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Everything posted by Shundi

  1. Looks pretty good from here...standard stuff like CG's, maybe insert/pearl, etc... Close ups would be nice...also, if you use the search feature and check out some of the other MBK's / compare it to gen photos, you can answer a lot of those questions yourself imo...
  2. You probably need to have it serviced if its fully wound and losing tension after only a few hours.
  3. There was a steinhausen on Sears.com that was like 55 plus shipping. Looks nice and runs btw 20-33 seconds on and then rests btw. 15-30 minutes and repeats. The Orbita website has recommended TPD (turns per day) etc...
  4. Well...we know that the datewheel has a great "6" at the very least lol...
  5. @Ubi. Fairydust...obviously
  6. @ Avitt: Someone's got VZ as a stock I'd tend to agree...there is a def. disconnect between what my phones (not just the iPhone) say I have for a signal and the amount of dropped calls.
  7. I'm on my third (or is it fourth?) 1.0 iPhone. Two were returned because the battery lasted less than 2 hours on standby after 2-3 months of light use. The latest (returned today, as a matter of fact) had splotchy areas of the screen that would increase/decrease depending on the usage (IE heavy video, etc). The 5' 2" gentleman at the "genius bar" (which either holds the title of "Most Undeserved Name" or "Most Pompous Name" (or both) ) informed me that this was "normal." When he took a look at the video he decided that yet another replacement was in order. More synchronizing, more running around, more scheduling time with a "genius," = less productivity. I noticed the iPhone had crap reception around my house/work which, needless to say, is where I spend about 70% of my week. A few forum searches showed that turning the phone completely off daily (or twice daily) was necessary for the SIM card to re-register with the nearest towers, improve call quality, et al. Some phones have this issue, some don't. It is annoying to drop calls though, so either way, heads up on that. All in all, it's an innovative piece but I feel as if Apple spent way to much time marketing and not enough time including things like software to take video (it has been proven through 3rd party applications that the phone can record video), iChat (battery concerns I'd imagine), mass email management, Exchange, et al. Some of this will be fixed in the newest firmware upgrade, some of it will not. Hopefully Apple can get a handle on quality control and spend more time on the hardware then the stupid "Mac/PC" commercials.
  8. $417 indeed...
  9. @ Corgi- Aunt if I remember correctly... sure do miss her.
  10. Yeah if you read the fine print ATT upcharges for the data so the cost over a year or so actually is around $459 ish... not much of a "price drop" I've got the first gen...on my third one due to faulty screens, crap battery and a slew of other errors...seriously considering going back to BlackBerry (The new Bold looks tasty) Also, many corporations (like the one I work for) use BES for email and (with my promotion) will actually provide me with a new blackberry of my choice so, I'll probably move to that 100% of the time...
  11. hxxp://www.scripting.com/specials/vonnegutMIT.html Text is here on Admin's embed (great stuff)
  12. I think they can simply confiscate it if they so choose...
  13. TAG Aquaracer Chrono on a rubber strap Rolex DateJust
  14. TK- Good stuff! I'm sure it'll be stunning
  15. @ FFF: Welcome back! I've never been over to the "wild wild west" of RWG1 but I hear (from the old timers ) that it was a real blast! You analysis shows experience in dealing with these kind of corporations... stocks like FSLR and ENR have had huge volume swings in the past few days, so energy is def. something that may be the next bubble... I'd also expect to see some sort of insanity come out of this whole healthcare mess we're in at the moment. I think stocks in China (BIDU and CHL, for instance) have been playing fast and loose for a while now and I'd expect to see people attempting to play off the extreme volatility of those emerging markets (more likely through puts/shorting then through long holds). Obviously fewer people will be playing the international stock market then, say, dealing with mortgages/sub-prime issues or oil, but the potential amount of money that could change hands is mind-boggling. Also, the International Energy Association just released figures saying that in order to "clean up the environment," approx. $45 trillion (yes, trillion...the entire US government's budget for Fiscal Year 2008 was a "scant" $3.10 trillion (not including the freaking war, that's an appropriation) and all them money we spend abroad in foreign aid (and no, no flames, I'm not saying the war is foreign aid) ) meaning that the "greenies" are going to fall all over themselves to hand money over to the "greenest" companies (regardless of their corporate ethics....hey, they recycle!) so that may be another bubble. Might have to hedge gold...there's talk of more war in Iran and the lower the dollar or Euro or whatever go, the higher gold, silver, et al will rise...good thing for the gen two tones
  16. Well...that and the speculation market...I was reading an interesting article in Fortune that hypothesized that the oil market would go the same way as the housing and silver markets in the 80's and 90's... a big boom ( sort of like the EPS numbers for some tech companies in 90's...the stock was trading at $500/share but they only had like...$150 EPS). The theory was that the "rational market" would ultimately find new and innovative ways to get said oil. The author compared it to the crisis in the 80's where oil skyrocketed for a bit and then tanked for around 20 years as oil flooded the market in response to the demand/shortage... We shall see...
  17. The Dow shed around 392 points today...worst since Feb. 2007....hooray for oil!
  18. Shundi

    Bad day

    Dani, Sorry to hear that man...losing a watch sucks big time but I can't imagine losing a grail rep... hxxp://www.ups.com/content/us/en/shipping/time/service/critical_int.html <----- Soon members are going to need this to send watches... (note the "hand carry" and "chartered flight" options...I suggest looking at the rate guide for a real hoot (and, yes, my company has used this service in the past))
  19. w.o.w. That. Was. Awesome.
  20. I think I tossed my copy when I got home from work...crap.
  21. @H above: I've heard that your makers are no longer supplying solid tinfoil NMB's... There is concern over the "foil" plating. I think these little white lies have gone on for far too long....I want a refund for either the full two (2) Euro or the US equivalent of $45.99. I also want one of your triple wrapped, 20 micron foil hats. and I want it shipped EMS with tracking along with one of your best subs. Thank you, Ted Kaczynski Edit to add: Phillip Stein from the Maxoderm Commercials? I hope it's just a coincidence...
  22. Well the chat feature isn't working (for me, at least) so I think that *may* have had something to do with it...
  23. I think keeping the Google bots off should be a very high priority...especially if we're using reverse proxy servers and offshore hosting...
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