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Everything posted by KB

  1. You might also want to PM member gregr who is the Admin of the board where it is being produced Ken
  2. sorry I thought I saw somewhere that it was mentioned as the C1 but obviously not. Ken
  3. Yes the same, but what you may not be aware of is that when we first started this board we raised revenue to refund all those that did not receive their watch but then Blade came back and many actually ended up getting what they paid for...oh and kept the refund too. Ken Edit to add; The point is all those that do have the C1, and I believe Trailboss is one such owner, wont have a problem with a C2 but having another C1 from another site will be like Rolex making a PO
  4. The thing is, that going by the description, I doubt you would get this bezel back on a watch without it falling apart. Ken
  5. Hey but you do save $1000 usd....well you would if you were willing to pay 2.5K.... Ken
  6. Good luck with the project but shouldn't the watch be Collaboration 2 seeing as Collaboration 1 already exists? Ken
  7. First TJ if I have failed to reply it would have been for non related issues and not because of any sense that I would be wasting my time, so I apologise for letting you slip through he cracks like that. But more to your question I should point out that all the dealers on these boards sell soft goods, the only difference between me and the other guys is that I don't sell watches. I can get most of these gym shoes but they fall into the grey area (quality) that I am simply not comfortable with, I can also get most goods in generic branding but they require a buy of X amount and not single items, they also tend to be the same prices are the replica's. It absolutely amazes me when people take offence to me defending my business, imagine if the OP had said he was looking for cheap watches because the Trusted Dealers "Were just too expensive" or this other guy was to pop up and say 'Replica watches, talk about pissing you're money away". They would have been tarred and feathered but not so when aimed at my trade....because the vast majority of members simply do not know...so yes I do have to make a defense because these people, even if it is inadvertently, do damage my business. Imagine you work for a Ford dealership and someone walked in and started telling all the other customers that Fords were 1) To expensive 2) Shit, how long do you think they would last before the police were called in? I don't have a problem with constructive criticisms but I do have a problem when people pull their facts from their backsides. Ken
  8. I am on topic, you want to make claims about my sales in your first post I will reply every time. Ken
  9. For a start ignorant is not an insult it simply means 'lacking in knowledge on a subject' Your off the cuff comments clearly demonstrate that you are in fact ignorant on the subject. Sure you are entitled to an opinion but if the opinion is wrong it will be challenged, try talking up Swiss or Italian made replica watches and see what happens. Maturity is taking responsibility for what you say or write, this comment... Is the exact same attitude that upsets our members from genuine watch owners and considering the tread you made it in it is like walking into Burger King and putting everyone down for eating junk food. Maybe you are the one who needs to think a bit more about respect. Ken
  10. @henrik you make some good points, one that has often annoyed me is the cost of these items at the source. By this I refer to the fact that the factory workers are often paid a couple of dollars a day, coupled with the abundance of cheap (quality) materials it would not be a stretch to expect to pick these bags up for less than $50. But I can't, most bags cost me $150 or more and the reason is simple, the Internet. The days of the dirt cheap replica is long gone because all the serious players in the rep industry now employ kids straight out of Uni, these kids know exactly what kind of prices they can command for goods and it's these figures I need to pay to keep delivering the quality I have become known for. Ken
  11. Actually sales are going fine but the "Untrained eye' comment is exactly what I am talking about. My sales rep was doing this for a few of years before she started working with me so she has around 10 years experience with replica goods. Cathy hand checks everything I ship and my review section is testimony to the quality of the goods, so why do s few selected people persist in claiming that these goods can only be bought in poor quality? The quality is in fact on par with our watches. Ken
  12. As most of you know I have now been dealing in replica softgoods for 7 years and during that time I have built up a customer base and a review section that I look on with some pride. Yet every now and then someone will pop up and make broad sweeping claims that basically all soft goods are rubbish. When you stop to think about our hobby in watches and the detail that goes into very many of them how can anyone seriously believe it is beyond the Chinese to make good replica's of clothing and bags? It must be remembered that way before replica's the Asian's were considered the finest needle workers in the world, but it seems that because some have seen cheap knock offs (and lets face it we have all see them) they feel qualified to rate the entire industry as junk. Think for a second what you believed about replica watches before you found our site, there are very few indeed that truly believed the quality of our watches existed under the 2k mark, yet all we have are dealers who are either based or have representatives based in China. For those who have not caught on yet my sales rep lives year around in Gaungzhou China and she has been my full time employee for about 5 1/2 years, the point here is that I seriously doubt that any other member who is not a resident of China to have the resources I have for delivering the best quality goods and yes the quality does exist as a quick look through my review section testifies. All that said there also seems to be a lack of realistic expectations on sof tgoods. We all know our watches are not perfect or at least the vast majority have flaws yet I do come across many who will not accept that same level of standard for bags and clothing. Recently I was offered by our factory Hermes Birkin bags, these bags were so highly priced that I would have had to re-sell them for around $1300. more than $1000 over what I sell my standard Birkin. Yet I have never had a complaint about the quality of my bag. So what is on offer with these expensive versions? Better quality leather? No Better hardware? No Better quality stitching? No For an extra $1000 the factory is willing to sell me the same bag with a guarantee of no faults and a little bit more in paperwork. If that is worth $1300 to you then you know where they are but to me it's a rip off so I wont list them. There are goods (Jeans for example) that I do not list any longer, this is not because quality replica jeans do not exist it is because the suppliers that we have access to can only supply jeans that are, at best, of a good but not excellent quality. All I ask is that before anyone tries to act knowledgeable about any soft goods that they be honest with themselves and realise they simple do not have the expertise to make such comments. Ken
  13. Peppe it matters not what your personal opinion is but I have 7 years in this business and my concern is that your ignorance will influence others. The only people that can judge my goods are those that buy them so I advise you to read through my review section before making such off the cuff remarks. Ken
  14. I have very many customers who would argue that point with you, but I am pretty sure a quick check will show you that a far greater amount of money is spent (in any country) on fashion clothing than there is on watches. Ken
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