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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Sounds like a super plan this is how i plan my builds i bend both ways vintage builds and custom builds how about a ceramic sub case blue ceramic insert and a blue snowflake dial and hands a modern flake sub raffles dial and hands and a rep watch :)

    Sounds like a promising build :good::drinks: Personally, I'm not a fan of the ceramic sub inserts or cases, but to each his own :)  I definitely think it would be a nice update of the blue Snowflake though, rather than the Pelagos, which was just, well, not quite right...  As I've said before, the Pelagos is like seeing your sister in a bathing suit, thinking 'nice ass...' and then remembering it's your sister :lol::bangin:  Another aspect which would keep it custom if I was to put the blue insert on my current Snowflake watch, is that it only has Mercedes hands.  I was planning on obtaining snowflake hands, and putting that all in a no-date Submariner case, rather than the 5517 case it's in at the moment, as overall, that dial/case combo would be a Tudor version of the 16800, but thinking about it, the blue insert would still be a nice additional custom touch :)

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  2. I believe that the watch "Crisis" in the early 1970's (Seiko introduced the first Quartz watch in Japan on Christmas day 1969), made many strange bedfellows. The quartz watch's prices and popularity, probably took the Swiss watch industry by complete surprise, and they obviously were not in the least prepared for the drop off in sales of mechanical watches. There were so many mergers, closures, etc. that probably anything was possible. Doxa itself went through several merger/buyouts during that era. From Doxa to Synchron to Aubrey all within a period of 10-15 years. No telling how many side deals, private label manufacturing contracts, etc. went down back then. they were in full blown survival mode for a long time. 

    I can't see it ever happening, but I'd be interested to see what Rolex/Tudor came up with if they were to do produce a digital watch :)

  3. Its ok im still not sure i will stay with the insert i may refit the harley brown i can not find a burgandy red insert the guy that made the case is working on making a correct colour insert and bb crown that will fit on this case black clothes seem to set off the bezel nicely i think, i tried a stainless steel bracelet but black seems to suite it better with both inserts i also ordered a gold fond insert thinking that the gold fond would go with the guilt dial so thats another option

    Definitely sounds like you've got some options, and yes, a gold font insert might go quite nicely with the gilt dial, so maybe worth a try :)  The brown insert definitely looked nice, and subtle :)  I have to admit, I think the nicest color I've seen on a watch insert (excluding the 6542 perspex, of course) is the blue inserts of the Omega Seamasters...  So versatile as well, as in less than brilliant light, they look just as black as a Submariner :)  A plan I have for the future, is to install a blue insert on one of my Tudor Subs, which I've seen referred to as a 'landshark' mod :)  Probably won't be happening any time soon ( :bangin: ) but I figure it's always good to have goals to strive for :victory:

  4. As predicted, today is Tudor Tuesday :)




    You may be asking yourself "What's with the soft toy?  Has life finally got too much for TeeJay?  Well, Bruno was actually a gift from my paternal grandmother for my first Christmas, and as a child, was my constant companion.  To all intents and purposes, he was (and still is) my dog...  Today's his 34th anniversary as my wingman, although of course, his manufacturing date may well be before my birthday :)  The material we're sitting on, is the material my parents got me as a blanket/bed topper.  Each 'cell' is made up of what appears to be very soft toweling material, it makes a great additional layer, and I suspect, will be an adequate blanket during the heat of the summer :)

  5. TeeJay said, " I couldn't possibly accept any more money than I needed :)  "


    Man - you're EXACTLY the kinda fella I'm so happy to help out. That' why I (and others) have said keep us posted as things move forward. Really do.

    When we did something for our good friend JAG and now you - of course, the goal is not to make our watch forum a place for handouts... but there are lots of good folk here and if someone is truly in need we've got a way just by little bits here and there to help..without any one person going broke... I think it's a good thing.


