the map of my ASS pretty well, I might say! This is something that us older Gentlemen should not take lightly........it's like "Russian Roullete" if you don't!

    I also have Colonoscopy done last year......and thanks for that, I found out I have upper GI problems. Been taking medications for this for almost a year now!

    I'll be 55 this year and I don't wanna play Russian Roullete with my health! I'd rather climb a mountain or scuba dive and die there than having something preventable kill me!

    As what Nanuq said....exercise is one thing we all could and should do to prevent some of this sneaky killers! I do Nanuqs advice to the later and more! I do aerobics exercise everyday......just can't run anymore, severe Patella Chondromalacia on my right knee. I either walk, hike (HIKEUSA!), cross country ski, mountain bike, elliptical machine in the gym, and lots of outdoor activities in the summer!

    And for us old farts, we need to lift weights! We loose our strenght faster as we get older and the only way to prevent this is by lifting weights! I do it 3 time a week hitting different muscle groups each time!

    So Guys......just do it!

    and I need to add.....if you don't get a lot of SUN, take 1000IU of Vit D! Take Fish oil, too! and for those on Cholesterol medication and even if you're not, take CQ10 300MG/Day! This helps strenghtening your heart muscles and also preventing muscle weakening as a side effects of Statins! These three have been studied and tested enough to make me a believer! Google is you're friend if you need convincing!

    @Panearai.....good luck on your recovery and please update us on your status! Wishing you the best!


  6. Darn Brother! I told you to quit ridin those bikes :cc_scooter::angry::dots: .....................jeeeezzzzzz :frusty: ! Now look what happens :black_eye: ! I hope Dad and Ma gave you a good spankin'! :wheelchair:

    Seriously, get well soon, Bro! This Forum is not the same without you! We all, will seriously miss your wit and humour........hey, take some shots of

    those knickers there :ph34r: , 'ya hear? Get well soon.... :showoff:

    Love you :wub: , Man!

  7. Congratulations. You're about to enter the "brave new world". The secret of a happy marriage? "make sure you remember to put the seat down"thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

    Actually, once the wifey starts leaving the "Seat" up.......then that means your Marraiage is getting Solid! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    but if you want to take the early lead, you could also start peeing "setting down" ala Larry on "Curb Your Enthusiasm"! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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