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Posts posted by rek001

  1. Slow day at the office, I looked up some of your past posts.

    You come across as someone who is demanding, impatient and feels he is entitled to the best, someone who just sucks in and doesn't give back anything in return.

    And the description of you and what you are is pathetic, what an empty, shallow life lead.

  2. Bruddah Iz...amazing man, both in talent in what he tried to do for his people.

    A partial playlist of songs my teacher (hawaiian born but now living in US) has taught us (there's 5 of us):

    Island Style

    Ka Na'i Aupuni

    Queen's Lullaby/He 'Ala Nei E Mapu Mai Nei


    Kaimana Hila/Kapiolani Paka


    Henehene Kou Aka

    Green Rose Hula


    and about another 150 songs. We've had to memorize hawaiian lyrics to about 20 songs, the basis for our kanikapila set.

    Also she made us learn the ancient chants, oli, ask the ancestors for permission to perform the music.

    Anyway I've been learning from her for 5 years, demanding teacher, old school hawaiian, "you must follow the path, learn by watching and listening" but she is phenomenal musician. It has enriched my life so much...hard to express.

    She's also a kumu hula, we play for the dancers during performances, she insists on live music.

    Thanks so much for your offer, if you find the CD I'd be most honored to receive it from you.

    I'll PM you my deets.

  3. Wow, chewing on beans, is that how you get your fiber for the day?

    I buy a pound of Viennese roast (lightest of the dark roasts) from a ma & pa coffee & tea shop up the street from me once a week, as soon as they see me walking toward the store they get the beans and start grinding, I'm too rushed in the morning to fresh grind. hey told me I wouldn't like hawaiian coffee, way different taste than what I drink.

    I use a Krups drip maker, the coffe is sooo smooth, rich and strong.

    BTW, gorgeous pix, mai ka i! (What my uke teacher sez when we play good).

  4. It's strange, what, over 4,000 posts in less than a year and then "poof".

    I mean she held her ground when she was criticized for introducing irrelevant topics, accused of turning the forum into her blog, she didn't disappear then.

    My friend has a theory that the Victoria persona is actually someone who isn't her and had some "funning" at our expense, I understand that's a pastime on the internet.

    Incrediably detailed and elaborate persona though, weird.

  5. Tantric quilting...the mind just reels.

    That was fun doc, thanks!

    As for CTR surgery, I had it a weeks ago last Friday, endoscopically, under local block, done by one of the top micro hand surgeons in Chicago (had to wait 5 weeks for an appointment).

    I had an EMG done, and it came back abnormal, I also have an entrapped ulnar nerve in my right elbow, sigh. I'll probably need surgery to release that too.

    Apparently if I didn't address the situation I eventually could lose mobility of my right thumb.

    Anyway, I was back at work immediately, had some swelling and tenderness, but very minor all things considered. I woke up the other night with mild tingling and numbness in the operated hand, but nowhere as bad as before.

    Getting stitches removed Friday, then 1 month of physical therapy.

    Thanks for the advice doc, I'll try the vitamin B6.

  6. OK, my surgeon said that taking care of my right hand may possibly benefit my left hand, the nerves criss-cross each other in the neck and spine, so I'm hoping I won't need surgery for the left hand too.

    What got me into trouble was 20 years of using a computer mouse daily for hours, lifting too many weights at the gym incorrectly and carrying a heavy briefcase, too much strain on the hands, wrists and elbows. And ignoring numbness and discomfort for about 6 years before I went to see the hand surgeon.

    But I'm correcting these things, I'm looking into a graphics tablet with pen as an input device, going to get a personal trainer and I'm now using a nice messenger bag.

    So you are probably right, wearing heavy watches isn't part of the problem.

  7. I know this is a downer subject but, I just came back from physical therapy, I had carpal tunnel release surgery on my right hand a week ago.

    My hand was going totally numb and I'd wake up at night with the sensation as if it was on fire, really scared me.

    So the right hand is healing nicely, and I'm experiencing a bit of numbness, but not as much as before surgery. All good.

    As part of the PT evaluation, the therapist checked my left hand sensitivity to touch as a sort of baseline to compare to the right.

    She used these pens with different fishline thicknesses, from very thin to stubby, supposedly it tells you how fine your sense of touch is.

    Surprisingly, my left hand was 1 level below normal, and I do experience some numbness in the left, nowhere as bad as the right though.

    I wear my watches on my left hand.

    I just acquired a stunningly beautiful blue dial BCE, but my God, that watch is heavy.

    Now I'm beginning to worry a bit that wearing all these heavy watches may be slowly damaging the nerves that run through my left wrist.

    I'm completely used to wearing heavy watches, I don't even notice it on my wrist. I wear them low and fairly tight, so the wach doesn't slide down and cut into the top of my hand.

    I'm thinking, well, maybe I'll limit the amount of time I wear a heavy watch, then "slip into something more comfortable" which means I'll have to carry an extra watch to work, which sounds silly.

    Anyone else have similar situation?

    Please tell me it's all going to be OK, I love my big heavy watches.

  8. 93% humidity and upper 80s in Chicago today, it went from the 50's to August all of a sudden, yuck, feel like you are walking through a sauna.

    One good thing, short sleeve weather, you can show off your beautiful watch.

  9. I went in for carpal tunnel release surgery yesterday, was awake during the procedure and talked to the surgeon about...watches!

    He has a collection of 8, some vintage Omegas, a Sinn, and of course, a Pam.

    Anyway, I told him about the chinese tourby, he was amazed, and in my happiness that the procedure was over I promised him I'd get one and show it to him when I see him again, in about 2 1/2 weeks.

    So now I have to get one, I guess.

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