    I took 5 families out for gift buying this year... people who did'nt have much money. The largest family (with 5 members) did their shoping and the mom return $100 to me (i.e., the could have but didn't spend it all). Thrifty, thinking of others, not being greedy.... I was so impressed and happy with that family that today I took them all the money back, gave em' a gift basket and something else (forgot what). Love that kind of thinking.


    Be well. Merry Christmas. Hope you find work and a way to move through the dark cloud... and, keep in touch if needs arise. Just PM me OK...

    Thanks for the ongoing offer, I shall certainly not forget it, although of course, I hope that I will not need to :)  And absolutely, I had been holding off on doing this for quite some time, because as you say, I didn't want people to think that I was just after a handout, and unwilling to do what it took to keep my own head above water...  As mentioned, I would willingly have sold all my reps to raise funds, but I know that in terms of resale, they would not get me anywhere near what I needed, so doing so would not have actually helped at all, likewise with regards luming or watch mods.  It would be soooo easy to just say "Sure, I can do that...", but then be in over my head, and unable to pay for repairs/replacement of anything I was to mess up, so I swore I would not offer my services as a modder until I had the cash to support any mistakes as I could never abuse the forum's hospitality or brethren in such a deliberate manner...  If I can make and sell a few straps, on the other hand, that might bring in a few $$s :)  And of course, when I am in the position to, I will be more than happy to  pay it forward, and assist a fellow brother in need :)


    That's a fantastic gesture toward those families, I'm sure it was very much appreciated, and likewise, can totally understand how they gave you cash back, as once you get in the habit of having to be frugal, spending money becomes difficult.


    Thanks, I hope you and your family have a great Christmas, and thank you again for your most generous offer of help, I can't say how much I appreciate it :good::drinks:

  6. I hope things work out for you Teejay, we all go through rough times, it's better to ask for help than to bottle it all up or do something that we'd regret doing. I hear you on DC and Atos, the lib dems have absolutely no backbone either. I think the government target the most vunerable in society because the bstards know these the very people who are less likely to be able to gather en mass to shake them up a bit.

    I'm in Ireland at the moment, and recently the morons running the country cut a Carers grant for disabled people to help pay for the basket case money pit banks. In reality they government was very clever in some ways, ...cut full time carers who can't protest (because they full time care!) and hope that it doesn't have a huge ripple effect as they are a minority anyway.

    ...So they cut the very people who are saving the state hundreds of millions, and they don't touch pen pushing middle management public service workers who don't even know their own job title......something is very wrong with society these days!

    Thanks, I am indeed keeping my fingers crossed, and scouring the classified sections.  I'm currently only aiming at part-time work, as that will be sufficient to cover household contributions, and hopefully be more available than full-time posts...  Absolutely, the government is deliberately targeting the groups who it knows cannot fight back, and who will be hit the most severely by the cuts.  If they wanted to end the recession, rather than giving billions to bail out the banks, if they were to give everyone in the country £25K, on the provisions that it cannot be saved, and must be used to settle outstanding debts and to purchase things, thus boosting the economy, the issue would be solved.  Instead, DC seems determined to simply starve the sick and the needy out of existence.  I have no issue with them clamping down on the benefit fraudsters and the workshy who refuse to work, but the mandate Atos works to, of deliberately finding everyone fit to work, goes beyond negligence, and into the realms of corporate manslaughter, given the amount of people who have either died of complications of their conditions, or simply felt unable to continue and killed themselves...  To be honest, while ending things has not quite become a serious proposition for me, I can see how people in similar situations might feel that that is their only option if they are being left with no alternative support, and no hope...  I just hope that I will be able to find something before funds run out... 

  7. Teejay, really sorry to hear about how things have gone, I've been through some really bad times myself and more than happy to help out in any way I can. You are one of the good guys!

    Thanks, things really haven't worked out as I had hoped lately, I am just fortunate that the CBT was able to help me re-find my esteem enough to be seeking employment again :)  What David Cameron and Atos are doing to benefits claimants in the UK is positively criminal.  He has a lot of blood on his hands over this issue...

