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Posts posted by Pix

  1. [Edit]Link removed. You know where to find it...


    I'm not here to be Ruby's shill or play Don Quixote, but...

    I considered this watch as the cheapest "SuperRep" on the market... As good as the Swiss 320 dollars version, with a Miyota clone movement and no AR... I sweared that was the best bargain around. It was actually.

    But, and as expected, we also all know how prices were controlled.

    I paid, not so long ago, 168 + 30 = 198, i.e. 60 dollars more expensive than Ruby's current offer. I don't regret that, as I know how good is this rep. But Ruby's offer, whatever its origin is, shows that the socalled "SuperReps" are probably "just" the new generation of reps, which are surely able to bear the same sales prices as ever.

    This is the n

  2. Agreed.

    I would leave the hobby as quickly as I joined it last december.

    And live with my patiently aquired collection, thinking about "good old time", when reps were affordable, and not a source of frustration. :bye2:

    Who knows, reps will maybe become so expensive that we'll once find reps' reps !!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. If TT is as fast as he was for me, you'll wear your first (super)rep early next week !!

    Look forward to watching to your pics ! :D

    And it's true, ETA naming is used for anything, and even if the Asian Miyota clone is good, it's not related in any way with the ETA manufacture.

    But I think that the "Asian" mention clearly shows we're speaking of some "cheap" movement ^_^

  4. Hi,

    congrats !

    Which flavour did you choose ?

    I have one too, have a look in my signature : the finish is excellent, and it's more than sure that it's exactly the same case and bracelet as the swiss. Only the movement and crystal are different. Of course, the Swiss one is surely close to perfect, but I warranty you that even with the Asian version you'll have a visual shock !

    I vote for more such beautiful reps at this rate !

    If I may : I would advise you buy the bracelet version, then you easily find fitting leather strap. The contrary is more difficult...and expensive.

  5. New dress for my SFSO. I love leather as much as SS on this one. It's definitely one of if not my favorite rep.

    I know this combination is very common, but well, it's just perfect, so why take any risk with a strange strap ?

    It's not a Hublot or a CD... It cost 168 dollars... Isn't that an obvious proof that superreps are possible under 200 ?! (sorry, I'm not trolling...)


  6. Same for me. There are approaching things from Sillix, but with 2 dials.

    Manual winding, I have no idea if seconds at 9 are a natural position for this movement.

    But the watch looks very classy. I would say discrete fantasy rep. For the price, there's no big risk.

    Prices have drastically increased since yeasterday... ;)

  7. For me, the fun is to hunt the watch I like for a decent price.

    The watch I like is the one with a great looking and not too much flaws. Not necessarily the perfect one, which anyway does not exist.

    The game is the "good bargain" or "good value for money". "Is that version from Sillix better than this one from Saswatch or Trusty ?"

    For 700 dollars, I won't neither hunt anything nor have fun. All the same models at the same price. No surprise, no thrill (except the one of getting a broken 700 dollars watch).

    And I'm the one who prefers having 15 reps than 1 gen. I like discussing about what I bought, making pictures of these, buy a new strap etc... If I do this only once every 6 monthes, I'm frustrated and sad. If I had enough money to buy several superreps for answering my need for this hobby, I would probably earn enough money not to be on these boards... :rolleyes:

    I would be missing a lot !

  8. @ Pix: somebody could post a linkt to this thread with that wages poll you are talking about? I missed that, and Im so curious of that ;)

    that was on RWI.


    The majority declares to earn between 75000 and 150000 dollars per year. Don't know if that concerns the singles or the couples' revenue.

    Not sure if that reflects reality, at least not mine.


  9. Till now I have never bought a rep over 250 dollars (my Vacheron Overseas), and that was some kind of "ultimate" step.

    I definitely won't spend more than this, maybe 300 if I really get something extraordinary.

    But 4, 5, 6 or now 700, never. Not only for "philosopical" reasons, but, and I'm not ashamed by typing this, also for money...

    How many amongst us are able to spend that much on a watch ?

    I don't feel I'm living in a very poor country and decently earn my money. But, no, whatever it is, I won't spend that much for a rep, even if I'm the one admiring these new superreps.

    I remember of a poll showing how much the members were earning... And I doubt most of them will spend more than 25% of their wages for their hobby.

  10. Just came in to write the same as Rolexman : 718 dollars for an Asian 7750.

    Let's go on this way, and we will soon find cheaper swiss gens than this tiny cute chinese thingies... <_<

    I love watches, I love reps, but whatever the job is on this fantastic Hublot, I don't see any good reason to pay twice the price of a good rep, and 300 dollars more than the cheapest Hublot. Seems there's no limit. Demand is elastic, but might break soon...

  11. But it's like putting money in the bank. You can sell a used gen for same amount you paid. Also, it is not going to break and become worthless. I say stick with good movements, buy reps for $100-$200 and have fun. It only takes a couple $300 reps to stop working to make you understand. And don't even get me started on people buying the $330 reps and sending them off for service, AR and a gen bracelet.

    Hi Shabber,

    I'm actually sticking to reps also because I do not have to care how to resell them when I'm done or with them... (and also, as most here, because I don't have that much cash to collect gens ! -_- ). Broken ? Needs servicing ? Let's keep the spare parts (who knows, if I ever find someone who has interest for that) and buy the same again, after all it's less than 200 bucks for the majority I own.

    Look at my watches, I'm not the one modding them : I won't spend twice the price of the watch to have it look better (my only concern are straps, always, as those from reps are most often POS). Although I understand those who do it : that's called passion. You won't behave this way with gens, and I feel that's probably one part of the fun missing.

    As for good movements, you're right, but I have a funny (unusual) example : amongst my 15 watches, the only one that has (minor for now) issues is my Overseas with a Swiss ETA 2836... Maybe I'm just "lucky" ? ^_^

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