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Posts posted by lazarini

  1. Hi Stephane and all! Thx for the comments, appreciated ! ;)

    The bracelets as follow top to bottom 1st picture !

    1. MBW Came from Paso was attached on my 1665

    2. MBW Came from fellow member Manuel i think he purchased directly from MBK/MBW came on my 1680

    3. GEN. Came from a hotel room from a hip looking fella that is also known to have the RDS (rolex disorder syndrome) ...

    Wonder who that might be hmmm :p ?

    Regarding the 1 and 2 i think they came from same end source just one was bought 6 months before the other ... to actually point that out bracelet nr2. was purchased 6 months before the bracelet nr1.

    Clearly these to are from completely different production run ... so u see its a hit or miss again do to non consistency of the makers ... just my 2 cents ...


  2. Hi all.

    I have been recently asked via Pm by a fellow member building a Super-franken 1665 Comex if i could do a few comparison shoots of the MBW 93150 Hollow mid link bracelet vs. the Genuine ...

    He was on the fence going one way or the other so i shot some pics also for the others here to get visual feel of the 2 options.

    On pics we have 2 x MBW 93150 and 1x Gen 93150 ...

    On to the pics ...

    Bracelets closed clasp up :




    Bracelets closed back shot:


    Bracelets opened top shot:


    Bracelets opened from the side back visible:



    Bracelets closed shot from the side:



    Bracelets ends from the back:


    My personal observation and conclusion:

    Well MBW bracelets are damn good for the money no doubt there ... they are solid constructed and will serve the purpose good, yes the coronet is a bit different and they don't have the pierced micro extencion spring bar like the gen and yes engravings are sharper and deeper. but still i think the MBW ones are on the dot for the money.

    The gen bracelet is well different ... the steal used and the end finish is supreme it has a different shine to the MBW and all in all just wears nicer but keep in mind the vintage 93150 bracelet will set u down considerably more then the mbw one so think hard do you really want one that bad!

    Also when buying one be sure to ask about the condition because some of them nowadays are pretty banged up ...

    Personally i have opted for one because i use it on 3 watches! 1665 GW,1680 White, 5513 no date sub and this way it gives me a better bang for the money and a piece of mind ...

    If u have a nice modded watch and are not a rolli nut ;) get yourself the mbw bracelet and some nice gen endlinks ... the rep ones are sadly not so food IMHO.

    If u really need to go all the way out then 93150 gen bracelet with gen ends is ure only option ... i recommend that only if u just cant live without one (like me) ;) or if ure building a super super vintage and u putting in a gen. mvt. etc ...

    Hope u enjoyed this pictorial ... course if u have any questions and would like some additional macro shots let me know ...

    Kind regards Laz

  3. Fijuu nice watches guys!

    I just came from work :( put in solid 11 hours + today due to the visit from World Wide Sales guys we had today for the 2H of the year plan. (the sales guys on the boards know how this goes round tables , brainstorming bla bla bla ) ...

    I took a quick shot of my wrist for u on my balcony before i slip into something more comfy ... needless to say this was one of the conversation starters over working lunch today ;)


    regards Laz

  4. Rolex Explorer II - 16570 - White Dial


    Hi all ;)

    This topic sounds familiar :rolleyes: yes?

    If so this means u have read my good friend Stephan's review of his genuine 16570 black dial explorer II if not i suggest u do so by clicking here : Stephane and his black dialed 16570 beauty

    By-Thor has written a great review with smashing photos of his white dialed franken EXP. II worth checking out here: By-Thor Franken EXP II review

    by saying that i will keep this more on a pictorial level but feel free to ask any questions u might have ill do my best to answer them ...

    Before i skip to pictures some "THANK YOU"s are in order :

    It needs to be understood that this specific Rolex Explorer II is just that in true sense of the models name! It had traveled and explored the world from TEXAS USA to Washington DC USA to ROME Italy EU to BRNO Czech Republic EU to final destination BRATISLAVA SLOVAKIA my wrist B)!!!

    addingwatch/J: for selling me this watch and being a great gentleman in the process ... he basically agreed to sell me the watch on just my word and waited while i collected the funds seriously he coud sell this much easier but understood my enthusiasm and shared it with me ... man that what the RWG is all about!

    DuDro/D: i have received the box and papers separately via post but the watch came hand delivered ... i have posted in Supporters area if someone would be kind enough to bring it anywhere in EU and same day received a PM from D. He was happy enough to bring it over while going to vacation the trip was smooth and watch was picked by my GF friend in Italy. My hat of to u dear sir.

