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Everything posted by V

  1. V

    My Finished 3b :)

    I have a problem though .. The rep screws seem to be smaller than the genuine ones and when they are screwed to their end they stick out of the case (in their end part) I guess i have to buy as well genuine screws. For now I had two semi-stripped ones that were screwing till the middle and they look perfect
  2. Unfortunately he sold out of all his stock last month
  3. Well it is finally finished the way I wanted it.. I was working today all morning for this beauty OEM Tritium Dial and OEM tritium hands JimymFu case 1:1 to the OEM JimmyFu crown guard 1:1 to the OEM NON-AR saphire glass Homer's crown 100% accurate caseback (including serials) Now when i will get a palp crown it will be my destro time to be hmm hmm extremely accurate?
  4. Jimmy FU is a seller on ebay who owns a genuine Pam and did a 1:1 copy of the watch.. A TRUE 1:1 copy of the watch
  5. Well today I have finished my 003 project.. In this topic I will show you the differences between rep Panerai Luminor cases and JimmyFu/gen cases. Most important difference is that on the reps there is a cutout on the lugs side of the case which is not on jimmys cases Rep case: Jimmy case: Second big difference are the lugs... In Jimmys have the correct shape for earlier series Pams (A,B,C etc) while in the reps have the newer series and 201/a shape. less length but more width: At the end the tube on Jimmys at the case side is bigger than the one on the reps which means normal rep crowns will not fit unless you trasfer the tube. Homers crown fitted both Jimmys case perfect. I hope this will be the case with Palpatines crown. Finally a comparison between Jimmy's glass and replicas.. Jimmys glass is definately mineral and weights 8gr while reps is saphire and weights 12gr. They have though the same size and they ARE interchangable (i heard somewhere in the past that they were not interchangable). Jimmys looks just a bit thicker and just a tad smaller...
  6. Well Admin I doubt there will be a better admin than you.. A true voice of wisdom
  7. And I would fully understand and support your position namor while posting it in the DEALERS REVIEW Joshua's section.. where is the appropriate place to be I don't say Joshua is an angel or that he is doing everything right.. But bashing him and Andrew personally in General Discussion is not the way to go in my opinion. Some will agree others not..
  8. Andrew and Joshua have been beaten up the last two weeks.. You want to beat them to death? The admin team can do that by banning them... In the meanwhile we can find other dealers behaviours we don't like to beat up as well.. Let's start with Prescious Time 'so called' solid gold submariner reps ended up being well quelle surprise... triple wrapped... This wasn't a scam? Oh I forgot.. this was a honest mistake.. he didn't knew.. because his supplier told him they were solid gold
  9. We both know you don't have an agenda.. but you have to understand that it won't come something positive when there is a personal attack to two specific dealers.
  10. It should be.. If not the unhappy customers should post their experience on the dealers review section where they should be. But then again all the dealers have unfinished buisness with unhappy customers don't they? Edit to add: In this forum we say that we are not in favour of any dealer.. But with this discussion we are almost doing the opposite. I admit that the admin team is quite neutral in this situation and watching carefully (good for you). Sometime soon though it will be time to act and stop letting this thread continue to exist in a vague content. Whatever it had to be said it has been said.. From now on (and that's why i seem to support the dealers but i am not) there won't be any positive from this (which i think was pugs intention in the first place - and not an agenda although it may seems like this.
  11. No it was not.. I was expecting a more apologetic one to be honest.. Having said that I think that now they replied and changed their descriptions and take care of all the unhappy customers there is no reason for more bad-mouthing them..allowing every noob to come in this and the other topic and saying an ETA is an ETA and it is not an Asian... Our hobby it is much more than that to be honest..