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  8. TeeJay

    You might see if you can knock your email address off the posts now that the goal has been met.

    Good luck!

    Absolutely, and done :)  I couldn't possibly accept any more money than I needed :)  Thanks again to all who have helped, and equally to those who made offers after the goal was reached, it is appreciated more than I can possibly say :good::drinks:

  9. When I saw this thread title, I wondered if it was going to be one of those "How do you decide what to wear..." challenges :lol:  I would have said that I'll be wearing my customised GMT II, or maybe my DJ, but, Christmas aside, tomorrow is Tudor Tuesday, so I'll be going with this:




    Since I took this pic, in mid-October, one of my best friends tattooed the design on my left forearm (I was letting him practice his tattooing) B)


  10. That's the problem with the world, the leaches

    It is indeed...  The whole thing sounded really positive, paid training days (which was why they needed bank details up front), discounted travel etc, but when it said "For more information, go to the website" and there was no website, what was when I got skeptical...  A little google digging, and I found out that in addition to the other email scams, there were now job scams :o  I re-read the email, and the language wasn't quite right, nor was the idea of an international company using a yahoo email :lol:  I'm sure something will present itself, it's just that period in January which really had me scared...  Thanks again for your help, it is very much appreciated :good::drinks:

  11. Sorry I'm late to read about all this but glad our troupe has responded in a nice way. Keep us posted. I AM interested in yoru affairs and well-being.

    Nothing to apologize for, my friend :good::drinks:  Indeed, it is times like this when I am reminded that this truly is a band of brothers, unrivaled by any I know :)  I'll be sure to keep folks updated on the situation in the coming weeks.  Ideally, I will be able to find a part-time job which will give me the finances I need, but allow me the freedom of time to be able to concentrate on my tattooing, and build that as my career.  If anything full-time were to present itself, then equally, that would be just as welcome :)  The really sad/funny thing about all this, is that not even 24 hours after loading my details to an online job site, I got an email with a scam job offer, trying to get my bank details out of me :bangin:  I clocked it as a scam pretty quickly, so ignored it, but it's crazy to think of the lengths these guys will go to to try and scam folks :lol::bangin:  

  12. I have just logged into PP to accept the funds offered, but it looks like PP now does that automatically... I just wanted to say that the goal has been reached. I was momentarily confused by the totals in different currencies, but the balance says that the goal has been reached :)  Thankyou so much to everyone who has helped me at this time, it is more appreciated than I can express, and will ease the strain while I await the tribunal, and continue to seek employment :good::drinks:  

  13. Well, as said, I sincerely think that in such rich countries nobody should struggle.

    Money is pissed away by our governements and in each country there are sill homeless people!

    My gesture is a little gesture to help somebody I "know" rather than somebody I "don't know" ;-)


    Come on guys...who wants a Cartier Pache  :clap2:

    It's very much appreciated, my friend, and indeed, it the way governments behave like this is criminal.  The amount of people who have either died by working while medically unfit to do so, or committed suicide over an Atos decision is truly frightening.  David Cameron, and all his cronies who are behind these welfare cuts deserve to be prosecuted for manslaughter, in the same way as any business can be held accountable in such circumstances.  These are dark times indeed in the UK, so I am truly grateful for this help in keeping my head above water :good::drinks:

  14. 75£ sent. Your welcome, but really, there's no need to pay me back. One day when you're back on your feet and in a position to help someone else, pay it forward. I'm sure they will be just as grateful as you are today

    That's really good of you, thankyou, and absolutely, one day I will be more than happy to pay it forward :good::drinks:

  15. Teejay., I feel for you in your situation and I hope you will get through this chapter of your life. We are here to help out in whichever way we can. Send me yourpp address and I will put in 10pounds

    Many thanks, everything helps, and is very much appreciated :good::drinks:  My pp address is tjparkerchambers@googlemail.com  My most sincere thanks :good::drinks:

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