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Is there something on the site for newbs to the hobby??

I've been picking up alot as I go along but theres still much i'm unclear about.

Would think it might be a good sticky for members :)

Could have:

Different movements

Terms like "fiddy" "swan neck" "sterile" etc

List of popular watch models?

I dunno just was thinking, also I think details about some of the term such as how a swan neck works, where to get sterile parts etc etc might be good. I would actually make the stick myself but im still fairly new myself and am not confident in accurate answers. Maybe one of the well seasoned vets could say a few words?? Might inspire some more avid collections and even just the education alone might help lessen the amount of rip-offs happen with reps, lol I know quite the oxymoron.

Anyhow, just my $.02

Cheers all,


P.S. If there is already a thread addressing this sort of stuff, please ignore my rambling :p


It's been discussed...there was one and are a few floating around in threads. There used to be one in the Wiki but it was not utilized very much and disappeared with the forum upgrade. I'm going to try and put together another one...stay tuned!!


I thought there was a gloassray type post...maybe that was on another forum. Yeah, seems like maybe there was something like that, with terms and even pronuciations for some of the brands and stuff. Its been a while since I looked for it, but I swear I have seen it somewhere...like I said, maybe another forum. Don't know.


Yeah I remember one of the other rep forums having one but it was pretty weak. It sparked my interest because I was speaking to a member a bout purchasing a "fiddy" which im still not sure exactly entails that badge. Looks to me like any non domed pam with the tm/reg CG? Honestly I have no idea. Anyways there were some strange details I asked him about like its sterile caseback and the swanneck that was all the way to the left. He replied telling me the watch was not running when he took the pic. Im not sure if the swanneck is supposed to change other then when it is running fast or slow for whatever reason, I have the same 6497 movt in my radiomir so im going to wait for it to unwind and see where the neck ends up. I will probably end up picking some fellow members brain for this info but I though it could be pertinent for more members then just myself.




Justin, a Fiddy is always extremely "domed". Taken from Toad's links above and originally written by old time member "Victoria":

"Fiddy -- Panerai 127 which has "1950" displayed on the dial. Derived from a street-slang corruption of "Fifty""

See here:

Davidsen's Fiddy


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