  12. I don't understand what else you want from them to do? I start thinking that after all you 'may' have an agenda behind your initial post which i thought was very good of you posting it. They replied now and they have changed their description.. Now the only thing that is left is what? Their promess that they won't do it again? Do you think we should spank them in the hand like the old time teachers? Or maybe ban them from the forum? In the 'Little white lies' topic all you people wanted to do was from them to reply.. It was a right request. Now they replied.. You are not happy with the reply? Fair enough.. We have to move on though.. we cannot treat them as scammers ... next time buyer ask every details like you were buying from photobucket.. and if you don't get what you expected ask for refund. I think trying to present Joshua and Andrew as scams is not fair.. I haven't seen you for example bashing PresciousTime for promessing SOLID GOLD subs and at the end delivering triple wraped
  13. I agree but the 'Liitle white lies' one from a general discussion thread became a personal attack to Josh and Andrew.. and basically people are judging them without even having bought from them in the past. Is what TTK said once: - Have you bought from me and you can judge me? If not then shut up (not his words but something like that in his flamboyant way of saying things) I agree for Finepics and Namor and others who were misleaded from the B&R description to write their opinion in the Delear review section for everyone who is interested to see... I think that after some point when this post became personal, it should have been moved to the Dealer Review than having it in the general discussion with everyone with an opinion coming inside and judge them. I haven't bought from Andrew so I cannot speak about him. But I will defend Joshua because at least in my eyes he has been a great dealer to my eyes. And this comes from a person who does not intend to buy any more reps in the future to lick his ass.
  14. No my friend.. here we are judging Josh and Andrew.. don't mention other dealers.. Because if we start mentioning other dealers we will find many many disturbing things that a group of us may not like ... for ALL of them.
  15. Well, I have to say that one person's good dealer may be another person's bad dealer... depending of what you are asking of your dealer but I forgot.. the last month in RWG we are pretend to be the holy inquisition judging Joshua and Andrew.. I say hung them to give an example to others
  16. Plus I want to see JUST ONE mail from the 'experienced' members who asked very normally Joshua (as i would do if i was interested for the B&R) : 'Hey Josh, how come you can supply a watch with a genuine ETA 2893 for 300$ ??? '
  17. Agree... but the descriptions in the reps are a new phenomenon and are mainly for advertising the merchandise. I thought that you can only be sure about the exact details in the communication with the dealer. That's why I said that if josh and trusty have replied to an enquiring email that the watch has ETA SWISS 2892 they must get him this movement or give a refund. + kruzers reply above...
  18. Well to be honest as much as i respect the admin team unfortunately I don't believe anything unless I see it with my own eyes...
  19. And now the opposite question.. how you put the hands back?
  20. Well I have to see the mails with the exact misrepresented words to believe it
  21. Well I expect from at least one [censored] off buyer that got this watch from them and asked details about it and they mislead him, to present it here...
  22. I want to see a reply mail from Josh or Trusty to a buyer who asked for the B&R telling him that the watch has ETA SWISS 2892 movement inside... and I will never buy from them again.
  23. Consider the hunt for the best replica like the seach for the best loan... They stick a nice 2,1% fixed APR with 25points font and underneath they have a nice small star with 8 points font With *TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. If you go to the bank and expect and to have the 2,1 % in every year and in every case you are gullible. Then again you have to search well to see the conditions and find out that... OOOOPS.. 2,1% is only for the first year.. the other 35 years of the loan you will have to pay 9,4% or whatever.. The bank has the 2,1% to attract you but you don't take the loan without asking do you? And I don't think you call the bank a liar... or misleading advertisment I am asking though EXACTLLY what Chronus said which for me is the best reply to the topic...: WHY BUY SOMETHING WITHOUT ASKING AND COMFIRMING FIRST ALL THE DETAILS? And having in mind that Josh and Andrew are not www.replicascammers.com to lie to you, you will know exactlly what you will get. A friend of mine once said to me that in every transaction involved money, he didn't trusted even his own mother and asked every little detail whatever the case
  24. Very nice my friend It is a very beautiful dial this one
  25. V

    London Gtg

    I haven't been to London by car before so whatever is the best.. I will be there from 3-4pm till 10-11pm (i am not staying overnight)... Yes from M1 and then A1 .
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