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Everything posted by Klink

  1. so... the point is? that you can be allowed to call anyone anything if the group they belong to uses that word.. at any time for any reason.. any cultural connection, such as being a customer of any ethnic establish, then gives one the right to toss the 'word' about.. ok..\\ understandistan! lol
  2. @Tim perception is alive and well, but where?.. lol cheers, k
  3. It only gets better... and if anyone out there remembers Bruno of the the Persian Aub Zam Zam Room, 1633 Haight St., San Francisco... well, you are obviously an old fart.. "Bruno was always a gentleman," said Gutekunst. "He was very Old San Francisco. He would say there were only two great cities in the world and they're both gone: San Francisco and Shanghai. They had intrigue and class. They were international, and everybody dressed right." Fire gutted buildings containing memories of smoke.. and people.. all gone.. new construction eating away at economic swings in a depravity of bricks and mortar.. filthy gum spattered sidewalks where once cleanliness was the norm.. old relationships forgotten.. yet, somehow, in time.. it all lives together.. death confuers life as life ignores death, and it is\\ all good! It only gets better! Life is Good! Klink
  4. "Everyone" knows? Not everyone has you knowledge, Pugwash, and not everyone, especially newer members, know what you do. Curious as to why you chose not to approach the admin at RWI with this, rather than simply posting what "everyone" knows on RWG.. after all, you do have some status as a moderator of your own section on RWI, and discretion is a word at odds with your actions, imo. So, perhaps you did not alert the admin here either? Perhaps it is much more fun for you to have proceeded in the manner that you have demonstrated. Cheers, Klink Life is Good!
  5. #1 Posts were not edited #2 You are right, this is not about ttk It is about Pugwash.. and the reasons happened before this thread was started. Drama is always more exciting that reality, pw.. Were anyone to actually read previous posts of Pugs and mine concerning the issue of truth in advertising one would find that I have been and still am in complete agreement with Pugwash, and TTK as regards proper descriptions.. and more so later on in the thread when I understood that PW has only the best interest of the forums in his heart. Why did I become upset? It was a reaction to what I saw as a good intentioned chap who was raising a very large hue and cry, and shouting FIRE! FIRE! - yet who flippantly, to my eyes, refused to point to the fire.. If he is correct in the assertions, it makes zero sense to me for him to not name that which he knows.. and to be specific rather than stirring the [censored], and raking the muck.. making a bad smell when it is in his power to be precise, and point directly to the sins he is crying about.. My support of Pugwash began as I realized the while old forum hand likely know all of the little details, and not be at all concerned, perhaps newer members could benefit from his efforts. Oh well, I am still puzzled.. and I still do agree with his basic premise, and I do support his efforts, even if he now refuses to be of any real assistance in this matter.. other than his continual ranting and raving.. Pugwash was not asked to leave, and any insult he felt, imo, was simply the product of his refusal to actually be of help. Life is Good! Klink
  6. The Wonderful (not maybe for U.S.) answer... Moneycookers! http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=19338 (the Gospel according to the Z man)
  7. is down as many have been in the past and will be in the future no one site has patent on up or down stuffs
  8. Finally! Someone who perceives, and actually understands! It only gets better... the inside story is obvious, is available, and has always been there... Life is Good! Klink
  9. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=19623 particulary notable is above post is the family portrait... lol so, what is your reak opinion? The watch or the poster... rampant enmity ensues hilarious of graphic! Life is Good! K
  10. perhaps because is A level, and is not argument... collusion of the hidden agenda on the cooker and the lie is larger than seen by those not in the know... experiential beats conjecture of the biggest lie and the bigger the lie the more likely to be believed.. simple stuffs, really the beast is best examined for what it is not rather than the false coat it actually wears. simple stuffs are not perhaps obvious, and one's intuition/agreement with a false premise leads to a path determined by those who wish to truly and effectively deceive.. so, what now? for if one thinks one knows what is actually really definitively known? When the question misdirects.. and calls for reform the actual question becomes... why? how? and never, who? So, should the answer lie in levels, and in schools, then it is baseless for those speeking are in a recess that cannot even approach the topic that is posed, was posed, and ever shall be. Conundrum presented as logic flies out the window... Life is Good! Klink (for the premise begs the lie.. and collusion runs hidden rampant.. the biggest lie of all....) Consisitency consists of concise dilineation of concision.. and is quite easy to conceal when there is a reason... but look, to see Life is Good! Klink btw, could you perhaps be a bit more of on topic?
