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Hi RWG -

I have an Omega 2220.80 with an ETA movement (It's from Eurotimez and he at least claims that it is a ETA) and I have a problem. It arrived yesterday, and I set the date and time. I set the time first (2:00 pm) and then the date just to be sure I would have any trouble with setting the date to close to midnight (I verified 12:00 am by rolling through a 24 hour period and watched the date change). Everything seemed ok, I woke up this morning to notice that the date hadn't changed. So I began to roll through the 24 hours just to make sure I wasn't off on the time change, and it rolled all the way through with no date change. So I manually changed the date ahead a couple of days, and rolled through the time again, and this time the mechanism got tight at around 7:00, so I backed up the time and rolled forward again, it got tight again, and then the hour hand jumped backward to six. Now the hour hand is frozen at 6:00 and the minute hand adjusts freely. The movement is still ticking...I sent an email to Eurotimez to see what he wants to do, but I thought I'd check here to see if it's just a simple fix or not...



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