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Everything posted by mymanmatt

  1. 3mm.25 is correct. Gen case tube installed, no problem
  2. The less you say in pp dispute the better. Don't think you can sneak around pp and start a new acct without them connecting the dots. They will, and you will be gone forever. I would not open a dispute unless it was purchased through ebay. But that's just me.
  3. Indeed, war is a horrible truth. Terrorism is the act of a single war. It is also horrible. I'm sure none of us will forget 9 11. And we should never forget the civil war. They praise linclon as a great president, really. He is resposible for the deaths of 600,000 americans. More than all the deaths of all the wars combined. I think he was a horrible president, the worst in my opinion. He personally could have saved the lives of 600,000 americans, but he was to stupid to see that for himself.
  4. Why don't you just remove your rotor assy from the 2824?
  5. I can get the 16610 dials. Ive chaged the dots with an aftermarket blue lume before, but only once, and it's been a long while.
  6. sometimes the sweep second will be a tad small. Just broach it and it will fit fine.
  7. May the 5th, do they celebrate cinco de mayo. lol
  8. Wow. I can see you have trust issues that extend way beyond this forum. This is a rep game, and if you think everyone is out to get you, you're wrong. It's much safer buying a watch here than on craigslist. You have the admin to back you up, you don't get that on craigslist. If you think every pic is the exact watch you will get, your right. They may have a standard pic of the watch so they don't have to take the same pic over and over again. As with any club or forum you will always have someone go bad. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. You're new so we forgive your doubt, but let this end it. You will find the TD's and members are all honest and wanting you to have a good experience. Trust them all, and if something happens, contact the Admin, they will help you.
  9. If it had a cyclops I would say it could be the angle of the camera. But there is no cyclops, it's off, a lot
  10. I hope its m3X.25. I just bought one and it was $47 including shipping and tax. Yep they are in Nj and Im in texas, but they collect tax. I guess we will know for sure in the next few days.
  11. wholesale outlet WSO on ebay sells them. They look better than the one that comes on the reps. But still about 70% off. At least you can wear your watch until you find a gen. Good luck on finding a gen, been searching for months with no luck They also have the blue
  12. Wish I had known about this yesterday. Ive been using a 3M X .05. While I can get them in, it's just not easy like it should be. Thany you db1 for asking the question and thank you ssteel for the answer. You have just made my life easier
  13. Even though I did not lose anything in the fraud. I feel for you guys that did. However, I don't think anything will ever happen to md 2020. Even with the amount of valuables being in excess of $25,000, It will probably be up to each guy to file a civil suit for their stuff. Sometimes it's just not worth the effort. We really do "live and learn" Im also convienced that what goes around, comes around, is not always the case Good luck to all you guys involved.
  14. I would leave it alone. Very sesitive movement. You might make it worse
  15. You CAN get the lec on aftermarket crystals. Your TC should have one on it even if its aftermarket.
  16. No, it cannot. You are going to have to weld it
  17. That part of the buckle doesn't have rounded ends. It it did the buckle wouldn't close. It is a flush fit. I have those pins in stock
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