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Lost/missing pearl on sosf (pics)

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Hi all,

i have lost the pearl on the bezel of my sosf. For some reason, it just fell off without me knowing. The bezel is intact, but the pearl is missing.

Now it could be the time to improve that pearl which was a bit weak imo.

Anyone knows who could repair that? (idealy in canada, and could anyone please pm me the contact info?).

Josh didnt reply to me to see if they have these pieces in stock. Is the pearl a separate piece or what?

Finally, anybody know if i could just switch (easily) the complete bezel with a gen one, and where can i get this gen?

Here are some photos...





Unfortunately a gen bezel is not an option. Breitling bezels use the outer screws to attach, while the reps are press fitted on to the case. Your only options are to fabricate your own pearl, or order a new case.


Unfortunately a gen bezel is not an option. Breitling bezels use the outer screws to attach, while the reps are press fitted on to the case. Your only options are to fabricate your own pearl, or order a new case.

Fabricating a new pearl is not exactly an easy task. anybody in Canada could help?


Maybe buy some off white enamel paint (+ others to mix), and then apply a tough clearcote varnish afterwards when the paint is 100% dry? It won't glow, but it should look OK if done right. Just remember to build up thin layers over a period of time, coat after coat. Rather than splodge it all on in one go, patience is key :)


You should be able to make your own peral. Get some glow in the dark paint or powder that you can mix with some clear pingernail polish. Then coat the inside of the pearl socket with some white paint, then when dry, apply a few coats of the glow-in-the-dark paint.

The original pearl has a thin clear acrylic cover, which you could try to replicate. Look for a small clear fiberoptic type rod and cut a very small sliver and glue it in.

Alternately, you could skip the acrylic cover, and use some epoxy to fill the pearl cavity (over the glow material), which would give it depth and protect it at the same time.

Another possible solution is to go to a toy store or some place where they sell various gadgets made of glow-in-the-dark plastic (stick-on stars, haloween stuff, etc.), and carefully cut a tiny piece of that, that will fit the pearl cavity.

Give it a try, you'll have fun.

I had the same problem with the pearl on my 1665. Using the epoxy technique I fixed it and it came out OK, and it glows like a becon. Mine looks like a bubble because I wanted to have that bubbled shape, but you can also make sure it's flat while the epoxy is still liquid.




I juts found out that The Zigmeister will make me a pearl support on his lathe + relume the whole thing and it should be very easy.

thank you all for your advices!

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