    Nika: my GFs colleague friend who picked up the watch in Italy directly from D. and brought it to Brno, CZ where we drove last week to pick it up with my GF from Bratislava!

    TO all RWG: There is no doubt this would not be possible i have not joined this boards and met so many great people i THANK YOU all for this ... special shout out to the EURO GTG CREW u know who u are guys thx for ure support!

    OKA hope u managed through that i just had to share this amazing story ... now lets role the pictures shall we :)

    few basic ones ...




    closeups ...







    luuuume ....


    on the wrist ...



    3 different clothing scenarios --- the great versatility of this watch !

    on the north pole ;)


    Camo casual Friday out with the boys ;)


    Meeting with that important client u might say ;)


    Conclusion and my personal notes:

    Well i love it ... hahah how classic u might think but let me tell u i had my share of replica watches and still do but this one just has that extra thing and no its not because it has papers and box.

    The attention to details and supreme end finish is something that rep factories just cant achieve and i mean never! When u wear it for a week like i did now u just feel the difference. Bracelet is butter setting time is smooth watch runs - 2 sec a day and has never been open!

    I'm glad i have purchased this watch and since its my first Genuine Rolex whatever happens i will never forget it specially because of the story how i managed to acquire it :)

    I hope u enjoyed this pictorial and felt a bit of the warmness that was filling my hart while i was writing it !


    Laz --- over and out ! :wub:

  5. Hi all.

    I first contacted petergunny after reading his Pam 104 review from DSN where he also pictured a strap he handmade for his watch. I liked it so much i asked if he would consider making one for me and he agreed.

    We exchanged a few PMs and emails where in one he asked me if i cud write a constructive review of his work when i receive the straps :huh:

    I came back to him saying that maybe he shod ask someone else with better strap knowledge but he insisted to seek out a "common man" opinion so i said OK ill do it ;) my gf chanted in the end that if there's an opportunity to make one more for her and what do u know it was not a problem :rolleyes:

    SPECS 24/24 both, A2 140/80 ,A3 120/70 , thickness cca 5mm, triple padded construction, hand sewn ruff edges vintagized B)

    The work begun and updates followed in text as also in pictures ...

    - the hide :


    - the tools and the materials :


    - so we have them cut lets glue them :


    - leave them dry :


    - one is sewn up :)


    - first with holes second one getting stitched :


    both completed looking good cheers pete :)



    - packing them up and shipping to me ...


    As u can see there is a lot of work involved in this :o if peter was not so kind to update me with the progression pictures i would of have no idea ... Straps arrived in my office around 10 working days latter in pristine condition. Package was so to say bomb proof and there was no possible chance of damage on the way ...

    I have the straps cca 2 weeks now and have worn mine in rotation. Strap is well constructed and the hide feels plesant on the skin. Also the strap is quite soft out of the box and will not require a break in period. This specific hide has a nice used vintagized look that maker even extended by creating a used looks at the lugs IMHO a nice touch from his side ;)

    Stitching matches the hide nice all do maybe shod be a little more precise but for production straps 2 and 3 i think its above average!

    I think these are great straps and what is for most made by one of our own members joining the likes of (V,Red 12,FrxAndy and others). Needles to say the strap can be customized on size, thickness or whatever idea u come with ... also from what he told me additional colors and hides are available!

    Peter is a great guy and open to any ideas u might have so i urge u to give him a try u wont be disappointed.

    I wanna also use this opp. to thank peter for sending this straps for review and also by being one of the EU GTG Raffle sponsors in Koln. (Kelsters review of his fiddy strap to follow ) :)

    Last but not least im sure u would like to see how they look mounted --- look no further rolle the pics once more --- watches 111h & 112H straps curtesy of petergunny @ Gunny Straps :)







    Hope u enjoyed this review/pictorial feel free to ask any questions ...

    Kind regards Laz

  6. 93150 Mbw/mbk hollow mid link vintage bracelets are really good IMHO ... i have 2 of them and thy are a bargain for the money and look fine ... the end links im not so sure so i went with gen ones 501b for my 1680 and 585s on my 1665 GW.

    That said i just got a gen vintage 93150 (well technically is still not mine but working on it :)) and put my 585s on it and attached to 1665 truth to be told its :wub: but only go this route if u REALLY and i cant stress that enough, need to have gen bracelet/endlinks combo due to the price that this will generate!

    Other then that go with mbw 93150 hollow mid link + gen end links im sure 90 % people are more then happy with this setup!

    GEN,GEN setup i mentioned is more of domain for the pickiest and hardcore roli nuts people ... me being one hahah ;)

    Kind regards Laz

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