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hey guys , today all over the world, the biggest thing for all muslims has startet :)

Ramadan so i just wantet to wish to all muslims all over on RWG the power and discipline to celebrate this important days in live for every muslim :)



I ain't got no muslim brothers! :gun2: I have lost three associates to the muslim brotherhood. So you can stick ramadan where the sun doesn't shine!

This is no place for politics or religion !!


I ain't got no muslim brothers! :gun2:

This is no place for politics or religion !!

what are you going to tell me here?

so its also not allowd to wish you a very nice christmas? or a nice 4th of july, you dont do anything like this here right? is this also to political or to much religion?

its just a nice gesture, so if you dont like it, ok cool, no problem, but dont bother me please ok.

why i was knowing something like this would happen.... :whistling:

ok then, a update if you dont like it just dont post in it , what would have happen this friends from you would have lost there lives against other christs? the person who makes it political is YOU not me, i feel sorry for your guys, realy i do, to lost someone is always hard, and believe me i know this very well too.

all the best to you, but somehow i know you will not accept this from a muslime..



Hi Deniz, wish you all the best! Must be also good for some weight loss. :thumbsupsmileyanim: Don't eat too much at night before going to sleep, or you will get fat! :whistling:

And about Christmas, I think that is celebrated by many people, many religion, also people who don't have a religion. I just hope that this thread is not going toward the direction that will cross rule number 6 of RWG.

Cheers buddy!


thank you very much hooky :) yeah your right, if you eat to much at night..oh oh :p

yes i know rule no. 6 and i realy dont want to start a attak or a discussion or anything that would come even close to that about politics or religion. this is not my goal.

i just wantet to share this with you guys :) if this is a problem, ok then i accept it, its not in my hands, but then i never want a thead about christmas or anything :p

cheers :)


Happy ramadan

A point to note not all muslims are terrorists, I have lost plenty of comrads over the past 16 years of conflict in the east but tolerance is the solution, the enemy we fight in fundamentalism not any religion


Deniz did nothing wrong.

But this thread is closed because I have a feeling where it might go.

Sorry guys.

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