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Posts posted by Fidestro

  1. The 036 Panerai is impossible to find right now. I know because I am trying. I ended up buying the ss IWC above.

    No one has mentioned the Tag Heuer Carrera! It is available in brown, is VERY close to the gen, and is stunning!

    EDIT: Well, I missed it. The Tag was mentioned. It is still great however.

  2. i'd buy the asian version and send it out for full service (The Zigmeister or someone) and you'll have about the same quality as ETA after service and you've saved $300 over the cost of an ETA version.....

    Thanks for posting that! I have been on fence about whether or not to do that or buy a 7750 or two (or four) but the cost is so high I could not justify it, but I love my chrono watches and would like many years of use out of them. I had read good things about the asian 7750 post-servicing, but you never know.

  3. V2 has the mark after the 10 on the top sub dial as per the gen. Has slightly better date font, the double AR, hand lume was better colour and the bezel was slightly better finished.

    I believe the graphite is probably the most accurate along with the white if it is still available.

    The two tone version is available in the V2 also, can get them fomr most of the dealers I believe.

    Are you referring to the all white dial on the V2? That is the one I am about to order, would like to know how it stacks up. I see a lot of the graphites but the white just "speaks to me"

    Would like to make sure the one I am about to order has all the right markings.

  4. I had the same experience in the Vegas Tourneau.


    The first time was around Christmas 2006, the second was October 07. Both times they acted like they did not give a damn if they sold anything or not. In Oct I went in wearing my gen Seamaster and a suit, could not get a salesman. Some lady was trying to get a guy in a t-shirt and cut off jean shorts to finance a 10k Panerai. It baffles the mind.

    I would recommend you check out the shops in the Venetian. The layout is pretty much a knockoff of how the Forum shops used to look (the older part) but they had two small watch shops where I received good service (compared to Tourneau anyway). The names of the shops escape me however.

  5. Its a given that she will get negative feedback if she does not resolve the issue. Also her paypal account will be dead with all the disputes against it. I know it will take some time to resolve the issue and am shipping my watch back to her US location today.

    no need for threats, imo


    I agree with this statement. So far I have found dealings with her to be top notch, especially when considering some of our other dealers. I was irate last night, but today was a bit more rational and realized that some supplier problably thought they would take her for a ride. Could happen to anyone.

  6. Hi friend:

    Could you post a picture? It is a bit difficult to imagine what's going on with the bracelet.

    Mine is still in Spanish customs. Which model am I going to receive? :brow:

    I would guess it is a total crap shoot which one you will receive. Please let us know what you get though, I would like to know.

  7. I received my black one and have a few things I would like do discuss when others receive theirs. I may a few issues with mine, but am waiting out to see what everyone else got. I could have got a bad one, but beware.


    Well, mine looks just like the one above. Wrong HE, no serial, poor bracelet text, etc. In addition mine has the Omega logo with poor printing. Like I said, I was going to hold out, but it appears I am not alone.

  8. How do you know its not swiss without looking at the motor?

    How do you know it is Swiss by looking at the rotor? They reproduce the markings on the rotor and all in China now days. All the the reps I have ever seen are made in China. Some may have Swiss movements, but they are all Chinese. I am 99.9999 percent sure that yours is made in China and has the Chinese 7750 movement in it.

    Think about it, the Swiss are VERY proud of their fine watches. How long do you think a factory making fakes would last over there? It would seriously damage the economy.

  9. That is not a hybrid commercial, that is a VW Passat commercial.

    Interestingly enough, a VW Passat can easily cost as much as a BMW 3 series and is one of the most problematic cars sold in this country. It makes for an interesting parallel in this context.

    There's a great car commercial where the hybrid selling car company asks "What do you think your automobile purchase says about you?"

    They then show a bunch of luxury and sport car owners driving around with megaphones, repeating over and over again things like...

    Female Lexus owner "...because Daddy didn't love me enough....because Daddy didn't love me enough...because Daddy didn't love me enough"

    Male Mustang Owner "...because I'm compensating for my shortcomings...because I'm compensating for my shortcomings...because I'm compensating for my shortcomings"

    Male Mercedes owner"...because I make more money than you...because I make more money than you...because I make more money than you"

    I think you can substitute high end genuine owners who look down their noses at us and try to pathologize our purchases for any of the above owners of luxury vehicles. Don't point the finger of mental illness at me buddy. Anyone who spends $75,000 on a watch ought to be in some serious threapy.

  10. If you like the watch, that is all that counts. The 203 is a limited edition watch that sells for around 100k if you can find one. I certainly couldn't pull off that watch.

    I have owned about 15 pams in the last 3+ years. I've liked them all. My faves and current watches are a fully modded 111h and a 187. 47mm is pretty large. I can pull it off, but I'm a pretty big guy with meat hooks for arms/hands.

    Check it out.

    Thanks for the photos. I doubt the size will bother me and I am a bit of a bigger guy as well. When I went from my Seamaster to my Planet Ocean it was a bit of a shock, now it does not bother me. Now when I put on my Submariner it feels like wearing a beer cap it feels so small. If Orlando Bloom can pull of a large Panerai, it should be a cake walk for me.

    If the 203 is 100k, I guess I am really gonna look loaded! Where I live no one has ever heard of Panerai, so I should be safe. Like I said, I was more interested in the size. Do you have a preferred dealer? I would like to pick up a Fiddy, a 177, maybe something PVD as well.

  11. Hello all,

    I just purchased my first Panerai rep, but hopefully not last. I was on Josh's site the other day placing an order for a few things and decided to add a Panerai to my order. I love the look of the 1950 and have been giving serious thought to buying one from DSN but have been hesitant due to some things I have read on here. I realized while placing my order with Josh that I have never even tried on a watch as big as 47mm, my biggest watch is my PO. I ended up deciding to buy a cheap Pam to see if I liked the size. The one that I ended up going with is a 203, you can find it on the PC site by looking for PN20302 Pam 203 1950 8 days Asia Unitas 6497. I hope to receive the watch by the end of the week, but I was hoping some of the experts could tell me what all may be a miss in this watch. For the price, I am not overly concerned about it, but I was curious.

    Thanks and I look forward to speaking with all of you in the near future. I have a feeling that I am going to be here a while.

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