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Everything posted by Shundi

  1. Try and find a Seamaster (Cal 1120 version) ... you can get great deals on them!
  2. Huh...that's weird...cool effect!
  3. I think Silix has the best dial to date...that's just what I've read though, I'm no expert
  4. I have to agree with Lani and CBR on this one... from the macro shots it looks like a stunning replication...a great technical achievement for the industry.
  5. Nope...I'm pretty sure that now you have to marry a US citizen AND remain married to them for a few years in order to qualify for citizenship...
  6. A good friend of mine got his real estate license and made a killing showing houses to students...
  7. You're not a good salesman. Period. I have doubts about the majority of your story (There's no way that all 1,200 people in your company are salespeople and therefore your statistic is probably misleading... ), but nonetheless, nothing you posted excuses you for being a d0uchebag. And don't worry, people like you have a habit of attaining a certain rank in a company and staying there...never making management, never becoming leaders for one simple reason... you don't have what it takes. In the Northeast, 180K is not "Top 2-3%." There is disputing that. If you'd like to include Uganda and Palestine, etc., then yes, you may be in the top 2-3% of the world's income earners, depending on whose stats you trust. By the same token, many people making the median income of around 50K in the US are in the top 70-8_0% of world wage earners. If you have to ask or check, you're most likely not in the highest tier... I like how you have standards about not using "care" or anything like that with clients because it's "fake"... seems that word comes up a lot when describing you eh...how about that watch pal? If one thing is true about insurance companies it is this: On the whole, the insurance industry in America has never lost money. Ever. Even during the Great Depression. If your company has 1,200 people, even if you're making a few million in gross sales per year, you are dispensable...all you have to do is [censored] off your boss just enough and he'll be out looking for the next young eager kid looking to buy that Submariner... people like you are a dime a dozen, especially at 26 years old. You are replaceable. Most of us are. Two young kids fresh out of college...pay them each 90k a year and they'll probably make the same amount of sales you did (if not more) at around the same cost. To say otherwise is ignorant and foolish, but again, your personality has already prepared us for statements like that. I do like the fact that you mention that you can't understand why people like you...it's refreshing to know that even you yourself claim to know you're an [censored] I'm glad that you are impressed with yourself. That means you've got at least one fan, right? The self confidence will come in handy in a few years when there are 60 new sales guys who don't give two shits about you looking to snatch up your clients... But hey, regardless of what you posted...you're still a douche for what you did to that guy.
  8. Oh and I knew I'd seen you before yapping about how much money you made, etc... A quick stroll through your posts shows that you inquired about purchasing my franken sub.... I kind of wished you had...you see, you walk around that area of Worcester with all that solid gold, maybe someone would have given you the asswhooping you so richly deserve...and to boot, I would have your money... Life's a [censored] sometimes @ P4 and yellowman above: Brilliant gents, I agree...
  9. As someone who was born in Massachusetts I feel the need to speak for the state in saying: Please don't believe that everyone from Massachusetts is like this guy. Going up to someone and laughing at their replica is kind of ironic, seeing as how gen owners laugh at you just as much. You know, my father always told me "Treat everyone...from the janitors to the president of the company, with respect...it makes life a whole lot easier." This is from a guy that had zero money growing up, started out as an orderly, worked his way through medical school and got his business degree at night in the late 70's because he had small children and also was helping my mother to pay her tuition at law school. Doctors treated him like [censored] when he was an orderly because...well, he was an orderly. He's now the president of one of the largest health care organizations in Massachusetts and to this day he will still sit down with custodial workers, nurses, etc in the cafe and ask them how their day is going, how did they like that Sox game, how they feel about the Celtics, etc. He isn't condescending, he isn't a self-assured little [censored] that feels the need to call people out because he's a "health insurance salesman" and makes "good money," he treats people exactly as they should be treated. Who the [censored] are you to decide that you are the end all, be all judge of how "great" someone's rep is? And for you to say that bad reps bring down the prestige of Rolex? Haha, clearly the irony is lost on you...not that it surprises me in the least. I've got your number because I went to business school with people like you... people whose only goal in life was to make a billion dollars and flaunt it in everyone's faces... you guys usually did the worst on tests and group projects and you could never explain theory for [censored]...you couldn't be "bothered" with the trivial details of success... your goal in life was to have the nice watches, the nicest cars, and a nice big house in or around my hometown of Weston. Everyone else ticks and ties, does great work at their internships, and works their way up...not you though, you figure that you're owed something and as such, everyone should get on their knees and pray to you, the almighty Rolex rep wearer... please. Just stop posting...you literally have no defensible position...there is nothing you can say that will make you seem like less of an ignorant [censored], so please just stop posting. I would also STRONGLY encourage you to post your story over in TimeZone...tell all the gen owners (including myself) how you were protecting the prestige of our investments... better yet, send a letter to Rolex and tell them of your crusade against the working poor, I'm sure since YOU are the one sending the letter, they'll gladly send you 4-5 brand new Submariners in thanks. What a [censored].
