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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Holy crappoolla.......wow! I am so sorry to hear this! Fire is the worst in any disaster IMHO! It completely wipes out everything it touches......

    But as you said, you're alive and so are your family members! Our prayers are with you! Let us know what we could do to help!


  2. kinda hard to go with one member for the popular brands .. especially the vintage.. Ubi should be in the Rolex brand.. he's our "go to guy" for vintage shtuff and has the best franken Daytona fo sure.. Not saying Freddy should not be named.. but one and one alone is very subjective..

    Watchmeister for Pams .. although he is very low key most of the time.. I would go with kruzer as one of the names here..

    As I say .. hard to name one member for each brand.. after all their are 4 aces in each deck of cards and all hold the same rank.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    + 1 = Ubi and Freddy for Rolex

    Pams = dluddy and vlydog and PeteM these 3 knows their PAMS

  3. Jeeeeeezzzzzz......Florida? Bugs? Snakes? Crocs? These should be the one that should attack you:





    and they crawl at nite, too, but backside down:




    BTW: when they these pesky little nits starts attacking, let me know and mwah and Nanuq will move there

    to help you take care of them! :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Sorry, he's a dentist, not a doctor. He got away without a mark, here's what he had to say about it...

    "Yep, that is me in the picture. Yep that is a whale that was just around the corner from the ferry terminal. "Paddle really fast" is the only thing I could think of at the time.. Also thinking that I don't look like a herring, don't smell like a herring but with the same herring instinct of "get the hell out of the way of that big mouth!!" Still living to tell yet another story..

    Rich K"

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: Hell of a story, if I may say so! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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