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Wireless Surveillance


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Hi guys,

Any of you know of a good sollution to this problem.

I live in a building with 6 floors and we are planning on installing surveillance cameraes because of a lot of problems. But getting someone to put up a cabled sollution costs over $10 000.

I was thinking that perhaps a wireless system might be just as good. In adittion to the 6 floors we will also be monitoring the entrance. The only problem would be to get good signal strength all the way up to the 6th floor. Can this be done with repeaters? Can one use several repeaters all the way up to the 6th floor?

Greatful for any advice. Thanks. :)

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Have you checked out spyshop.no, Insane? They have everything you need, and if you give them a call they will give you advice or build the complete system for you. I don't know about price though, and for all I know they could be the guys you have been talking to ;)


Something like this might work?

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Most wireless systems work in the 2.4ghz range and will give a range of 100m plus in line of sight of the transmitter and reciever. The only problem with wireless is that for a couple of hundred quid you can buy a scanner/reciever from any tandy /radio shack so that a possible agressor can see exactly what you can and find your blind spots, also any other 2.4ghz equipment such as TV/video senders could cause interfrerance. They can also be jammed quite easily so if you are having problems with any one who understands this tech they can remove your eyes with out problem. If you can recognize the jamming it is for you a good combat indicator and be used as a trigger for a reaction. need to know more PM me.

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Or you can forget the whole surveillence thing and get one of these: Quantum Sleeper

Its a good idea, but it won't help me and the other innocent tennants here who have to pay for damages done by a few troublemakers in the building.

Re. the wireless system, we are just talking about monitoring a few hallways, so if people can disturb the signal in any way, it won't happen here. It seems the price for a cabled system is at arond $10k and a wireless $4. The only problem is finding a system good enough. I testet Dlink wireless cameraes yesterday, and the software for surveillance is just crap. The picture quality was ok.

Anyone with tips on wireless will be very helpful.

Thanks :)

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