Yeah if you look at loose datewheels on Ebay or Ofrei, etc they're just metal disks with the numbers printed...unless it's digital or a annual/perpetual the movement is quite "dumb" and the mechanism is simply slaved to the hour hand.
Would #12 in this sale work for a case??? I'd say if you pick up that case, mvt, dial, hands you've got a winner
Dluddy did you see the WBZTV report on our esteemed governor's latest poll numbers? 17% approval by independents and only 47% among his own party... they're claiming most of it is due to this gas tax, etc but the economy certainly isn't helping!
That particular model is not a tourbillon however a genuine Chinese tourbillon (of their own design..and working (quite well) I might add) is readily available under $500 unbranded and around $650 branded.
At the end of the day, he's a private seller and can choose whom he accepts business from... It sucks, yeah, but he's probably got so many emails, etc that he cuts loose anyone who costs him excess time and money. It's rather curt and abrupt but it happens all the time in business. (20/80 rule comes into this)
No power reserve? That's not true...3 hand ETA or ETA clone- you should be expecting between 35-44 hours of PR... considering my gen has around 50 that's not bad at all...
"Oh yeah, uhh...the $500K spa trip and retreat in Cali? The $24K spend on manicures and pedicures for the executives? Umm...well you see..ah...we'd already BOOKED that time at the resort so if we just hadn't shown up we would have been out the $100K deposit so, ya know...waste not want not? Oh and by the way, we'll need another $30 billion k thanks."