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Mesh Bracelet for Breitling SOH V2 Question

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Hey All,

Today i received a Breitling SOH V2 Chrono from Angus... what a BEAUTIFUL piece it is!

I also ordered from him the following mesh bracelet: http://www.yourtrustytime.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_123&products_id=5932

In my ignorance i didn't think to ask him if the bracelet could be re-sized. I have since found out from him that it cannot.

In your opinion (or have you heard of) a watch-smith being able to re-size these bracelets?

My theory was maybe they could cut some of the mesh bracelet off, and then weld back the piece that allows the bracelet to attach to the watch case.

If you have heard of anyone successfully modding this bracelet, i would be very interested to hear so. Or hear your opinions.

Thanks, and looking forward to any opinions and thoughts. :)



I asked my watchsmith and two jewelers, all of which i have good relationships with, to perform the mod your talking about. None of them would touch it because it's stainless.

Fyi, my wrist is 7.5 and it's unwearable with SOH. And I like my bracelets a little loose.



Sorry to hear you've ordered something that might be too big :(

One dealer is looking to source adjustable rep bracelets but it is an ongoing process as he needs to get to GZ to check things out, as I understand it.

You could try a SeikoPrince mesh off ebay for about


@ Mastermind - Thank you very much for asking your people! It is a shame that it can't be done. :(

@ Cougaree - I know! It is weird isn't it? You would think that the dealers wouldn't offer an un-adjustable bracelet, especially seeing as this one wouldn't even fit Lebron's wrist. :/

@ Member X - Thank you!! I have contacted SeikoPrince about getting a mesh bracelet from him ASAP.

Thanks everyone for the responses and help. Much appreciated! :D



No probs, it actually can be microadjusted by about 8mms, but my above sizing measure^ was at the smallest adjuestment. It was about 1.5cm still too long.

I.d guess you would need about a 8.5 wrist to wear this snug with the soh.

The seiko prince is is the one i use on SOH, it's not ideal, but for the price its surpisingly good.


Rep mesh bracelet can't be sized... that's surprising. On the gen mesh bracelet, you can size it.

Have you seen how the Gen meshes are sizable? You have removable mesh links. That is exactly why there is not a rep out of it yet. The manufacturing that it takes to do this is very involved.


I bought this one for Ploprof: http://cgi.ebay.com/24mm-Stainless-Steel-Watch-Band-mesh-bracelet-buckle-/150467889465?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item230895c939

(someone elses link, i paid too much from paneraiboutique).

Before fitting to ploprof I checked it roughly with my SOH clasp. No garantees, but it looks like it will fit.

Of course with the Plop clasp though, all the 'links' are hidden, so it looks good, this wouldn't be the case with the SOH.

Just fyi ;)

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