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Posts posted by fraggle42

  1. Sorry, it isn't a rep (yet?), it is very nice though and has me pondering... :)

    "The Aquatimer Chronograph Edition Expedition Charles Darwin contains the IWC caliber 89365 automatic movement that operates at 28,800 bph and has a power reserve of 68 hours. It has a bi-compax chronograph that measures up to 30 minutes and the date."

    44mm case.

    300m WR.

    $11,100 MRRP






  2. This is the kind of thing that makes me wish that the 'personal implant' with tracking & audio & video recording we see in sci-fi movies that allows civilians to get food, water, work, life was a reality.


    Easy to locate all insurgents / terrorists and just turn them off.

  3. Ken, please put a link to your web store / photo album in your signature! Please!


    You don't know how annoying it is seeing a nice tempting thread like this only to find the goodies are somewhere unknown, and the potential customer has to go digging round to find them! :)



    <wanders off to go digging...:>

  4. I read some nutjob conspiracy article trying to "prove" that this plane was the same one that went missing last month, and it was all set up by the US who put dead bodies onboard the plane and blew it up themselves.


    Their "proof" centered round a few images and claims that one window which had been blocked off in a service a year or so ago in this plane and not the one from last month, that the crash site pics of this plane first showed the window blocked off, and then the panel blocking it off had gone in another pic.


    Too hard for them to consider that someone may have kicked it out to look through for bodies... (it had to keep pressure in, so kicking it out would be impossible, kicking it in relatively easy)


    They also went on about the flag on the side of the plane just above this window didn't line up with the windows and doors the same in all the images, accusing the US of photoshopping the images, and kindly provided about 3 images with lines drawn in them that proved... the logo lined up perfectly.


    Complete nutjobs. They shouldn't be allowed to deprive the rest of us the oxygen they consume.

  5. Hmm, I'm not sure I would say reps are good value for money. You can sell gens to anyone, anywhere and you don't have to worry that eBay or whoever will pull the sale.

    Reps have a very limited market, these forums (discounting those who try to rip people off)

  6. Closed appeals process, no security backing if they vanish, I believe their appeal-appeal service is in house as well, customer complaints (about a matter, an example of which you have open as a case at that time) consider that the closure of that case clears up the complaint - of course it doesn't, it's an example of the problem.


    They're idiots.

  7. The physical ordering of the allow and deny lines has no influence on their interpretation. It is the 'order' line that decides which ones are checked first.

    Also an IP will try to be matched to multiple rules, not just the first one.

    So in the config fragment you have given, the order is allow (and the allow line is allow all, so all IPs are allowed at first), and then the specific ones are denied.

    You should not just provide the first three parts of the IP address, you should give all four.

    If you want to block a block of IPs use the following format:-


    That will block all IPs from thru, the 24 means 'take notice of the first 24 bits of this IP number (the first three numbers) and anything can match for the last 8 bits (the last number)

    If you have remote access to this web server feel free to get in touch by PM and I'll have a look at it for you. Been running apache servers for 25+ years.

  8. Ah, I see you're using SSI. That complicates these rules a lot.

    Are you using virtual hosts in the main apache2.conf? (I.e. Does /etc/apache2 have a sites-enabled directory?)

    If so, cd to there and edit the 000-default file.

    In there it specifies the main root of the WWW directory tree, on mine it's DocumentRoot /var/www/

    Below that there is a directive section that has the default 'Order allow,deny' section in it.

    I would copy your deny lines (one ip per line) and paste them into that section immediately below the 'allow from all'.

    Remove them from the .htaccess file, then stop and start Apache and see if that works.

    As to why it's stopped working, you may find that it's done an upgrade and put some of the configuration files back to the default versions. If it does this it renames the old, modified config file and IIRC appends '.old' to the end or something like that.

  9. As has been said, change it to one IP address per deny line (and possibly change specific IPs to blocks if you need too).

    Personally I would put these in the main apache config file if you can, it's far easier to manage if they're all in one file (or a few included files if they're big)

    I also add a deny line with the local static IP address of a test machine on my LAN, watch the log files and then test it to make sure what I'm trying to do is working, before turning on the deny lines for the big bad world - nothing more frustrating than finding out you've blocked the whole of your website to everyone through an error in a config file!

  10. Yep, I just can't see a good solution, or even a viable one that hasn't got a whole load of I solved problems.

    The ideas that are good are in the lab and decades away from being made real.

    I read a couple of days ago about the big problems they are having in places that have a lot of solar power. There isn't really any power station that can quickly turn up and down its power output, which is what's needed to work alongside solar micro generation being fed back into the grid, so they are running coal or oil stations all the time at Rickover and wasting the energy they produce, so making more pollution.

    On a positive note I also read a new form of power storage that can be scaled up to huge sizes which is starting to be used to store the excess solar and wind power so it can be fed back at peak times / when there is no light / wind, which sounds a good way to go.

  11. Oh wow! Hey @fraggle, I didn't know these were still getting made. So how is Luth getting everyone figured out if he's no longer on the boards? Is there a thread? Link?






    Yes they've actually made it to the end!


    I wasn't on the list but enough people have dropped out due to all the hassle going on that I got this one, number '111' :)


    If you have numbers reserved the best idea is to email Rochest / Mary at WI and tell them your number(s) and that you still want the watch.


    They are working from the list, but from other peoples comments it's an old version of the list and there are a few people that aren't on it that should have been & visaversa, but it's mostly correct.


    Comments on the watch are that the watch head is as good as expected (I think it's very nice) but the strap isn't all that good, again which I concur with.


    The watch is NOT coming with a box or strap changing tool as it was originally said to come with, and costs $300 + $30 P&P.


    I think some people have dropped out because of the bad situation with Luth, etc, but those that simply like watches and fancy a really nice gen watch, limited edition custom run, well, why not? :)

  12. Supplier C to TD - I can get xx watch price is xx

    Supplier C to TD - I don't know, but I already purchase xx watch, my supplier won't accept it back, now I am stuck with this watch. Do you want it or not?

    So in this case supplier C is unobservant or trying to pull a fast one and so should end up the person out of pocket, not the TD or buyer.

    It would seem a slightly safer policy would be to deal directly with the factories and the TD hand over the money for the watch directly - but I know the 'factories' are very hush hush and only a few people know their members or location so I suppose it'd take a TD a good few years to get onto their "friends" list as it were.

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