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Jawo last won the day on October 21 2012

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About Jawo

  • Birthday November 24

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    Canada Eh!!

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  1. Admin

    Happy Birthday Jawo!

  2. Awesome!! Thanks so much for the feedback.
  3. Time to make a new purchase and after trying on a gen Portofino this past weekend. It got me itchy to buy a new watch. Just curious if there is a very good Portofino rep out there?
  4. I am sure Joshua will remember you, lol. No sense in recommending PAMs since you don't really like em much. I am really impressed with the UN Maxi Divers with SS bracelet. Really nice bracelet and rep. I am saving up for a gen when I go to the caribbean in a couple of weeks.
  5. Prayers to Aussies. Thank god there is some warning. Keep safe, and alive. Mother Nature is a mean b!tch sometimes.
  6. Just got back from a Disney Cruise in the Caribbean (and no, I didn't buy and watches this time) and thought I would share this video with you. It is my daughter eating some spicy food. It is so funny and cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdxCQzOmhjo&feature=feedlik
  7. I am using an electronic cigarette for the past 8 months and have not touched a tobacco cigarette for that long. I find it the only thing that has ever worked for me including perscription medication and over the counter aids. Those don't work. The success rate is less than 10%. E-cigs have a success rate of around 70%. They consist of a battery, atomizer and a cartridge containing a nicotine solution that is heated up. The heating of the solution results in vapor that is inhaled. The nicotine levels can be changed to fit your liking. The reason for it's success is that it is a replacement to smoking. Not necessarily designed to help you quit the habit all together. I enjoyed smoking, just didn't like the negative health affects. The nicotine solution contains FDA approved propylene glycol, liquid nicotine, distilled water and flavoring. A traditional tobacco cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals and about a dozen of those are lethal carcinogens. There are another 10000 chemicals which are unknown. The FDA is fighting to ban these along with some individual states. There was a proposed ban in California but govenor Schwartzenegger vitoed the proposed bill. There are many celebrities that can attest to the sucess and benefits of e-cigs like Katherine Heigl, Johnny Depp, Leonardo Dicaprio and Rush Limbaugh. The FDA, Big Pharm, and some states want to ban because there are approximately 47.5 million smokers in the US today (Fox news), and a national average of state and federal taxes of $1.45 per pack. If we assume an average of one pack smoked a day, the taxes are nearly 26 billion PER DAY. Consider then the amount the tobacco industry makes per pack, $5-$15 each depending on the state. What are the real motivations behind these bans? It certainly isn't the interest of public health. Have my work place is on e-cigs with great sucess and have been smoke free for almost as long. Just like this forum informs us about watches and other products, I have found the largest e-cig forum in the world. E-Cigarette Forum. I encourage you to visit the forum and read up on thousands of testimonials. You will find dozens of reputable dealers there along with a wealth of information. Good luck to you. I know it is one of the hardest problems to deal with and this is coming from a smoker of 20 years @ a pack a day. Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.
  8. Tourby for me today.
  9. My God!! It is so simple. Why didn't I see this before?
  10. LOL Ken. Just goes to prove that all men have A.D.D. when it comes to women.
  11. I don't see a prob with it. My previous avatar, even my current one is a little spicy. Previous:
  12. Just a little something I put together with a gif editor. You like this? Or was the previous one better? Previous:
  13. Worth the effort!! It looks great.
  14. Hehe, I've actually had this watch for over 6 months now but just deciding to wear it now I have been rotating through my gens quite a lot lately and stumbled upon this one. Thought I would share. I will chat with you soon Ken. I kinda miss you
  15. I know it is a fantasy watch but I couldn't resist. These toruby's are mesmerizing to look at. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpohPZcCn7Q
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