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chronos - Mechanical VS Quartz


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Hello everybody,

I've been looking at the replica watche market for a couple of mounth now and I must say I was going nowhere before I finally found this awesome forum with an incredible amount of good informations shared by knowledgeable and passionate people (fine people indeed).

Before that my only source of information came from replicawatchreport.com and I must say I am not too sure about the impartiality of the reviews on the site but that is another matter.

So I've been gathering a maximum of informations from the forums during the last couple of days and I have kind of a generic question but I could not seem to find the answer in my researches.

I have always been attracted to chrono watches and for my first rep I am probably looking to buy a Tag Rep, but I guess my question could apply to any chrono replica.

From what I understand you basically have two choices for chrono movements either the A7750 or the quartz japanese OS20.

The dilemma I am having, and I guess I would like to have the opinion of you experimented people, is that if I understand that the A7750 is a better mechanical reproduction of the original movements in the watches, is it really worth the "trouble" and the price (considering quartz are half the price of mechanical watches). With the servicing prior to the first use, the dont wind manually, dont change date between 7 and 3, dont reset the chrono when it is running or you'll break it and so on.

Price aside, I would really prefer to buy a machanical watch, because I really think that it is what makes them wonderfull, however I am not a watchsmith and I don't have the budget to send my watch to repare every couple of mounth. If I am going to spend $300+ on a watch I sure would like it to work properly for a couple of years at least.

Maybe I am seeing it worth than it is and I also dont have that much infos on the Japanese OS20 aside from the date change at 12 that can damage it so what would you recommend me to do.

Also is there any quality difference between the quartz and mechanical replicas (aside from the movement) in the build quality?

Thank you very much for your help.


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As you have already stated the reason why most prefer to go the 7750 route, because its a more accurate reproduction, and because of our fascination with all things mechanical. The Asian 7750 has come a long way and is far more reliable than it was 5 or 6 years ago. I have about 5 of them, and they have all been running problem free for between 2 & 6 years. Be warned that the A7750 does not come properly lubricated, and should at some point be sent for a proper service (I still have yet to do it) at a cost of about $200 I believe. Our expert watchsmith states that a serviced A7750 will be just as reliable as the genuine article.

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Thank you for your answer Andreww,

Do I understand correctly that none of your watch has ever been serviced and they are still running after 6 years.

If that is the case it is pretty reassuring. I guess I need to build up my faith in the A7750.

Did you have your watches services prior to the first use as it is recommended or not?

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I have ten reps with A7750 movement and they are all running well,only one has been serviced. I agree with Andrew In reguards to the A7750 comming along way In the last several years,It really Is a very good movement. Also remember that most high end Swiss made timepieces are autos,the quartz ticking sec hand will be a dead give away to anyone who knows watches. There are some very nice tag reps,spend some time In the "tag area" of this forum. Good luck on your first rep purchase.:) Mike

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