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Posts posted by Dani

  1. That's their natural expression. Not [censored] off. Kind of like a cross between bare tolerance (oh go on then if you must pick me up and stroke me :rolleyes:) and bored resignation due to the knowledge they have better things to do.

    Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

    I woud still be a cat person if i lived outside the city where they can walk safe around, lost my first cat to a car hit it and left it in the road his name was Massimo a very special cat i cant even explain have special he was to this day more then 10years later i still miss him so much almost get tears in my eyes thinking of him..

    My next cat was from a shelter his brothers and sisters had been killed or died of damage after some one had dumped them and hit them whit a object tru the bag, he must have been hit in the head also as he was a maniac totaly crazy but still i loved that little tiger he died due to complex fracture i did use all my savings on his operation but did not help that much but to pass away i almost think as best for him and the other cats where i lived :p

    Cats rocks.

  2. :fishing:

    Caught me a whopper here eh Dani? ;)

    I won't quote your rant - but suffice to say I don't disagree, I'm not saying it's 'right' they are banned, but it is right to put them under the Act given the high-profile attacks. Of course it's knee-jerk but what do you expect when we're talking about small children being ripped to pieces? And yes it may be isolated incidents, but even one is enough to force the powers that be to act. If anything I see it as a way to weed out those types of owners who do the most harm, and then maybe lifting it at a later time.

    Back OT, I saw our neighbour out walking his little pooch in the park today...well at least it was little last time I saw it maybe last year. It's now put on a few pounds, not quite ready to take a lion down (as its heritage dictates) but a big [censored] nonetheless. If I had 'security' worries like Teejay has, then this is what I'd want. Rhodesian ridgeback. A dog and a half :o


    I argue against it but people that feel its some what right never seem to give any good arguments.

    If your look at it as correct then get more on the banning list at least 40 other breeds can and will some day in the near future rip apart a kid some where in the world.

    Its a stupid way to think as you can't predict the future and you cant always make everything safe, if a Rottweiler or amstaff kills a child its a freak incident and the owners shoud be punished also rules to ownership shoud be that owners will have to be stand for all what their dogs to so if their dogs kills a child they shoud stand trial for the murder..Then and only then we will see a big drop in thugs getting dogs..


  3. dani isnt that video in your original post shows an owner who is creating an aggressive dog??

    does it look to be aggressive towards anyone beside the tire? does it look mean and aggressive? NO its playing its fun..

    its activation of the dog keeping its mental state on top..

    A dog just as a human can act out when it has nothing to do and never gets activation and play time.

  4. Must say I'm surprised (or am I?) at all the typical examples given here. Rottweilers, Dobermanns, Pit-Bulls, Staffordshire Bulls. All governed under the Dangerous Dogs Act in the UK. And rightly so.

    I know Dani can rant for Norway on the subject, but Alan touched on an important point. It's down to the owners how a dog behaves, there is a responsibility there, one that has been abused and ignored by a certain class of owners, hence the legal clampdown. I have no doubt that there are proper owners and breeders of these type of dogs out there, but you've had it ruined for you by those types who see these dogs as a 'weapon' something to carry around to threaten others and compensate for their lack of penis size. Media not helped but what do you expect? You never read "3-year old girl savaged to death by golden retriever" over your Sunday breakfast do you?

    You now what they say about ignorant people? ;)

    So what you are saying is if some owners are bad and some types of owners is attracted to a certain breed we shoud punish the breed not the bad owners? great way to deal whit things :rolleyes: Like whit bad parents and man their is alot of them in the UK lets ban children its no human right to have kids lets save a few from being abused,raped by their parents so we just ban having kids in some city's or maybe go so far to ban certain people having kids.....Yeah i agree its a little far of but same crappy idea..

    Its like the UK laws are any good :animal_rooster: kids kill other kids whit knifes yeah lets ban the knifes they never use to comit the crime like butterfly knives,spring knifes and such.... like the kids cant get a kitchen knife that is just as deadly from the family kitchen..Like the kids killing kids got any better after they banned butterfly knifes and switchblades :rolleyes:

    To bad this UK laws actuality gets placed in Norway also in a direct way <_< Stupidity follows stupidity..

    Golden retriever is one of the top family dog their is no question their so now i ahve not heard of it as i can recall now.

    You see not all whant a dog that can be stomped on and not do [censored], i now that if i get attacked my dog will do its best and fight until death to save me at the same time its the most social dog i have meet in my life..My family have owned all from golden,rottis,bulldogs,german sheperds my dog beats them all in social behavior against humans..Not only my dog but almost all pits,staffis,amstaffs i meet is so good dogs much better overall impression that any other breed i meet when out.

