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Posts posted by lazarini

  1. CV ...

    since u look like a new bloke on the block this has nothing to do and believe me nothing at all with pretending about wearing a gen watch ... many people know me in person from this boards and can vouch that this is for sure not the reason case for me ... not that i need to explain that ... but there i said it :)

    I love watches in general. RWG just steeped me up to a better quality watch replication that i was used to in the past ... i have never represented my watch as a gen if it was not that ... yea sure ill not wave my hand and say look at my piece but if someone will ask strait question abut the authenticity of the piece i wear at that given moment ... i always come clean.

    reason is i deal with people in certain places wearing gens all the time 99% of them cant tell difference between a noobmariner and the real deal ... but there is always that 1% that i cant ignore ... so just dont gamble with that :)


  2. WOW my dear friends, members of the general forum, mod. team.

    I have just returned home from buying my ticket for tomorrows trip to Budapest and read ure replies ...

    I must say that i never anticipated so many replies with so many hart spoken words of wisdom and camaraderie i salute u all for that my hat of to u gents :hi:

    I guess all of us come at some point to this stage and start thinking about pulling the plug for at least some time ...

    I will sleep on this and see how it goes ... one way or the other im here to stay as Stephane and others pointed out its more about the community and friends then watches :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And i for one have a lot of good good friends here !


    PS LordRasta ... u can calm her down looks like i aint going nowhere ;)

  3. Hi all ... and thx for the replies let me put my thoughts out there ...

    Personally i have joined the boards to find myself a decent replica watch ... and not a canal street reps that i had bought in the past ... my rep history is well documented in the link in my signature feel free to take a peak ;)

    As the time passed me as many others searched for better ways to get closer to the real deal and that's when i first went into a longer term project that is today my 1680 sub. If u never did a project watch u don't know what u missing and as respected members (oldies) ;) mentioned it beats the hell out of walking out with a gen from the AD.

    After that all my watches were build from some or the other gen parts not just to make them as close as possible but the addiction of the "project" itself was the thing that makes this all that pleasant and interesting.

    I was able to purchased my first gen only and i repeat ONLY because of the RWG and the watches i slowly but gradually put together. If i have never joined the boards i would not be able to afford it! But a insert there ... a dial here ... a case here ... crown-tube here etc 3-4 months latter transferred into a mighty timepiece with significant value. All fine till here a dream story ...

    But as i reflect back in last year all my extra cash went into the projects,parts etc ... resulting in pretty much great watches but constantly empty pockets hahah how many of u know that story right ;)

    What im saying is maybe time to sell and get another gen ... and step back a bit ... not leave! Maybe a brake from this all for a sec as its been just a tad to crazy in the last few months ...

    I have as we speak a 5512/5513 project that is close to be completed and i think ill do that one before i take a bit of the rest ...

    I never intended to leave if someone misread my first post ... the desire and love for projects is still strong ... whatever happens and if i sell my current collection im sure ill be back building something sooner or later ...


  4. Dear friends , members ...

    I'm looking around the boards and have a feeling some of the older members started to sell of their reps ... that said i must confess im playing with the same idea for quite some time now ... and i know there are many others out there.

    When i received my gen. Rolex Exp. II cca. a month ago i came to harsh reality ... no matter what kinda super rep. u have or a Frankenstein for that matter ure still far away from the real deal ... yes it will look the same from 2 meters away but as soon as u touch it u feel the difference (talking about rolex here).

    Now im more and more convinced to sell the rest of my high end reps and maybe get another black faced Rolex sports model and call it a day ...

    Problem why i did not do so before is afcourse the watches them self and the stories behind them ... collecting of the parts ... seeing it grow and transform till in the end lands on ure wrist ... for people that have done projects in the past know the excitement and the pain behind putting this stuff together, witch in the end is rewarded with great feeling of contempt and victory on project completion.

    Personally this is the one and only BIG reason why i did not go for this ... yet ... but more and more i think about it im drawn this way ... second even BIGGER reason is the community and the friends that keep me on RWG every day ... i


    What a guy to do ?

    Share ure thoughts ... with kind regards .


  5. Interesting ... lets see how plausible this info. is ... not to be skeptical but need to see it to believe it :) and even then if it comes out it has to be 1:1 or as close to that as possible to make me consider getting one ...

    regards Laz

  6. I have an 111h vacum lumed and i had a 112h DSN dialed watch ... i have compared this many times and must say that the VAC lume at least in my 2 watches is clearly superior in brightness and also lasted longer then the DSN lume.

    That said the DSN lume is also good just not as strong as the VAC one ... i have no idea in more specific question of what mixture they use etc ...

    just my 2 cents ...


  7. Phong's casebacks are bad - the teeth for the opener are too high and not machined properly - the opener tends to slip. MBW casebacks are far superior. Only better thing of Phong's casebacks is that they have engraved fonts on the inside and that you can have your personal number engraved. Outside engaving is flawed too!

    Now how about that :o thx for the info on this appreciated B) ... so this is deffinetly not an option at least for me -_-


  8. Freddy hi the case back u pictured ia a DRSD case back the one on the Stepanes pictures is the one i want the GW one ... that said im more then eager to swap my DRSD MBW Case back to the GW MBW one ... anytime :) so if someone out there has a GW one and needs a DRSD one shoot me a pm ;)

    PS ... 450$ ??? Sheeesh all do i must say engravings on the one u pictured look deeper then the MBW ones ...


  9. Rolex still makes & sells the 93150 (with the lined flip lock) for around $850 or so.

    And I know what you are thinking, Laz, 'Just when I thought I had everything right, another silly vintage Rolex detail throws a monkey wrench into the plan.'

    Been there, done that, got many Rolex t-shirts for my troubles. :wacko:

    Well ure close there freddy but not really here is what im thinking ... clasp don't really bother me coronet is more of an ishue to me and since the clasp is gen the coronet is as it shod be ... so fine by me ;) all do thx for the info. another new thing learned :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Talking about getting everything right ... i did that with my explorer II purchase :yeah:


  10. Thanks for the comparison!

    IMO, the MBW links are spot on. Match those with a gen clasp and you're all set!

    Hi JoJo i must say im in the midle of that as the one that came on my 1680 so older ones were .... well u know what i mean shape was wrong and they looked cheap ... the ones i got on 1665 half year latter were much much better ... but as u can see the clasp was worse ... :rolleyes:


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