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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. PeteM update - from the man, himself!

    "Things are starting to get better for me, thankyou. Time is all I need hopefully to get back to good health.I am missing you guys :) but it won't be long before I am annoying you all again!! ;)I hope you guys and your families are all well, my thoughts are with you :)Thankyou againI feel lucky to know such good people as you.All my very bestTake carePete"

  2. Hike! That is a beautiful collection you got! Truly awesome dude!!!

    Thanks, DudE!

    At first I thought you meant Pam Anderson, the old gal has seen better days :g: PS.. I still do her :D

    Mike, have you been watching her @Dancing with the StarS? She doesn't look too bad for her age.....and if you do her, just remember she goes for "Horse Meat!"

  3. Just a public acknowledgement for one of our Esteemed member.....offshore!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I posted a WTB - A7750 stems....got no replies until out of nowhere, offshore/A- pm'ed me! Not only did

    he offer to send me some, but also for some A6497 stems and..........the kicker! He won't even take any

    payment for them!

    A-, Thanks a lot, MAte! These stems can't come at a better time! MUch....much appreciated! :thumbsupsmileyanim::1a:


  4. Hello F,

    The RWG main page reports that the newest member, akm, is RWG # 24996. Why not reward the newest (25000) member according to the official banner total. A watchful eye should be able to scroll down and determining who was the 25000Th member.

    Fair Enough,you'll be the official Certifier!!! Let me know who it is and I will offer him the watch for free if he signs up for a two year VIP Membership! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    So, two more to go! Goodluck!

  5. the member with 25000 as there member number is http://www.rwgforum.com/user/25000-jugghaid/

    But it is weird that it doesn't show the real number of members as members. Also the member number is nearing 30k. But lots of single posters or no posters lol

    I believe the number at the banner is a count of active members.

    Member numbers assigned to new members are a running count from Day One so it will always be higher as in-active members are culled out.

    The question is, how do we know who is the 25,000th active member to tick the banner count to 25K?

    That is a question for the admin dry.gif

    O Boy! Now I don't know how we gonna do this??? :black_eye: Maybe make it Member # 30K??? I'll wait for the Admin team to chime in!

    @deniz21, I think what we'll have do is for you to pay for the watch equivalent to Two (2) years membership fees, deposit it with the Admin Team using there PP account and they could award it to whoever the 30K member would be! How's about that???

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