    I have never understood why thugs and such people want a pitbull they are the worst guard dogs ever produced, at least 4 kennels i now about in the states use other breeds to guard their pitbull kennel..Truth is pitbulls are breed to be kind against humans, Rottis,Doberman is breed to be aggressive towards humans so what is best!? a dog breed to fight other dogs or a dog breed to be aggressive towards humans you chose i have already done mine ;)

    A 2008 study of 6,000 dog owners who were interviewed indicated that smaller breed dogs were more likely to be

  5. My nomination is off course The American Pitbull Terrier and The American Staffordshire Terrier

    In this youtube video you can see a prime example of this breed, his dog is so beautiful and well build i em amazed that its a female dog is even more impressive.

    No breed is in my opinion close to it, yeah sure some are better companion dogs,some are better whit other dogs,some are better whit agility list goes on but think of when i say best breed the complete packed not only one thing when you tell us about a breed.

    Pitbulls has



    Easy maintenance whit fur and such

    Good whit people of all ages /many from the US and other places don't now but until the 80's pitbulls was the number one family dog in the US.

    Not a disease infested dog like example the German Shepard,pitbulls and amstaffs have a great health and gens.

    Not noise

    Good size

    Strong mind and body


    The downside

    -Can be aggressive towards other dogs

    -Their reputation as a bad dog

    -a large % of owners are not fit to own the breed / will get back to that on many stages in the write up.


    Some dogs like miniature dogs are cute but lets face it many are some aggressive beasts, i have almost had my fingers bitten of more then ones to those cute little gremlins.

    One of the biggest test to date on aggressive behavior show chihuahua to be on the top spot, pitbulls down at 6 no surprise for me that they are at 6place due to all the getto owners,gangster wannabes and what not even big time footballers cant get their getto mind set away.

    I have own 2 German Shepards before and 2 cats.

    Now i own a Amstaff he is 6yrs old i have also travel all over to visit kennels,famous breeders and such but in 2004 my dream of one day becoming a famous breeder was put to death in my country when they banned my breed my skills at that time where already high i could easy pick the 2-3 best dogs in a litter of pups and proven my good eye at least 10-12times..

    I do understand why it was banned it has nothing to whit the dogs, it was lack of understanding,misleading media,bad owners in some gettos(Pakistani gangsters and such) in our capital, bad breeders(selling to the peps whit the cash not demanding good owners), no control on breeding,and no owner club that could work together to promote the breed in a positive way,also the fighting and bickering between owners was final nail in the coffin that doomed our breed in Norway..

    In 1991 due to UK laws already in place on pitbulls Norway followed their example and banned pitbull,dog argentino,tosa inu and fila brasilio last 3 breeds have never been registered in Norway not one single dog still they where banned :rolleyes: That alone tells have shitty the law was and still is..

    In the end i see only one solution to all this breed bans.


    This days to be stupid pays of so my hopes is not high to see what i ask for above :p

    Now its time for handball final against Russia. :1a:



  6. @ Dani

    But the pic you show is a normal sec@9 on the 30-minutes counter.....they just shoot the pic with running chrono!

    I like the "standard" Shaq without the bling-bling.....but it is sooo far away from the real one, 2mm too small in diameter, rehaut has the wrong angle, numbers are white not grey (as should), movement wrong (standard 7750 low beat) and the worst part of it and the reason that made me say NO...the datewindow is soooo ugly....too small, wrong place, lense on the dial but no cutting out for the 2 layers of dial (well, there is only 1 layer :D ), the font of the date is completely wrong and extremely ugly.

    I would buy it anyway IF the pricetag will be below 250....but for nearly 400 bucks I rather through my money out of da window :clown:


    I now all the flaws on this no need to tell me.

    Its advertised as a sec at 12 from a good off board dealer he also has the sec at 9 tht has been on the marked for some weeks.

    will see in a short time when it comes to the cartel if its indeed a sec at 12 or a sec at 9-..

  7. The USA is a "Free Country" in name only. A nation of prejudice selfish warmongers. If I could afford to I would leave. Germany is my fathers birthplace, so I would go there.

    hahaha, yeah enjoy Germany its not what is just to be now its one of many European country's delving in immigrants from war torn countries.

    What is sad about this country is people who live here and complain about it. Nowhere and noone is perfect, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Be thankful you are an American. You could be somolian....... :p

    I agree be happy for what you have, atleast your not from any of the Neanderthal countries wher sub humans live

    I do love a good protest its the only way to speak up against injustice in many cases.

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