...this is something my father said...year after year after year...it was a terrible time for me as a kid seeing my father always being drunk (he was a so called "level drinker"...trying to always stay at the same level of being drunk). I totally lost my respect for him and one day (1988, I was a little over 18 already) I told him what a stupid little prick he is in my eyes. Only brave when he's drunk, beating his son and his wife, always lying, giving away all the money we had, cheating on his wife...he cried like a baby.
Few month later he went to the hospital himself, getting rid of the poison. He stayed in hospital 3 weeks and never ever drank alcohol again till he died in 2007. I was very proud of my father and I highly respected him and what he did at the end. The only way to get rid of that daemon is to admit that there is a problem and that it's your problem.
You sound to me like a so called "quarterly drinker". No alcohol for days or even weeks and then "BAMM"... . Don't fool yourself, don't tell yourself it's no problem and you're no addict and you can stop that every time... The least you should do is to get in contact with a professional and let him rate your situation.
And to answer your question...yes...I think you have a problem with alcohol. But this is nothing that can't be solved