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Posts posted by rrari1

  1. Well iCoopernicus, 


    Best of luck with your grenade watch.  To be honest it is not really my taste, and I appreciate that you might classify it as being tasteful and understated, but it is not really my style.  I guess you have to wear it and not me, so I hope you enjoy your idiotic looking grenade watch.



    Oh wait I just got the pun...  you pulled the trigger.  It is more of a pin, but now I get it.

  2. I get the feeling I am probably the closest to being right, simply because I made the most guesses.


    I think I was probably close with my first guess of the Graham Chrono.  Then maybe the Leopard Daytona, was probably close in that there is a camouflage angle, and then the green furby watch might have been close also.  If you combine those three together you get this watch.




  3. Many of the pro gun freedom members seem to argue that the issue is not guns, but the treatment of the criminally insane in the USA. They equally claim that these people should either be locked up, or have their access to guns limited.


    I believe that in the USA a private gun sale does not require the seller to collect ID or to do any background checks the way a gun dealer would have to do.  I believe that the majority of guns sold in the States are sold at gun shows, where most of the sellers are not licensed gun dealers, and thus the mentally ill are unrestricted in their access to guns.  They do not need to even have a gun collecting mother to steal them from.


    When a car is bought and sold in the States, it is registered in the name of the owner.  Why is this not the case with guns?


    While people are saying that the NRA is against the mentally ill buying weapons, I am sure they would flip out at the idea of gun and bullet registration.  Non criminals should be quite happy with such rules, as they would harm the bad guys more than law abiding citizens, who are either collectors or hunters.


    All new bullets could be tagged and traceable which might reduce the likelihood of them being used in a crime. I'm guessing the NRA would not like laws like these even if they had a huge effect on public safety.  The NRA of course are not funded by hunters, or people defending their homes, they are funded by the people selling guns and bullets.

  4. This guy seems to be scamming to collect a lot of high value reps. I wonder if he is then reselling them as gens on another forum or on eBay. I doubt he is collecting them, as you would rather steal gens than reps. Maybe we can keep a look out for these watches on gen forums or elsewhere.

  5. KB ... to answer your question, no I am not expecting to have to join a revolution. It will mainly be a symbolic personal politcal protest.   As for your saying a valid justification hasn't been given, well I would respectfully disagree. It might not meet your definition of 'valid' but that doesn't change the fact that the 2nd Amendment includes the words 'shall not be infringed'. On it's face, that means the US Government isn't supposed to do anything that restricts in any way a citizens right to own arms. Forget restricting certain types of arms, even requiring registration, background checks, etc. in theory falls outside that.  
    I find it odd that so many people in defending the right to have guns, argue that their main reason is not that they believe in the logic of such an idea, but that it is in the constitution, and the constitution could never be changed for any reason as it was perfect in its first drafting. Constitutions are changed all the time. Laws often need to be changed due to changing societal views, or changing circumstances. There were many things that were acceptable in the times of the original drafting of the constitution of the USA which are no longer considered acceptable. Would you argue that we should go back to a world where women can not vote, and slavery was acceptable, as that is how things were in the times the constitution was drafted. In a democracy laws can always be updated and changed as long as the majority agree. I think this constant updating of laws has overall been a force of good in the world.
  6. On a slightly off topic point, I have to say how impressed I am with the way the forum members are conducting themselves in this discussion. I think many people are quite passionate about their point of view, but there has been no name calling, or other bad behaviours typical of Internet discussions. Just well reasoned debate from both sides. It is nice to be a member of such a group.

  7. No one can answer this for me: what IS a so-called assault weapon? The 1994 law defined such a weapon by largely cosmetic characteristics... The configuration of the grip.... Whether or not it had a bayonet lug (wtf!? When is the last time some got bayoneted in this country?), colleague/foldable stock.... All completely unrelated to the actual function of the weapon, and simply made the rifle either less comfortable to use, or less useful to genuine collectors. What these folks REALLY want to go after is any semi-auto rifle that can fit an external magazine. They are reluctant to do so, because they know that definition encompasses a LOT of guns used by hunters and competitive shooters. The "large capacity magazine" argument is also a red herring. There are hundreds of millions of large capacity magazines in existence. Unless you make possession of such things illegal (instantly turning tens of millions of Americans into felons), they aren't going anywhere. And guess what? The only people who would turn them in, probably without compensation for their sometimes large investments, are the people least likely to use them in a crime. A criminal, who already illegally owns the weapon, isn't going to turn in his 19 round Glock mag.

    I think speed of fire would probably be the best way of describing an assault weapon.  


    Guns like the AR 15 are not precision rifles used by hunters, they are too bulky for home defence, they are designed for firing multiple shots in a fast and fairly indiscriminate way.  Thus they are great weapons for armies or school shooters, they are not really great weapons for most of the purposes their owners or sellers claim they are being bought/sold for.


    From a recent Slate magazine article on the topic  http://slate.me/SrhPaE


    Look down the list [of massacres] and you’ll see gun after gun after gun. But not all guns are equal. I’ve gone through the 25 worst massacres on the chart, and nearly every shooter had a semi-automatic weapon. The one exception was a guy who had speedloaders and a bandolier so he could keep firing. High-capacity magazines are another common factor. All these patterns converge on a common lesson: Speed kills. Madness pulls the trigger, but the rate of fire drives the body count.

  8. So, I should only be able to defend my home with a gun holding a maximum of 5 rounds?  WTF?   And tell, me: what exactly is a "military type, assault rifle type?"  You do know that your bolt action "hunting rifle" was state of the art military technology 100-120 years ago, right?   Do you really mean that all guns that look scary should be banned?   Or do you mean any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting an external magazine should be banned?
    What sort of event are you expecting to occur at your house that might require an assault rifle? I am glad I live in a safer area.
  9. Now go back and look at the Harvard Study. What you will find is that there is no correlation between no. of guns and violent crime rate. In fact there is more likely inverse correlation. And this is coming from a person with no axe to grind. I don't own a gun.

    In the USA there are 10.2 gun deaths per 100k of population per year.

    In the UK there are 0.04 gun deaths per 100k of population per year.


    What do you suggest is causing the difference?  I do not believe any of our teachers are armed, so that is not it...

  10. No one is trying to take away all your beloved guns. Keep one in your house if you like.Go deer hunting if you like.


    Unless you consider it sport killing a deer with an Uzi or a 50 cal.military type snipers rifle.




    The overall trend is clear, countries with limited access to guns have much less gun related violence.

    Yep, when people talk about needing guns for home defence and hunting, the AR 15 is a terrible gun for either of those purposes.  It does not have enough stopping power for hunting anything other than small game, and is not manouverable enough for home defence.  These guns are mostly for people who want to pretend they are tough by owning them.  The NRA is not there to defend gun owners, they are there to lobby for the gun industry, and assault weapons are more profitable to sell than hunting rifles.

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