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Fiddy strap: original and ideas - pics please


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I've had a Fiddy rep for some time and have kept it on the strap I bought it with. It's a nice enough strap and I don't want to get rid of it but it would be nice to have options. So what straps suit the watch? 


Also, I was wondering what strap the original came on. Or was there a choice?


So, any info on the OEM PAM strap for the 127 or show me yours.


To kick things off here's mine.....



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When I bought the latest Fiddy from PT it had the standard yellow/tan rep strap which is ok, however, when I commissioned the attached Ostrich strap and it arived, I was and still am delighted with it, 26mm x 26,mm, 5 mm down to 4mm. Posted previously I know but you did ask!





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Is the 'standard yellow/tan rep strap' a copy (prob not a very good one) of the gen strap? 


And I have no issue at all with pics that have been previously seen. In fact it was pics of yours (from didymo?) that promted me to post although the thought has been smouldering for a while.


Personally I love the ostrich but I'm just not sure about the black - would be interested in something similar but maybe in a tobacco brown. Having said that I've got a nice Heroic18 black strap doing nothing so maybe I could give that a run out.

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Just ordered a new oem burgundy calf for my Franken fiddy

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Now this is confusing me - I've seen that strap above referred to as 'burgundy' before but it doesn't look burgundy to me. I have another strap (not for the Fiddy) that was sold to me as 'burgundy' and it's a darker brown with a reddish tint (as I would expect). I would call that one something like 'camel' or 'tan'. Having said that the naming of colours is lost on me - I once had a car in 'midnight silver' but it was blue to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

IMHO you can never beat the Cashmere or the JV.... I tried so many on mine and always went back to the Cashmere and JV as my preference....


The burgundy I never really got on with...but maybe I didnt keep it long enough.... ;)



I never really liked any of the Vintage styled straps like Gunny etc...it never seemed to work for me and always made the watch seem like it was trying to be a vintage itself rather than a modern retelling of the original... but its so subjective


There are loads of pics in the section mate with some great straps...I posted a load myself and so have so many other guys... :)

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I have tried a lot of different straps on the Fiddy and my favorite is still the basic cashmere which comes with the gen. They age beautifully without changing color like the JV and do truly look wonderfully "aged" in relatively short order. And since that is the standard strap that came with the gen it makes your watch look more gen. :) I have been thinking about trying the bordeaux strap though as a change of pace. It looks very dressy to me. T shoot a couple of pics when you get the new strap.

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