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IWC 3777-04 First Impressions

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Just got the 3777 in my hands. First impressions are as follows;

Bracelet is a [censored] to size, but might be easier once I lube it. It feels lighter and kind of cheap. The clasp rattles. Hopefully I can do something to fix all of this. Also the color of the bracelet does not match the watch head. Seems like a totally different material. Lighter and softer. [update] the clasp release button fell out!! Sheesh luckily I found this in my lap!

AR/crystal is not impressive and kind of milky or just not clear and does not make the black pop. This is a high contrast dial and I think the crystal/AR make is have less contrast.

The dial on the other hand is amazing! Is like to compare it to the gen but it looks very nice, as does the case.

First impression is I like it a lot and look forward to buying the other maker's 3777 soon (when is it due out BTW?).

Quick pics from my iPhone 5s

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Thanks for the review! Have you had 3717? If yes, how is the AR compared to it?

Looks great to me!

Yes I have the 3717, XVI and XVII. This 3777 seems to have inferior crystal or AR. I'll take some pics later to show how they compare but it's easy to see the difference in person.

As for the pin/button on the clasp, it looks like it is missing a fastener ring to hold it in place. I've requested a replacement ring and hopefully can fix it myself.


Yes I have the 3717, XVI and XVII. This 3777 seems to have inferior crystal or AR. I'll take some pics later to show how they compare but it's easy to see the difference in person.

As for the pin/button on the clasp, it looks like it is missing a fastener ring to hold it in place. I've requested a replacement ring and hopefully can fix it myself.


Damn, from the pics I thought 3777 should have a better AR than in 3717. I had 3717 and I recoated the crystal, it was not that good from the factory.


Here are a few pics, comparing the HBB 3777-04 to the 3717, using some different light sources.

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Thanks for the review: :-) 


Sad that there seems to be lack of quality control.. The review on Repgeek also mentions sloppy QC and the "cloudy" AR.. :-/


I were on the verge of ordering, but will now hold off until the other makers version hits the street. 

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