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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Ok some points from a dealer...


    I have burnt 3 or 4 PP accounts and lost plus 2K on disputes that should not have happened.


    In every case it was a noob, so yes that is where the problem lies but for obvious reasons.


    1. A not well know fact is that noobs make up close to 90% of dealers sales, so we simply cannot afford to screen them.


    2. Most noobs come to the dealer with no board interaction at all, they do not know (nor care) the accepted method of sorting issues. If they don't get what they want they go to Paypal.


    3. Then you have the noob who comes to these boards simply to run a scam, obviously there is no reasoning with these guys and PP makes it far to easy for them. Goods not as described it a very hard claim for a dealer to fight when he needs to cover the fact they are replica goods. If you do somehow win that one and the buyer comes back with goods are fake/replica PP can burn your account.


    A little know fact (at least here in Oz) is that Paypal can be blocked from accessing your bank account, yes they will probably chuck a hissy fit and burn your account but if they are trying to get $1500 (which they tried with me) to pay back a scammer it is probably worth it.



    90% of business is from noobs? No, no dealer could afford to ignore that.


    Ken, trying to categorise the reasons for the noobs going to PayPal could you put a percent figure on these guessed reasons (and add others you will know of)


    1) Noob is used to Amazon order timescales and panics due to rep order timescales

    2) Noob is used to Amazon order timescales, is arrogant and opens PP dispute (rather than panics) due to rep order timescales

    3) Noob is ok with rep timescales but panics due to lack of replies from sellers re. basic queries (obviously doesn't apply to many TDs, but certainly does to some)

    4) Noob is ok with rep timescales, but is arrogant and due to lack of replies from sellers re. basic queries (obviously doesn't apply to many TDs, but certainly does to some) opens PP dispute.

    5) Noob has unrealistic expectations of a rep due to poor research and panics when they receive rep

    6) Noob has unrealistic expectations of a rep due to whatever, is arrogant and opens PP dispute

    7) Noob is a scammer


    Would having a link / reference to a "Official Support Forum" (not the forums you already have, as I consider them sales channels) help in the cases of 1, 3 and 5?


    I'm thinking these official support forums would be additional forums here where experienced members / mods can assure the noobs that "This is how the process works, yes it takes time; Yes dealer 'XYZ' doesn't answer emails instantly; Sorry to hear your expectations were not met, didn't you get the QC pics and look at the pics on the dealers site?"...




  2. On my bank app i open and close my accounts for transfers both abroad and online. That stops pp from doing anything i don't allow them to. Maybe this is possible with your bank aswell?


    You can create and close bank accounts online?




    My banking online system goes to my accounts (checking, saving, mortgage, credit card, etc) and allows me to manage them, but I certainly cannot open noew accounts or close any of them.


    That is something that is infrequently done in the UK and you need to have a very good reason to open another one. I've had my main account for 12 years with my current bank, and 12 years ago when I decided to change banks a couple just didn't want to know when I asked to open an account with them.


    I got the impression they aren't interested in a (mature!) student with not a lot of money :)

  3. Looks fine to me.

    I mean, unless you carry round a loupe and use it to read the time from your watch every single time, you're never, ever going to notice its off by 0.2mm.

    And remember that when you get it and check it very carefully, you'll see it then, but after half an hour wearing a new watch I completely forget minor thing like that as I'm enjoying just looking at the watch as a whole, a very pretty, very nice, new and shiny thing!


  4. Can't RWG simply hide the TD forums from non-contributing members?

    You have to be a VIP or above member to even know their forums exist here?

    My thinking is the noobs who just demand a dealers name to buy a watch or 3 and then bugger off, never to be heard of again, will never buy any membership, and THB who cares about them?

    The noobs who want to buy a decent rep AND who enjoy the community and chat will stop by and become regulars.

    After 'x' posts (100?) the system could send them a PM 'Congratulations, you've reached level 1 and I can inform you that with any level of (contributing) RWG membership you will get access to the trusted dealer forums" which should encourage them to join.

    If done right and policed, we may even find that TDs love our members to the extent they withdraw from other forums and become exclusive!


  5. Watch International actually started the QC photo ball rolling. Andrew and Josh would rather be dead than send out QC photos but enough people began asking for them due to Watch International's photos that they began to do it, reluctantly.

    Mary and Rochest are more personal shoppers than anything else. They can comb the acres and acres of booths and tables in the watch bazaars until they find what you need. Also their price is normally lower than the larger dealers.

    Thanks JKay. I think I'll use one of their alternative payment methods this time then, people who start customer initiatives like QC pics deserve to be supported.


  6. Picked it up today.


    All boxes and documents and receipt, watch in reasonable condition.


    The owner bought it new in 2011 and is an RAF pilot flying Hercules transport planes. The watch has been all over the world, and has picked up it's marks and swirls from various war zones - the scratch on the bezel happened in Afganistan when he was unloading and had to quickly grab his weapon.


    He's going to find pics of him wearing it around the world :)


    So nice history to it!


    I spent half an hour cape codding it this evening and it's improved the looks of it 200% but still a way to go to get rid of all the marks - saying that, with it's history I quite like them :)


  7. Yeah I thought as much.


    I suppose that's not a problem if you know the seller but I've never used WI before and whilst I appreciate they're TDs on at least 2 forums, you know, I'm still a bit wary until I receive the first order without any probs :)


    PP is far from perfect, I hate the way they try to get you to register your bank account with them, so they can very easily whip money back out of your account when they feel like it (in a dispute, regardless of who is in the wrong)

  8. I had just emailed WI with an order when this idiot caused all the problems and got their PP blocked. Rochest had to email me back letting me know that PP wasn't an option anymore.


    I've never used WU before but I have heard all the stories that seem to imply it's used 100% by scammers.


    What is the difference between PP and WU when making online payments?


    Charges seem to be roughly similar. Does WU try to link to your CC or debit card or bank account to fund transfers? Any protection for buyers at all?

  9. Picked this up today, gen 2011 Aerospace




    The bracelet needs CapeCodding to within an inch of it's life, a lot of desk diving marks on it (actually they're C130 Hercules and weapon diving in Afghanistan and other places), and there's one larger mark on the bezel and case that needs sorted, apart from that it's all good :)


  10. Hahaha! Cash is king :)


    Picking it up tomorrow afternoon after having a chat with the seller.


    Can't believe I'm spending this much on a watch when next month I'll need a couple of grand spending money on my holidays! Oh well, it'll be lovely to have it to wear when driving round the Riviera.


    Pics coming soon.

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