  11. go figure? for is already bin concisioned so the wise guys can ez see otherwise is what was and shall ever be. Go figure.
  12. We need to boycott the truth! Well, our reps are not genuine, that is true.. yet we do our best to pass them off as being the real deal.. LOL... terminology schmerminology buncha crooks arguing over what to call the swag... too much of comical... the Emperor of the North Pole has a role and many will go to great lenghths modding away, better to conceal their own lies...
  13. It really does not matter at all who is doing what to who.. all that matter is personal opinion as applied to what can be seen:
  14. played drum, got in big trouble.. was about 7-8 years old drum was huge, in Fallbrook wildnerness.. was drum to call firemans now that is cross link! Not surprising? Firemans did not charge for using drumstick.. to cross link... Life is Good! Klink
  15. Kenborg has turned out to be biggest fan of RWI Hooooooooooo Raaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Life is Good! (Not for sum peeoples) Klink ROFKMAO!!
  16. I pm'd him that to offer both a watch with choice of dial colors and a new watch, posted at the same time, was imo dealing, and the sales were nuked. I did not use any profanity, and I did not threaten him with banning. His response was the pm already posted. My response was to ban in response to his return pm. Yes, may very well have been simple misunderstanding.. agreed completelly.. however, his response was not one that would lend anyone to believe that there was any real misunderstanding, rather it would and did tend to reinforce the belief that he was dealing.... and if not true, how could one know, especially considering the overall content and tone of his pm. Klink Life is Good!
  17. Sherringtons posting of a heavily altered pm from Klink is the clue.. I do not use profanity. I certainly did not ask him why he did not pm prior to posting.. Oh well, '17 Jewel' David is quite the expert on whatever it is that he does, imo. Cheers, K
  18. Other than that, the 'gent' does seem to have quite the skill with conflict resulution and communication, as evidenced by his words above.. and, yes, it is nice to have options.. Why Sherrington would bother to go to a "crap rep forum" is somewhat puzzling. LOL LIfe is Good! (& hello, Gunnar!)
  19. thank you for the welcome, daclothe!, multi-max!! It has been awhile.. but then, in the world of forums, the only time that counts is the time it takes the replica to arrive.. Cheers! Klink Life is Good!
  20. Pug is not worried about watch, never: Obvious, he is frightfully worried about the dealer.. LOL The market, the forum members, will speak this way or that way.. and we will see what we will see. I know where I am placing my bet : )
  21. Quote Pugwash: Looks as if the jury might be trickling in.. "That's the one I'd get, personally."
  22. Smug is your word, not what has already been said.. and is not about smug or embarassed or right or wrong.. just about the reality that already exists.. if ruby tanks, ruby tanks.. so far she has shown no indication of doing so.. and in the three years that I have personally dealt with ruby? Only good stuff happens.. Now, this is not to imply that doubting Admin or doubting pug is not healthy attitude.. in replica world, healthy skepticism is, well, healthy... it can be pounded into the ground also, especially when there have been zero of negative reports... : ) here is small example of reports to date:: http://replica-watch.info/forum/search.php?mode=results and, here is a 'teaser' that concerns her talents.. http://replica-watch.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6532 http://replica-watch.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6543
  23. No need tro do anything you do not feel comfortable with. IMO, based on performance and many reviews, Ruby does have the capactiy to do an excellent job on price, on quality and on performance. She has been in business for years, and is just 'new' to the radar here.. This is akin to remarks of a successful business person in Minnesota, who opens a store in Arizona.. people do not know her track record in this venue. Whatever happnes or does not happen concerning any participation regarding this offer, time will tell what she has alrady accomplished, and what she is capable of in the replica world.. after all, she already has a proven track record, and she IS located in Guangzhou.. Klink Life is Good!
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