  10. Now, if you wanted a very true to gen model....check out my sales post Sorry, shameless plug.
  11. To move the inner bezel you just have to turn the bottom "crown/pusher" ...i believe ANTI clockwise to move the bezel... you don't have to push down or pull or anything (or, at least, you shouldn't...)
  12. 30 watches a year at an average of $300 figure a conservative profit margin of 50% that's $4,500 - 500 in shipping is 4K a year from you alone...in profit. In a year. Now, if he sells 50 per day... that's 50 x $300 is 15000 @ 50% profit is 7500 - (50 watches x an avg of $20 to ship = 1000) = 6500. A day. Figure the amortized cost of website hosting, cc processing, misc bribes, what have you and he's probably clearing (with his own data and conservative estimates used in my theory) between 5500-6000. A day. That's around $2,000,000 a year in USD assuming some misc. taxes and stuff. Do you know what $2,000,000 a year USD buys you in China? A [censored]ing lot.
  13. Depends on which scam site you visit In actuality, the only places that use "grades" like that are places trying to scam you. They also say "italian made" or "made in switzerland" or "cheap sub for 700 dollars with swiss movement"
  14. Hehe...welcome to the world of reps... my first was from Replicahause and was the shittiest submariner you're ever going to lay eyes on. Live and learn. If you get it and it really sucks, try to return it and then use the trusted dealers on this board Welcome!
  15. http://www.alliancehorlogere.com/en/index....title=Main_Page Check out "Under the Loupe" Not sure if this has been posted on before...enjoy
  16. ^ In light of the last few days and notable departures, what he said
  17. My Rado Starliner 999 from the early 70's has a sword adjuster...PM me if anyone needs pics
  18. Rolex. It's a solid investment
  19. I agree with OP and Pug... it's ironic that people are trying to classify OP and his geographical location by his views. That alone shows bigotry and it's somewhat amusing to read...not amusing in a snobbish sense but amusing in that I'm sure from time to time we all do it. I also completely agree with Pug and I think I see what OP's original intent was (it just isn't worded in a concrete manner) ... why do we wear a suit on the first day of work? Why don't we walk around and complain that money is tight? Why don't we discuss any physical or mental weaknesses we have in the open? Because we want to be seen a certain way. Now, if you need to be seen a certain way in order to get ahead in life and you're constantly "faking"...that's an issue, but if you're, say, a real estate agent whose job is to sell houses or a lawyer who needs to win cases, you want to look like you're professional, prosperous, and confident.
  20. i think it was only good for the first 1K...
  21. watchdoctor.biz located in Kane, PA...he's done some good work on my vintage rollies and omegas...ask him about it/maybe send a few pics to watchdoctor@verizon.net or w/e his site is, see if he'll work on it...
  22. -not implying that either of you is Darth...
  23. Someone should PM CBR and I think Chinkie...? Are they both Socal? Whoops a LITTLE late on that post
  24. Monarch? Gelena? Shiterand? Ohhhh boy
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