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You really trade in a sports car every 8 months?

If it's a classic (ie: not new) that is one way of not loseing too much on the deal,. Buy smart and the net loss on a classic in that time should be zero.

Our friend appears to trade in his new cars that often however. Not that rare an occurence, lots of my clients do. I have several that trade in million dollar boats every year or so, even less if they decide they don't like it.

Money is relitive mate.



I know is very stupid, can't help my self......8 months seems to be the earliest that can get away with it in the wifes eyes

6 years ago i dumped a Lambo Diablo with 682 miles on it and lost 80 grand


So you can't help yourself and you have to hide it from your wife...


yes, tell you i would never get married again, very happy and all, but typical that when dating no problem spending MY money, when mariied, "you are not spending OUR money on that!!!"

you give up too much control

and then with kids they have enough now for 5 college educations, yet she adds every month


Theres a pretty good thread about family and friends being supportive or unsupportive I had a while ago.

I'm not rich. I'm not poor, i'm truly just a middle class guy. The hobby is not enjoyed by anyone I know. The most activity I have is here on RWG. I'm not buying watches, not discussing them with friends in person because none of them are into it, Im tinkering with low end tools, 2813's, etc. I get little things here and there to improve what I got, try to learn more watchsmithing skills. Simply being on RWG is the best part of this hobby for me right now. It always has been. I'm around here all the time and I haven't even purchased anything watch related over $100 in about a year.

It's my birthday Oct2 and I really wanted my first chrono (a skyland). But its just not worth the guilt. People want to wrap something and give it to me, not order a fake watch. It's rude of me to buy myself a birthday present.

Something about the damn watches themselves blip the radar and chap significant others asses. God forbid one arrives DOA and they find out. "why do you spend so much money on those POS?" :shock:


The addiction ends rather quickly when you realize that 99% of reps are flawed pieces of trash that break whenever you try to set the time.

You've evidently had worse luck than I have. I'd say about 3% of the reps I bought were flawed pieces of trash. Even so, it still hurts to [censored] money away on trash.


Yep... It's an addiction to be sure. However, it's a fun one, and as my wife tells me- There's worse things I could be doing with the money.


Wise wife :D


I'm pretty lucky as there are a few people I know who know about my reps, and they fully appreciate them, as they are interested in watches themselves. One of them collects vintage military watches and is definitely fascinated by them. I'm like Lani though, for the most part I just keep it to myself. Nobody notices watches in general, so it's easy to keep things quiet.

RWG is the perfect outlet for this with the passion, the knowledge and the great folks who share a common interest. The diversity of backgrounds and personalities all revolving around the interest is icing on the cake.

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