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Hey all!

Yes, I know.

There are many threads about the Avenger Skyland, and much more about the BCE!

But many of these topics (included the brilliant review of by-Tor) are old and maybe not actual...

For I am on the hunt for a huge, massive sports watch I ended with BCE or Avenger Skyland - and wanna ask all guys around here.

What is the best rep out of these and which trusted dealer has it?

I read a lot about lume dots on the Avenger Skyland and the different versions.

I read also a lot about the BCE and the V3 and V4.

As you can see, I know the stuff.

So the only question is - is there a well done Avenger Skyland available - and who has it?

The BCEs from the trusted dealers: are they good V3s or just crap?

Please help a poor man out of this jungle!




I'm a n00b too and after quite a bit of research I ended up with the Skyland Blacksteel V2. I bought from Tony (www.asian7750.com) as his email service has been good with the lowest price that I could find. I'm waiting for the QC pics.

  • 3 weeks later...
For I am on the hunt for a huge, massive sports watch I ended with BCE or Avenger Skyland - and wanna ask all guys around here.

What is the best rep out of these and which trusted dealer has it?

If you're looking for a huge chrono, look at the Super Avenger with the batton dial. No issue with imperfect lume dots, and the watch is beautiful.


I have reviewed both.

v2 Skyland

BCE v3

I'd say that Skyland v2 is better rep of the two, and has much better AR. I still have mine and won't sell it anytime soon.

Skyland is "hit and miss" when it comes to lume dots. Some reps have very acceptable dots, some don't. BCE v3 lume is greenish and very "chewing gum"-like. If you compare the rep BCE dial to genuine, you'll see it too.


Go for the Skyland, it's a big fat chunky watch and the rep is as near as gen as you can get. If you want the perfect one, get a V2 relumed and a gen bracelet. It might cost a bit but it will be virtually indistinguishable from the gen.


I have been looking around but can't find a dealer with the BCE v2 with just the updated font. One dealer says it's been out of stock for a year.... Anyone know who has these in stock? I am looking for a graphite dial with either leather or rubber.


Does the dealer have just v2 with wrong date font in stock? You can always update the date wheel. In fact that's what I would prefer anyway. In my experience, the v2 with correct date font is actually a different watch than v2 with Asian date font. To me, overall the v2 with Asian font has better case. It's definitely worth the upgrade. While you are at it, install a gen dial... You will be all set.


Does the dealer have just v2 with wrong date font in stock? You can always update the date wheel. In fact that's what I would prefer anyway. In my experience, the v2 with correct date font is actually a different watch than v2 with Asian date font. To me, overall the v2 with Asian font has better case. It's definitely worth the upgrade. While you are at it, install a gen dial... You will be all set.

Wow is the V3 BCE that bad? I was thinking between a BCE and a SO Abyss.... Should I reconsider the Abyss??


V3 BCE on dealer's website is what we call v4. With v4 you will see the bezel markers are more further away from the dial and the bezel has only 60 clicks. The v2 and v2 with correct dw (we call this one v3) have 120-click bezels, which is same as gen.

I've been thinking about getting an Abyss also. I was told the gen used as sample is one with blue dial ring.


One more vote for Skyland Blacksteel - amazing watch, very sporty.

I also have BCE; however, at least in my opinion, it is not a sports watch, but a dressy one. Feels most at home with a long sleeve shirt.

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