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Quick & Dirty with the new Xmas toy


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Long stroy short until I came here and started seeing some of the photos here I thought my point and shoot kodak circa 2004 was good enough, which for family photos it was. Then I tried to use it to photo some of my watches and met with disasterous results so I decided it was time for a new camera. Since shooting watches would only be about 1% of the cameras use and my wife would be using it to photo my son and family type things I did not want to go to a SLR type setup, I had to stay point and shoot. I went to the camera store and started playing with all the cameras and recieved more than a few strange looks when the sales people saw me point the camera at my watch and snap a pic. So I was down to two cameras, the G11 and a Sony DSC-H20. For the difference in price ~$200, I could not see the advantage of getting the G11 so for Christmas I got the Sony.

Here is a quick point and shoot shot. The camera was on auto settings, flash off and me holding the camera for the shot. You can see two distinct light reflections in the crystal. I took the shot in my kitchen and I have some of thoes 2" round 75w halogen lights mounted in the ceiling which were shinning down directly on the watch. Gotta love the gen Omega crystal. It has a manual mode which I can set the ISO from 80 to 800, whit balance, flash intensity, ect. I think based on the below that with a little trial and error and some work on my part that it will be a fine camera to shoot watches with. So what do you guys think?


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Im in the same sort of boat actually myself. However in my case the gf bought me a camera for xmas - Canon Ixus 95IS - honestly .. its brilliant.

The macro setting is pretty awesome - i can hold the lens less than 1 cm from the object and still get crystal clear details - which is partly what we want for taking pictures of our money pits ;)

Good work !

ps. nice PO :D

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You've just found a new hobby that has grown out of your watch hobby :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Repetitions, Repetitions, Repetitions, Repetitions and more Repetitions :lol:

My fave line form Inglorious Basterds ~

Lt. Aldo Raine: You know how you get to Carnegie Hall, doncha? Practice.


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Thanks for the input. I have not had too much time to fool with it but I did order one of those colapsable light boxes and a small flexable tri pod so I guess we will see how it goes as I get time to fool with it.

Here is my favorite lani

Lt. Aldo Raine: You didn't say the goddamn rendezvous was in a fu@kin' basement.

Lt. Archie Hicox: I didn't know.

Lt. Aldo Raine: You said it was in a tavern.

Lt. Archie Hicox: It is a tavern.

Lt. Aldo Raine: Yeah, in a basement. You know, fightin' in a basement offers a lot of difficulties. Number one being, you're fightin' in a basement!

Lt. Aldo Raine: Well, you don't got to be Stonewall Jackson to know you don't want to fight in a basement.

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